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Overhyped Character


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Who's your most overhyped character in the stormlight archives series so far?

Mine is definitely Lift - Unfortunately, I don't get her sense of humour and I find her irritating. This made Edgedancer a tough read for me(very well written otherwise), however seeing her character development at the end of edgedancer did make begin to like her.

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I *did* get Lift's humor, and I find her awesome.  For me...

Probably Hrathen.  He kind of has the same problem as Darth Vader: I'm expected to believe that a person who's spent years and years doing monstrous actions on behalf of an evil emperor can be instantly redeemed by doing something good at the end of his life?  That's kind of hard to swallow.

Edit: wait, this was supposed to be Stormlight only?  Umm... I dunno, that's really a tricky one.  I haven't really had any characters I couldn't stand, except for Sadeas, and he's *supposed* to be the guy you hate.

Edited by Mason Wheeler
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1 minute ago, Mason Wheeler said:

I *did* get Lift's humor, and I find her awesome.  For me...

Probably Hrathen.  He kind of has the same problem as Darth Vader: I'm expected to believe that a person who's spent years and years doing monstrous actions on behalf of an evil emperor can be instantly redeemed by doing something good at the end of his life?  That's kind of hard to swallow.

I did say overhyped character in the stormlight archives, but nvm lol.

I was ok with Hrathen, I saw glimpses of his 'good' side throughout the book and his horror at the previous genocide he had caused and his utmost efforts to prevent such a disaster from occurring again made the ending believable for me(a little predictable though)

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Stick is a fun "trademark" joke for the Shard. That said, it can go to far (sometimes it has gone to far). But I dislike bringing Stick up, since I dont see it as a character, which is my main problem with it. When you discuss/rank characters  the Stick, who is more of a joke than an actual character, gets brought up, which feels like derailing the discussion into something that won't give anyone anything. 

Now, as to the OP, I would personally say Jasnah and Renarin since I dont find her very interesting. Their flashbacks are the ones I look forward to the least  (hope they are replaced by Adolin and Rysn). I know that some people really like them though, and its not a criticism toward the characters, but more of a personal preference.

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I think this will be my first post ever about the storming stick. I never got the stick joke. I will never get the stick joke. I am tired of reading about the damnation cursed stick. Couldn't those of us whose patience is up with the bloody stick not ever ever ever mention it again? Not say anything good, not say anything bad, just... is there any chance to shelve it forever?

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I think it would have to be Adolin for me. Don't get me wrong, I think he's a good character and I think he'll have a lot going for him plot wise and in character development in future books. But I wasn't very interested in his romance plot with Shallan and while I don't mind it overly much, I'm also not looking forward to a continuation in Oathbringer. I know he was vital in WoK to provide a pov of how other people saw Dalinar, but knowing Dalinar was not actually crazy, it was a little frustrating at times. I did enjoy his duels and the budding friendship with Kaladin very much though. 

I never really thought much about him to be honest until the very end of WoR, and until I joined here. I was very surprised to see how many people adored Adolin and reading all of these enormous threads on his possible future plot developments, like the love triangle dynamic and what order he could belong to really shaped how I view him now. I still don't think he's the most interesting character out of the assembled cast, but I think I understand why a lot of people like him so much. That said, the hype around him is far bigger than the hype around Stick if you ask me ; )


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@Ciridae I really like Adolin as a character. That said, I agree with you for the most part. 

So much of the hype surrounding Adolin is has nothing to do with Adolin. It's the storming love triangle that I want to die. 

9/10 of the discussion around him would disappear if the Chasm scene hadn't happened. 

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8 minutes ago, Ciridae said:

I think it would have to be Adolin for me. Don't get me wrong, I think he's a good character and I think he'll have a lot going for him plot wise and in character development in future books. But I wasn't very interested in his romance plot with Shallan and while I don't mind it overly much, I'm also not looking forward to a continuation in Oathbringer. I know he was vital in WoK to provide a pov of how other people saw Dalinar, but knowing Dalinar was not actually crazy, it was a little frustrating at times. I did enjoy his duels and the budding friendship with Kaladin very much though. 

I never really thought much about him to be honest until the very end of WoR, and until I joined here. I was very surprised to see how many people adored Adolin and reading all of these enormous threads on his possible future plot developments, like the love triangle dynamic and what order he could belong to really shaped how I view him now. I still don't think he's the most interesting character out of the assembled cast, but I think I understand why a lot of people like him so much.

I think many in the 17th shard owes maxal for how Adolin is often viewed here. For me he is, and was always one of my favorite characters. However I completely agree with you that his starting friendship with Kaladin is one of his most important facets, and his romance with Shallan one of the least interesting ones. I adore his character, but I would be perfectly fine if he and Shallan amicably split up and he continues his growing friendship with Kaladin.

Edit: Opinion ninja'd by Calderis, so answering him

I disagree, I don't care much for the Chasm scene, its the villain-cleanup that I loved. Although having a shining protector in general for his father, brother, family and men is nothing to sneer at, he is very loyal to his people, and loyalty is one of the best attributes a person can have in my opinion.

Edited by WhiteLeeopard
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I don't usually join the Adolin discussions because I think other people have a better grip on his character and stronger opinions than I do. And I'm sorry for bringing him up because this will for sure turn into a page long discussion about him if I know the Shard at all :lol:

The most enjoyable parts of his story to me are the bits of friendly rivalry with Kaladin. A love triangle will make that relationship go sour before you can say Stick. But at the same time I understand that Brandon feels that the story needs a romantic subplot beyond Dalinar and Navani, and these established characters are tempting to use for that purpose. I think Brandon genuinely enjoys writing romance subplots and I have faith in him that it will end up being better than many of us expect it to be at the moment. So fingers crossed. 

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1 minute ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Actually, I think there are almost as much, maybe more, discussion of the consequences he will face for knifing Sadeas as there are romance discussions. 

5 minutes ago, WhiteLeeopard said:

I disagree, I don't care much for the Chasm scene, its the villain-cleanup that I loved.

Recently, I agree. Maybe it's just the timing on when I chose to lurk over the years but it seems like there were far far more ship threads in the past. 

Or I could just be thinking of all the times that those discussions shifted into "but what will Shallan think!" 

I like all three characters individually. I don't care who gets together with who.

I'm far more interested in what Adolin has done, and what he will do. 

Sorry to derail the thread a bit. But maybe we just proved @Ciridae right. 


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It seems like we already have a thread, just like this, active but I will give my two cents. I agree with the o.p. about Lift. I just don't find a 13 year old girl very relatable. I think she is very rude to her spren and just seems to talk about food and "awesomeness". If others like her thats fine; as they say, "De gustibus non est disputandum"

Edited by Ammanas
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1 hour ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Actually, I think there are almost as much, maybe more, discussion of the consequences he will face for knifing Sadeas as there are romance discussions. 

I secretly hope that, if it's ever discovered (which it may not be; he did a decent job of covering it up) that the king gives him a medal for it!  Given the circumstances, Adolin absolutely did the right thing there.  Sadeas had just proven that he had no willingness to change and he was going to continue to try to divide humanity at a time when it desperately needs to be united, all for petty personal gain.  I can hardly think of a better definition of "irredeemably evil" than that.

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1 hour ago, Ammanas said:

It seems like we already have a thread, just like this, active but I will give my two cents. I agree with the o.p. about Lift. I just don't find a 13 year old girl very relatable. I think she is very rude to her spren and just seems to talk about food and "awesomeness". If others like her thats fine; as they say, "De gustibus non est disputandum"

I don't think relatability is the reason people like her

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4 hours ago, WhiteLeeopard said:

I think many in the 17th shard owes maxal for how Adolin is often viewed here.

Oh you give me too much credit... How many threads having for purposes to discuss Adolin have I created within the past 3 and a half years? None. Sure, I have probably been one of the most vocal within those threads, but the undying interest within Adolin hasn't been solely generated by my person. A discussion needs more than one person to happen and within three years and a half, a lot of people have been wanting to discuss Adolin.

Is he over-hyped? I guess it depends on each reader's perspective. For those who aren't interested within his character or those who aren't really attracted to his future development, then yes, the never-ending interest within Adolin, the threads being created on a bi-weekly basis on Reddit, I guess it is annoying. However for those who really latched onto his character, who appreciates how unpredictable his future is, who find him refreshing within a work of fantasy tending to focus on similar-like characters, then no Adolin is not over-hyped. His story ended up in a cliffhanger: things may be terribly bad for him. No other character has been put in the middle of similar events which has transformed Adolin from a forgettable character to one of the most anticipated read for the next book.

So no, for me Adolin is not over-hyped. The interest into his character is being carried by far many more readers than myself. I'm just more... visible :ph34r: within the fandom, but I have absolutely zero visibility onto the people to whom it should matter the most.

This being said, which character do I find over-hyped?

Jasnah, Lift and Renarin within this precise order. Jasnah, I really, really do not get the hype for her character. I actually dread the second half of SA because I can't picture Jasnah/Renarin/Lift as the leading actors of the main narrative.

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