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[OB] Part 3 Reactions


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Full book spoilers on Oathbringer open 11/14 12:01am Eastern Standard time. When this topic opens you can discuss all of Oathbringer in this board.

This topic, however, is if you just want to discuss the book up through Part Three and want to nerd out a bit about it. If so, you're in the right place.

Only stuff through the end of Part Three are allowed. This topic will not contain spoilers from the interludes following Part Three.

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What a ride. Kholinar lost to three Unmade. Elhokar dead. Aesudan occupied by Yelignar, Sja-Anat corrupting spren and the Heart of the Revel creating a debauchery cult...

But all that action aside, most emotional for me and the absolute highlight of part three was "The Girl who stood up". Wit and Shallan, just beautiful. I had tears in my eyes reading this chapter, and not only because at this point I had been reading 20 hours nonstop.

Brighness Azure: Welcome Vivenna -gotcha!.

Edited by Pattern
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Poor Elhokar... If only he'd have been stabbed two seconds later, he would have finished the First Ideal and healed himself with Stormlight... That hit hard for me.

3 minutes ago, Pattern said:

Brighness Azure: Welcome Vivenna -gotcha!.

After I realized it was Vivienna, I realized that even the name was a hint.

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Wow, I finally got something kind of right:



Another theory I had on the discord about the Parshmen is that they don't have enough spren available to transform into forms of power, it took weeks for Eshonai to get ready for the major transformation in WoR.  I think we are seeing Parshmen transform based on whats mostly available in the region.  Alethkar is famously warlike, and we hear about what Kaladin thinks are warform Parshendi.  Azir is famous for having a giant bureaucracy and we see parshendi that can negotiate, Thaylen has Parshendi capable of stealing their boats and sailing away.  

Or at least Dalinar is just as wrong as I am, in which case he is doomed.

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Once Ramza1890 comes across here (purposefully not tagging by the way), I want to apologize for giving the teaser "At some point, Kaladin explicitly hopes Elhokar will at some point say the First Ideal." You were so excited I actually felt kinda bad afterwards...

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Also, Vivenna has another Nightblood?! One that works better, it appears. She can hold it and it doesn't seem to be as destructive. 

A couple things i forgot to mention earlier- Wit. I love wit. Also, i loved the bridgemen perspectives. 

I'm going to need to do a close reread. 

My favorite Wit lines: 

"I think there's still one God worshipping me."

Oh, poor Kaladin. I bet he's going to need to kill Moash. 

Also, did I mention earlier that Odium is totally going to get his lunch stolen by Lift? 

And Dalinar. 

Oh Dalinar. 

You have such cool powers but... the Rift... no wonder you went to the Nightwatcher. RIP Evi.Also my Kaladin jasnah ship is dead. Darn. 

Oh! The part 3 epigraphs! So cool! Obviously the gems align with the order that came from. Some great insights here. Also, we were totally wrong about Nightwatcher with a Bondsmith. The Siblings? So many mysteries! Can't wait to see them get Urithiru up and running. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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So I got to read the Advanced Reading Copy to do a review, and I've been waiting for it to come out so I could finally discuss it.

After reading part 3 I set down the book with my jaw just open. I couldn't believe what I had just read. This mid-book climax/resolution was insane. I literally just wanted to tweet out 140 screaming face emojis.

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After this part i just....

Its a middle of the night, in the morning i need to go to work and here i am lying on the bed seriously thinking to finish the last 40 chapters in a 4-5 hours instead of some sleep.

Edited by Harbour
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Just finished this part. I had a list of observations, but all coherent thought has been tossed aside by those last couple of chapters. EGADS! I suspected Elhokar might die in this book, but it was so hard to read! And just as he was about to say the first ideal! That's just the worst... Moash may have just surpassed Amaram for douchbaggery. And little Gavinor gone too? 

And now they are trapped in Shadesmar. Shallan, Kaladin, Adolin, Vivenna (!!), Big Syl, Big Pattern, and Big... Shallash? Did we also lose Skar, Drehy, Vhathah, and everyone else on the team? All while Dalinar has a meltdown? Looking pretty bleak at this point...

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Holy crem... I never expected to be so attached to Elhokar. And I am so worried for Kal. 

And I called Vivenna which immediately messed up my hopes for Azure and Kal to become a thing...

And Agolin's blade is scary in Shadesmar...

I can't contain all these feels. 


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I really wanted a Stoneward in Highmarshal Azure. I really hoped her to be a Radiant. Can't say I am happy with Vivenna ..

Storm you Moash, to damnation with you. I really hope you get what you deserve from Odium, you have to feel that betrayal. Kal nearly was destroyed.. Elhokar dead and he was so close... .

damnation I didn't want Kholinar to fall... .

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Well, that was quite the emotional roller coaster!

Vivenna... I was suspicious that she was something different immediately, but didn't realize it was Vivenna until she said "White on black". Female, better (less dangerous) version of Nightblood? Sounds good! I can't wait to read Nightblood to see how that came to be.

Poor Kaladin...

Aesudan bonded Yelignar? That's... Wow. I knew she was nuts, but didn't expect that. 

I was expecting Adolin to die in these chapters, not Elhokar. I'm glad it ended up this way instead; I would have been so upset if we lost Adolin! But still, RIP. And Sah, and Khen...

So extra people in Shadesmar. Pattern, Syl. Was the other one Vivenna's sword or Adolin's? What were the two huge spren next to them? AND WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SQUIRES?!! We can't lose them...


OH! I forgot. I can't remember which part it was in, so I'll just leave it here. The Ghostbloods didn't know about Kaladin, but knew of another bonded person, and made sure they died. Tien had a spren?!!! Certainly not confirmed, but... It must be!

Edited by dendrophobe
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Wit talking to Shallan while she was fighting the Unmade was too much. Having a character randomly appear and push things in the necessary direction so often is borderline cheating even if explained.

Also, Elhokar's death was incredibly underwhelming. Despite my dislike for fake deaths, I'd rather have that than this after all but confirming he was seeing Cryptics, the painting and almost saying the first ideal. Well, stormlight is supposed to work even before that, but his Blade lingered and it would be odd that he somehow broke the bond to fake his death. Still, his arch went nowhere. It feels like wasted potential.

While there were some good moment, this has to be my least favorite part of all books so far.

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12 minutes ago, Leyrann said:

Deaths don't always happen when someone's life has reached a neat point where everything is just finished. Sometimes, people die just when they're about to do important things.

If he was to die in a very unsatisfying manner and have about 0 character growth, it could have at least happened sooner. 

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Just now, Aleksiel said:

If he was to die in a very unsatisfying manner and have about 0 character growth, it could have at least happened sooner. 

I repeat, deaths don't happen when they make nice breaking points for the plot. They may happen at the worst possible moment no matter what way you look at it.

A piece of advice: Don't read A Song of Ice and Fire.

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Just now, Leyrann said:

I repeat, deaths don't happen when they make nice breaking points for the plot. They may happen at the worst possible moment no matter what way you look at it.

A piece of advice: Don't read A Song of Ice and Fire.

I've read all books so far and most deaths there were satisfying after a fashion, causing emotional impact and so on. I'm not asking for a neat moment, I am sharing my opinion it was a poor moment in the book. 

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I just finished chapter 76 "An Animal" (via audiobook) as I walked to work.  Literally had to stop, lean on a post and shed some tears for Evi.  Not sure how I can go on with this day, leaving the book like this...

Edited by Leiyan
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I wanted to wait until the end of the part, but alas, I cannot. cognitive shadows and gentle-shards, I give you the greatest scene ever written. When I read the first line I literally whooped for joy and rested my hands on my chin and stared into the distance with a dopey smile on my face. By the end of the small sequence, I had tears in my eyes from laughter. 


This time Vizier Noura herself stepped forward and took it. “ ‘Verdict,’ ” she read from the top. “ ‘By Jasnah Kholin.’ ”

The others pushed through the guards, gathering around, and began reading it to themselves. Though this was the shortest of the essays, he heard them whispering and marveling over it.

“Look, it incorporates all seven of Aqqu’s Logical Forms!”

“That’s an allusion to the Grand Orientation. And … storms … she quotes Prime Kasimarlix in three successive stages, each escalating the same quote to a different level of Superior Understanding.”

One woman held her hand to her mouth. “It’s written entirely in a single rhythmic meter!”

“Great Yaezir,” Noura said. “You’re right.”

“The allusions…”

“Such wordplay…”

“The momentum and rhetoric…”

Logicspren burst around them in the shape of little stormclouds. Then, practically as one, the scions and viziers turned to Dalinar.

“This is a work of art,” Noura said.

Sanderson, Brandon. Oathbringer: Book Three of the Stormlight Archive (pp. 648-649). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition. 


Slay queen!

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Wit hugging Shallan and making her feel better after the kid died, I cried for the first time during a book, in a long long time. She needed someone to see HER, and she needed that so bad. It really humanized Wit/Hoid/whomever to me, because before this moment, he was an ever-changing-sometimes-helpful-jerkface.


I idendify with Shallan's brokenness so much, I haven't felt like this about a character since Asuka in Evangelion.

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The Kaladin scene absolutely gutted me. By far the saddest scene in the series for me so far. The helplessness and chaos was just crazy. So crazy that I can't articulate my feels right now. 

The salute by Moash...If ya liked him before that, you should definitely hate him now.  

Part 3 I think was the "darkest" feeling sequence in any cosmere book so far. Kholinar just felt wicked, everything about it. From Shallan getting stabbed upon entrance, to the insane stories about the queen. Dark, but good. The fall of Kholinar is probably going to go down as one of the best written cosmere events. 

And this is all without mentioning the total emotion fest that was the Shallan-Wit encounter lol. 

Part 4, please don't let Kaladin suffer. 

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