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Shard Shields


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Given Oathbringer is coming i thought id re-read Stormlight. As WoK and WoR were my first Cosmere books i read a refresh was in order.

Came across the chapter where Dalinar finds out about another nation creating shard shields that stop a shardblade.

I think the Voidbringers might get a hold of some or an Unmade may have created them for the coming Everstorm, the final desolation!


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Yeah understand that. Better 1 - 2 blows than nothing. Thats why i think an Unmade could have played a hand in making them, this is the last desolation.

I think the shields are coming into the story at some point. Otherwise why mention them at all. 

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Sure there are better than nothing.

The Shield could began to be' mass produced but I see not the implication they have to.

They requires skill to craft, they have a Stormlight dependency and they are completely destroyed if actually used (at least in the context you Imagine)

You have right they are an Amazing Discovery but we can't how pratical a mass production could be.

Edited by Yata
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The 'Half Shards' are an interesting development but they're just an outgrowth of known fabrial science so it's extremely unlikely the Unmade had any hand in their creation. As for use in the upcoming Desolation, they might have some use but we don't know how economical it is to produce them and we do know they're not much help against a sufficiently skilled surgebinder, so they're unlikely to make a huge difference in the grand scheme of things.

That said, this is Brandon we're talking about so he'll probably bring them up again in some unexpectedly awesome way several books down the line.

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