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Will Amaram recognize Kaladin?


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I can remember the face of the random kid that wanted to fight my best friend in 4th grade. I think Amaram is gonna have no problem with this one. 

more like remembering the face of the guy who shot my best friend last year.


Murder has a way of imprinting things into the mind.

I say murder, not killed, not executed.

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Well, even if Amaram does remember him do you think he will act like he does. Will he say something to Kaladin? Will he tell Dalinar and Adolin what he is a deserter?


No, I don't think so. I think Amaram will avoid confrontation as well as Kaladin.


Amaram wants everyone to think he won the Shards and he wouldn't want to risk exposure or a conflict with Dalinar. Neither will Kaladin. Kal won't think his word against Amaram's (he has no reason to think Amaram will confess) will have more weight to Dalinar, so he won't risk his position and his men by revealing something he doesn't think Dalinar will believe. And Amaram is not such a monster to want to destroy what Kaladin has yet again.


I think they might have some private confrontation or avoid each other completely at least at first.

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more like remembering the face of the guy who shot my best friend last year.


Murder has a way of imprinting things into the mind.

I say murder, not killed, not executed.

I wish there was punctuation for *understatement*


Well, even if Amaram does remember him do you think he will act like he does. Will he say something to Kaladin? Will he tell Dalinar and Adolin what he is a deserter?

Amaram has got a reputation that he clearly recognizes and values. He won't say anything. It'll be the conflict between Kaladin and Amaram that they never share with the Kholins but end up working out (violently or peaceably) at some point. Kaladin sees Amaram is friends with Dalinar, and Amaram doesn't want things getting crazy now that he is in a good place to sit on his reputation and grow his title in powerful company. 


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Amaram wants everyone to think he won the Shards and he wouldn't want to risk exposure or a conflict with Dalinar. Neither will Kaladin. Kal won't think his word against Amaram's (he has no reason to think Amaram will confess) will have more weight to Dalinar, so he won't risk his position and his men by revealing something he doesn't think Dalinar will believe. And Amaram is not such a monster to want to destroy what Kaladin has yet again.



I agree. If you recall there was also that bit about why Amaram killed Kaladin's remaining squad. Something like "Several people talking would be a problem, but one man with a slave brand would not be believed". So Amaram may actually feel safe even if he notices Kaladin. And I strongly suspect that Kaladin wont trust Dalinar with the information due to a combination of his prejudices and the fact that Dalinar is friends with Amaram.

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Therefore Amaram may act like he doesn't know Kaladin at all. If he acts like he doesn't know Kaladin, then how will we know he remembers? Maybe we will find out much later in WoR that Amaram does, but in the beginning chapters it might seem like he doesn't remember.

Edited by eveorjoy
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I think Adolin's priority of claiming that particular set of shards will jump to top priority if Amaram doesn't just hand them over.

The truth will come out and Dalinar will not be amused.

As for the man himself yes recognizing kaladin will happen though only after the meeting.


I doubt that.  Amaram is one of Dalinar's friends and a probable ally in Sadeas camp.  Why in the world would Dalinar want his shards taken from him?  Given the "non-spoilery" reviews that we saw yesterday, I doubt that it even comes out very early in the book if at all the way Amaram "won" his shards.

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Therefore Amaram may act like he doesn't know Kaladin at all. If he acts like he doesn't know Kaladin, then how will we know he remembers? Maybe we will find out much later in WoR that Amaram does, but in the beginning chapters it might seem like he doesn't remember.


If he recognizes Kaladin but pretends not to, then the narration will probably mention a startled glance or something similar that's quickly masked over by Amaram.

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"Dalinar, old friend, what's with the captain of your guard? He keeps STARING at me. It's like he recognises me from somewhere."

"Oh, Kaladin? Don't mind him. Loyal as they come and a master with that spear besides."

"Dalinar, every time he looks at me I feel my fingers glue together and strange whispering echoes in my ears..."

"You're too paranoid, old friend!"

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Will Amaram recognize Kaladin?

Do you mean before Kaladin beats him to a bloody pulp?   or After?



Just asking....   :/


Can't wait to see how BS plays this.    Don't like what I hear on the reviews that he streatches it out so long.      Hope they are wrong.

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My perfect meeting here is that Kaladin avoids Amaram for a while, and Amaram isn't sure who Kaladin is; he;s familiar, but Amaram just can't put his finger on who he is. After a meeting or something, Amaram confronts Kaladin about Kaladin glaring daggers at Amaram (and I'm sure the prospect of Kaladin glaring daggers is very unsettling to Amaram, considering how Kaladin won his shards), and demands to know who Kaladin is. Kaladin asks if he doesn't remember who he is. He talks about the shards Amaram won, and Amaram here is having a horrifying moment of revelation, when to top it all off, Dalinar (who had forgotten something at the meeting) is walking down the hallway, and hears the conversation. He listens for a bit, and grows increasingly surprised, culminating at the point where Kaladin talks about how Amaram stole his shards from him, and Dalinar just has to go around the corner. Kaladin's back is to him, and Amaram sees Dalinar, and is pretty shaken up. Kaladin notices,turns, and sees Dalinar. Dalinar, of course, is very cross with Amaram. Then, bad things happen to Amaram, and Shallan, Jasnah, Kaladin, and the Kholin family go and get ice cream, and are all happy, but the everstorm comes, but it turns out it's a really, really low key storm, and it's called the night of sorrows because Renarin spilled his ice cream. Then, everyone lives their lives unaffected, the end.

Ok, so maybe not that last part about the ice cream, but you get the point.

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. Dalinar, of course, is very cross with Amaram. Then, bad things happen to Amaram, and Shallan, Jasnah, Kaladin, and the Kholin family go and get ice cream, and are all happy, but the everstorm comes, but it turns out it's a really, really low key storm, and it's called the night of sorrows because Renarin spilled his ice cream. Then, everyone lives their lives unaffected, the end.

Ok, so maybe not that last part about the ice cream, but you get the point.


LOL. Upvote. What kind of ice cream?

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I wonder if there are brain freeze spren.

Of course there are! Axies is searching all the ice cream parlors on Roshar for them!

LOL. Upvote. What kind of ice cream?

Shallan has Strawberry (for obvious reasons), Jasnah Vanilla because she doesn't like anything else, Kaladin has Rocky Road because it reminds him of Rock's stew, Dalinar gets Cookies and Cream (For his past and present), Adolin has chocolate because it's what the girls at the next table over have, and Renarin has a scoop of everything because he wants to try them all.

Nope.. They do have ice creams in Roshar... :D



Edit: Eveorjoy beat me to it!  I'm sure it happens exactly the way you described. Did you get an early copy? :P

Of course! The best part is when Hoid goes and gets Harmony to resurrect Vin, Elend, and Kelsier, grabs them, goes and gets Vasher, Susebron, and Vivienna off of Nathilis (ignoring Sel because region-based magic), then takes them all to Roshar and they invent umbrellas and make millions of broams, living in style for the rest of their lives.

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 and gets Vasher, Susebron, and Vivienna off of Nathilis (ignoring Sel because region-based magic), then takes them all to Roshar and they invent umbrellas and make millions of broams, living in style for the rest of their lives.


Susebron would not go without Siri. (You left out my favorite Warbreaker character. How dear you!. :angry: ) Also Vasher is too much of a grump for ice cream. Also he is basically immortal so the money would run out eventually. 

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So ice cream. I should have just let this be. But I kept wondering if Roshar could have it, because milk only comes from mammals. And I searched for "cream" but got 100+ screams and couldn't find any cream in it. But then I tried "cheese", and there's one: sow's cheese.

So pig milk ice cream? I don't even ...

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I am 100% sure that he will recognize him instantly. He already felt guilty as he did the deed to Kaladin, so can you imagine countless nights dreaming of the innocent lives you took? OK, maybe not instantly, but only because he looks a few years older. Something will nag at him for a moment and then he will die inside when he realizes it is him. I am sure that he will be a very important character in the future, and will have to redeem himself to Kaladin. 

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So ice cream. I should have just let this be. But I kept wondering if Roshar could have it, because milk only comes from mammals. And I searched for "cream" but got 100+ screams and couldn't find any cream in it. But then I tried "cheese", and there's one: sow's cheese.

So pig milk ice cream? I don't even ...


Why not? Least it isn't human breast milk ice cream.

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and here you guys are talking about Ice cream, umbrellas, and breast milk. 


Sorry. Back on topic. I still wonder if he will recognize Kaladin at first. I guess we will see in two days.

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