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Hello to everyone. I have been a very long time lurker and have decided to finally get involved.


I have read the majority of Brandon's stuff; Elantris (currently rereading), the Mistborns, WoK, Warbreaker. I haven't yet gotten around to the books outside the cosmere (other than Infinity Blade and the WoT books, which in fact forced me to discover Brandon) but in light of WoR coming out in less than a month and all of my friends getting bored of being the sounding boards of my theories, none of them will ( i have tried to get them to) or have read any Brandon Sanderson... it is a very one sided conversation.


My name is Doug, but microsoft once suggested VibronicGoose as an xbox handle and the name has stuck since as my username, I think it sounds funny.


So again, hello.





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I have to admit I'm not really sure what vibronic means but it definitely sounds cool!


Your theories will be welcome here, even especially if they have no basis in the text and are just wild speculation. Those are usually the most fun anyway. :)


So, welcome to the 17th Shard! Just let us know if you see Hoid around anywhere, would you please?

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I've heard vibronicgoose feathers make for great arrow fletching. Would you be interested in testing that theory?

Definite sympathy in the friends issue though. It's taken months for the only other fantasy reader I know to start Way of Kings. At least the forum is here to preserve destroy do something for my sanity.

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Vibronicgoose fat also makes a good roast excellent I have heard.

Thanks for the sympathy and like you say hopefully my sanity will be saved sundered by the discussions on here.


Edit: Only just realised your name is Quiver and got the reference. Good start eh!

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