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Summary of WoK/WoR confirmed revelations/theories/RAFOs/etc. for WoK/WoR re-read


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before Oathbringer comes out I want to do a re-read of WoK and WoR. Unfortunately, I haven't been active on the Stormlight Theory forum at all so I have missed all the big theories and revelations and RAFOs and the like.

Can someone give me a summary of the biggest confirmed theories/revelations/RAFOs that have come out over the last year or so? Then I can look for them while reading the books and enjoying them even more. Maybe it can also be a thread where we all can post the confirmed stuff so we have a place to store it all. The forum has become overwhelmingly confounded. 

Edited by blueshard
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This might be of interest. It contains things to look for during rereads, both Cosmere-wise and Stormlight-wise. There might be things missing there though, but I'm sure someone can stop by and dump some info. I'll just tag generally helpful people who usually know stuff and see if they can contribute:

@Extesian @Calderis @Oversleep 

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