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I have read the two Mistborn trilogies, the Stormlight Archive, Warbreaker, Elantris, and a few novellas, but skipped a lot of interludes in Words of Radience, Most of Arcanum Unbound, and White Sand. When I look at other people talking, I am completely clueless to a lot of things going on. Did I miss any vital information, or am I just dense?

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Without spending time here, a lot of the things discussed result from questions we've asked Brandon. 

He either confirms, shuts it down, or more often gives partial answers or "Read And Find Out" cards (RAFO) which we then use for further speculation. 

There's a lot we know, or have hints towards that's never mentioned in the books themselves. 

So no, you're not dense. There's just a lot of information that you'll only find if you look for it, and many of us here spend entirely too much time looking. 

Edited by Calderis
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The books can be read on several different levels. One of the deeper meanings is one of the Cosmere and the greater happenings that occur within it. There are small clues in the books that some gather upon rereads or upon asking Brandon Sanderson at signings, tours etc (we call them Words of Brandon). If you are confused about these terms, and don't mind spoilers, I recommend visiting the coppermind.


You can look at the annotations to see where the primary source is. So to answer your question no you are not dense. Some of Brandons fans are ignorant of the cosmere and thats ok. We are just ultra nerds and enjoy this stuff. I hope you don't take this as a insult, but perhaps one could say that you are not the most perceptive reader. That sounds incredibly pompous, so perhaps there is a better word. I'm also not always the most perceptive. There are times that somone on this website will say something that goes completely over my head too! Anyways enjoy the Shard!

Edited by Ammanas
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Some of the things discussed can probably be understood if you read the WoR interludes (the Taravangian and Lift ones in particular). Otheriwse, no, you are not dense. I feel pretty lost pretty often, and I just try to read the wiki and other peoples comments in order to understand the behind-the-scenes stuff I want to understand. 

That said, what we discuss here is often related to the stuff behind the scenes, and complex theories and questions surrounding the magic. These are things which Brandon himself says that you do not need to be interested or engaged in. He leaves hints and comments for those who are. But if you just want to read the books and discuss the story and characters in them, then that is great too, and there are discussions on those topics too.

If you have specific questions regarding stuff you dont understand, you could check the wiki (there are spoilers there though) or you can post questions in the Cosmere Q&A. There are a lot of knowledgeable people on here. 

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6 hours ago, NotSteve said:

I have read the two Mistborn trilogies, the Stormlight Archive, Warbreaker, Elantris, and a few novellas, but skipped a lot of interludes in Words of Radience, Most of Arcanum Unbound, and White Sand. When I look at other people talking, I am completely clueless to a lot of things going on. Did I miss any vital information, or am I just dense?

Same! I started looking on here not too long ago and was very confused. I had known there was the whole cosmere idea, but didn't realize how interconnected and theoretical it was until I actually started reading up on some stuff. Still am not 100% clear on some stuff, but that's okay. 

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34 minutes ago, ryshadium90 said:

Same! I started looking on here not too long ago and was very confused. I had known there was the whole cosmere idea, but didn't realize how interconnected and theoretical it was until I actually started reading up on some stuff. Still am not 100% clear on some stuff, but that's okay. 

Don't worry, I started lurking almost two years ago, and I'm not 100% clear on some stuff yet, either. 

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On 7/15/2017 at 1:18 PM, NotSteve said:

When I look at other people talking, I am completely clueless to a lot of things going on. Did I miss any vital information, or am I just dense?

The Books are not necessary to understanding. They help you a lot(basic rundown of characters, magics, plot, etc..) but unless you are trying to avoid spoilers, the books are not a "100% must read" to be on here.
You aren't dense, but I guarantee you missed vital information. We all did on our first few reads because we didn't know what details were "vital." No worries.

If your confused about something, just ask. We can see your low post count below your icon, and we all understand what it was like to be new. You'll get answers. All else fails, just read through the older theories like I did and you'll start to catch on(because other people have been similarly confused and asked in the past)

Helpful Links for Everybody to Have:

  • The Coppermind: Wiki of all things Sanderson (already linked by Ammanas, but I'm being thorough)
  • Theoryland: Database holding the WoBs from many Signings, Q&A's, and other events.
  • Pagerunner's Database: Compendium of all things Brandon has posted on Reddit.
  • Events and Signings: Topics containing audio/transcripts of all recent Signings, Q&A's, and other events. (a lot haven't made it onto Theoryland yet)
  • WoP 2015: A collection of questions answered by Peter Ahlstrom. (Here b/c none of the rest of you seem to have it bookmarked :P)
    • WoP 2016: Small List, but it gets overlooked a lot.
  • Arcanum: Fan-Made Database to replace Theoryland, set for release a little before Oathbringer comes out.
  • The Annotations: Brandon's behind the scenes info-dumps about the stories, writing process, and fun tidbits.

Honesty Time:

  1. I haven't read all the books. I haven't read The Emperor's Soul, Shadows of Self, Bands of Mourning, White Sands, I read Secret History separately and have never even opened Arcanum Unbounded.
  2. I haven't read any of his books recently. Oathbringer is gonna be the first of his books that I've read since Calamity came out back in Feb 2016.

Go on and act all shocked about this.

Edited by The One Who Connects
Edit v1: Forgot Annotations. Edit v2: Arcanum is out, Fixed WoP Links
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1 hour ago, The One Who Connects said:


Honesty Time:

  1. I haven't read all the books. I haven't read The Emperor's Soul, Shadows of Self, Bands of Mourning, White Sands, I read Secret History separately and have never even opened Arcanum Unbounded.
  2. I haven't read any of his books recently. Oathbringer is gonna be the first of his books that I've read since Calamity came out back in Feb 2016.

Go on and act all shocked about this.


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