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[OB] Bondsmith/Truthwatcher team to Awaken dead blades


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I believe Watchcry is taking the amplification/change that Dalinar/Stormfather had on Shallan's lightweaving ability and trying to infer another combination, one which allows a dead spren to come back.  I would guess that since Dalinar's effect produced what the Stormfather is able to see, perhaps Dalinar's bond with the Stormfather and the Stormfather's knowledge of spren death and life might make this possible.

For myself, I think Brandon will eventually show someone making the fit and helping one of the dead blades live again, though I'm doubtful it will be Adolin. I don't have solid reasoning for that, just a personal opinion at this point.

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If Dalinar can amplify Renarin's "seeing the best version of yourself" with "healing", maybe that could bring back a blade (assuming there is enough connection there). If the human's could figure out how to fix blades, the Spren might be more willing to join forces again. Do we know anyone who has experience giving metal sentience through investiture? Maybe a scholar? With a famous sword? Maybe someone close to Adolin? 

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24 minutes ago, teknopathetic said:

If Dalinar can amplify Renarin's "seeing the best version of yourself" with "healing", maybe that could bring back a blade (assuming there is enough connection there). If the human's could figure out how to fix blades, the Spren might be more willing to join forces again. Do we know anyone who has experience giving metal sentience through investiture? Maybe a scholar? With a famous sword? Maybe someone close to Adolin? 

Subtle like a flung ShardHammer...

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I like this.  

Truthwatcher visions would make sense as a spiritual realm based magic.  Adolin having a flash of an idealized version of himself while being healed by Renarin seems to fit with how the spiritual realm has previously been displayed.

Based on Renarin's eagerness to get rid of his dead shardblade, I'm wondering if he has an even worse experience when coming into contact with one than just hearing screams.  Renarin's potential sensitivity to the spiritual realm means he might be having full 'Nam Flashbacks every time he touches a shardblade.

Going with your theory, Renarin could unravel the specific nature of the broken oaths that killed a particular spren, while Dalinar could use his (as of yet vaguely elaborated powers) to form a connection between the dead blade and a new candidate.

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The fact is that as far as we know, Bondsmith's Resonance doesn't boost other Powers. What Shallan did, is in her standard power's scope, She misses only the informations to put in the map.

So Dalinar could unwilling Force her to Activate her Illumination but the Surge was not improved or boosted.

In this regard of the Truthwatchers could do what you propose, the Bondsmith's Aid is useless.

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21 hours ago, teknopathetic said:

Do we know anyone who has experience giving metal sentience through investiture? Maybe a scholar? With a famous sword? Maybe someone close to Adolin?

Interesting. Brandon did say that it would take something more than just the oaths to bring a deadblade back. Maybe that "something more" involves Awakening?

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17 hours ago, Yata said:

The fact is that as far as we know, Bondsmith's Resonance doesn't boost other Powers. What Shallan did, is in her standard power's scope, She misses only the informations to put in the map.

So Dalinar could unwilling Force her to Activate her Illumination but the Surge was not improved or boosted.

In this regard of the Truthwatchers could do what you propose, the Bondsmith's Aid is useless.

I think "boosting" is the wrong line of thought for what Bondsmiths do.  I think Bondsmiths can forge temporary Connections between the souls of things (almost like a temporary and non-violent form of Hemalurgy).  In the scene with the map, I think Dalinar's bondsmith abilities formed a temporary Nahel bond between Shallan and Stormfather which resulted in the map.

As for the dead shardblades, the trick is correcting what was lost.  Spren existed symbiotically with their Radiants, the sundering of the oaths was the equivalent of a magical lobotomy, violently tearing away chunks of their soul/spirit-web.  The spren can't go back to zero state and slowly re-bond with a new radiant soul because they're too wounded. I think to re-awaken the blade, a new wielder would need to be discovered who had similar holes in their spirit web as the previous bonded Radiant.  It would have to be a person with very deep scars on their own soul.  

I really like the thought of synergy between a Truthwatcher seeing insight into a soul and a Bondsmith forging a temporary connection with a soul to jump-start a bonding process.  Maybe something similar even existed before the Recreance?  Humans are a pretty error prone group, one would assume that on an individual level Radiants occasionally broke their oaths per-Recreance and a mechanism existed to "recover" the spren afterwards.  This might also explain why these two orders in particular have such a central location in the surgebinding diagram.

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