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Hello, everyone, 

I've been lurking on here for a good few years now but I finally decided to take the plunge and put some of my ideas forward. I am a history student from London and I think this was part of what first attracted me to Brandon's books, that compared to other fantasy authors I read he thinks about society holistically and really thinks through the impacts the fantasy elements would have on his worlds. This is one of the elements of history I most enjoy, thinking through how societies and cultures very different from our own functioned as a whole and that nothing is beyond the purview of history. The other element of history that I most enjoy is what we do on here, the constructive argument, the piecing clues together and approaching questions from new angles and that is what I hope to be a part of.

I have read most everything Cosmere but am yet to read Brandon's other works although I do love his short stories. In fact, despite his larger series like Stormlight or Mistborn having that historical sense I mentioned earlier it his shorter works like Shadows for Silence or especially The Emperor's Soul which are my favourite, the latter of which I thought was really quite beautiful.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys and becoming part of this community 

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