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[OB] What to call the Parshmen


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As we discuss Oathbringer for the next few weeks, I think it would be useful to have some agreed-upon names to distinguish the former Parshendi and the former Parshmen. It would also be nice to have a term that encompasses both groups. Here is what I propose:

Formerly Parshendi (Eshonai's group that lived on the shattered plains) - Listeners because they listen to the rhythms, unlike the newly transformed Parshmen

Former Parshmen (used to be servants until the Everstorm) - Awakened Parshmen or Talking Parshmen (I don't love these terms. Anyone have anything better?)

Both of those groups collectively (all the marble-skinned bipeds) - Parshendi since that means "Parshmen who can think" in Alethi, and the former Parshmen can think now that they are out of no-form/slaveform

Parshmen who have not transformed/still don't have a form - Parshmen (We don't know if there are any of these left)


Thoughts? I'll update this post if there is a consensus on better names.


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I think "Listeners" is the in-world term for the entire race. The Parshendi of the Shattered Plains call parshmen listeners who can't hear the rhythms. On the other hand, Parshendi refers only to the "nation" of free listeners who lived in and around Narak. Maybe "freed listeners" for former parshmen?

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It gets complicated, I guess. They are probably all Listeners as mentioned above but at the moment that name is most associated with Eshonai and her group. Not much of that group will have survived the Battle of Narak though. I suppose we could call the Listeners from the Shattered Plains "The Last Legion" since they are decendants of seemingly the only group to escape from their gods and being enslaved.

I think once we know what is going on after the Everstorm we will understand more about Listeners as a race and the different groups within that race.

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I call them all listeners. That is what they called themselves before they were given their literal slave name, parshmen. Parshendi is derogatory if you think about it: parshmen who can think. Well they can all think now. So they are listeners. Even if they can't hear the rhythms, which I personally think that can but I'm guessing, that doesn't change their species. They are still listeners.

So, I call them the listeners. However, others may call them what they wish. It's personal preference as long as everyone understands what you mean. If you start calling them green gorillas the rest of us might get a bit lost. ;)

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