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9 hours ago, Argent said:

Okay, on a different note, we hit a bit of a snag. Turns out I and @Pagerunner didn't fully understand @Lurcher (I am not a native speaker, Page, what's your excuse?!) - we thought we had green light to post the transcript, and that was not entirely true. So both of us have (temporarily) removed the Thursday signing line transcription while Lurcher sends it to Peter and hears back from him. We'll probably need to do something similar with the Friday recording (which we have and will work on over the weekend) and the Saturday one (if it's available). 

So, hold on to your pants, we may need to wait a few days until information becomes available (again). 

Sorry, all for the confusion. This is a new request from Brandon (having Peter review the Q&A transcript) that we're trying to figure out how to deal with.  I'm handing over the baton to the mods and new WoB crew to take care of this as I'm just a newb. 

But like Argent said, this might be a few days process until the transcript gets posted. 

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2 minutes ago, Windrunner said:

I can't imagine that Brandon would answer this question even if they had confided in him. That's pretty confidential information.

If you were referring to my post I meant that sometimes authors use these cons as a place to make announcements to fans before making a official announcement on there websites. I was not suggesting that Brandon has "secret" information.

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@Ammanas In his solo panel today, Jim Butcher talked a bit about the future of the Dresden Files. He said his next release will be Brief Cases, a collection of short stories including one about Harry spending a day at the zoo with Maggie and Mouse. IIRC, after that the next priority is Peace Talks.

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Team, was @Lurcher the only one recording the signing line on Saturday? We have full audio for Thursday and Friday (transcription pending Peter review and all that), but the Lurcher's Saturday recording doesn't cover the entire line because Brandon is a beast that cannot be chained in a mere hour of interaction with his fans. 

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10 hours ago, Sunchicken said:

@Ammanas In his solo panel today, Jim Butcher talked a bit about the future of the Dresden Files. He said his next release will be Brief Cases, a collection of short stories including one about Harry spending a day at the zoo with Maggie and Mouse. IIRC, after that the next priority is Peace Talks.

Ok that is some news. Last I heard he completed some short stories for a different anthology that would eventually be used in Brief Cases, but that Brief Cases would be a priority after Peace Talks (sorry if my phrasing was confusing). It looks like there has been a change in plans though. Thanks for the news. 

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FYI: I just placed a link to the audio from Brandon's spotlight panel yesterday on my first post of this thread. 

I've also put placeholders there for the WoB's that will be available at some point...hopefully soonish. As soon as we have the green light from Peter, I'll put them up there.

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On 9/23/2017 at 4:13 AM, Lurcher said:

Can you burn a metal wrapped in another metal if both are allomantic metals? example, If I got a ball of bronze and wrapped it or coated it in steel, could I burn the bronze? What about a non-allomantic metal?

A: You have the burn the outer metal first  to get to the inner one- in either scenario (allomantic vs non-allomantic). 

What happens when a Reshi Island dies? What do they people do? What happens to the corpse? What happens to the gemheart?

A. People would leave it. It would just kind of sit there, dead. People would probably harvest the gemheart.


Excellent, happy to get these answers! (Even if it does ruin my theory on how one could burn Harmonium....)

Thanks for asking! TIme to update my list :D

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I don't know if it is because this information requires approval, making it slightly forbidden, or because I only saw the thread after the transcripts had been taken down, but I am itching with curiosity to see what questions were asked and which were answered.


Can't wait to see the approved transcript.

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16 minutes ago, Stark said:

I don't know if it is because this information requires approval, making it slightly forbidden, or because I only saw the thread after the transcripts had been taken down, but I am itching with curiosity to see what questions were asked and which were answered.


Can't wait to see the approved transcript.

You can take a breather, it's not amazing. There is a few interesting questions, but not many, and not incredibly interesting (e.g. I can't think of a single question that would change the way we theorycraft). 

So. Transcript will definitely go up as soon as Peter approves it, but I wouldn't hold my breath until then.

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