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Hi!  This is my first post. I just joined this forum a few minutes ago. I am from Alberta, Canada. I work as a nurse in a rural but very busy hospital. Brandon Sanderson was introduced to me by one of the doctors I work with. He said, "Read Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, it will change your life."

So I did, and yes, it changed my life. My standard in fantasy genre has changed. I think Brandon Sanderson is a genius writer, he is my favorite author of all time. I own Mistborn, Well of Ascension and The Hero of Ages. Currently, I am reading The Way of Kings, I'm halfway through. I also read Elantris.

Aside from reading, I also enjoy hiking and taking landscape pictures. Kelsier, Vin, Kaladin, Syl and Dalinar are my favorite characters. I'm not sure if I want to be a Mistborn or a Misting. I'm kinda scared of the responsibility that comes with it. But if given a chance, I would definitely be a Soother.

P.S. English is not my first language, I'll try my best to pay attention with my grammar.

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hey there worldhopper . i am manukos i make puns post-scripts and dognitive delicacies in silverlight

also as a member of the welcoming comitee of the dark alley i would like to formaly welcome you to the shard
please enjoy this cooky i made along with an upvote (cookies go great with upvotes)

P.S. what is your favorite Sanderson character so far? 

P.S.2. as a fellow non-english-first-languager i would like to reassure you that it is no problem .

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@duskyphoebe, Welcome! Have a complimentary upvote and a warning that of you want to Preserve you appetite and avoid Ruining the rest of your day, avoid the cookies

EDIT: also, don't worry too much about English. We have plenty of non-native speakers here

Edited by Shqueeves
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Hey, welcome to the Shard! Have an upvote and a free spiked delicious cookie!



DISCLAIMER: Side effects include, but are not limited to, hearing voices, gaining supernatural powers, having the sudden urge to kill everyone, and completely losing control over your mind and body. The Dark Alley™ claims no liability for any damage done to/by the eater of this cookie.

Also, that's really cool that your coworker was enough of Sanderfan to recommend it to you. I actually discovered him through this site while I was looking for stuff about The Reckoners (one of his YA series). I'm so glad I discovered the Cosmere. 

Anywya, you'll have an awesome time here!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to the Shard! Don't accept any food offered to you, especially cookies, or anything by the Dark Alley. But anything from someone with 'Surgefinder' or 'Knight of the Cosmere' should be OK. That being said, have a slice of Chouta! Also, if you are wondering what the Surgefinders are, they are a group of people, or, well, here's a link to the Surgefinder's official fourm if you want to know about it. And we are desperately needing members! As for the Knights of the Cosmere, that is something I can't say anything about. So, welcome to world of bookworms!

I really like all of those character as well, though I also really like Hoid, Spanky, and Lift, though I don't know that Spanky counts as an actual character, so, oh well.

And I probably own too many books by Brandon Sanderson for only have been reading his books for about 4 months. Which is eleven.


WoK, Mass Market paperback, WoK, hardcover, WoR, Mass Market, WoR, hardcover, Mistborn, era 1, Mass Market, Shadows of Self, mass market, Elantris, paperback, Arcanum Unbounded, hardcover, and Calamity, paperback. I have read all of them except Calamity and Shadows of Self, plus Steelheart, Firefight, Warbreaker, White Sand, and Alloy of Law.


Edited by Tesh
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Welcome to the Shard! Have a cookie and an upvote! 

Have you ever awoken to find yourself sleeping on your wall instead of your bed? Have you been seeing strange beings that try to make say weird things? Did you ever turn your cat into smoke or maybe breakfast cereal? Or had visions of the future; for example how Game of Thrones will end or whether we will ever see a Surgebinder and a Mistborn go all Mortal Kombat with each other? 

If you've experienced any of these 'symptoms', then I should tell you that, "You are a Wizard, Harry." Oh, sorry, scratch that. You are something  way cooler. YOU ARE A SURGEBINDER! (*fanfare*). 

Come find us here at the Surgefinders in Urithiru. We need you. For the Last Desolation is here! 

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