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Most Anticipated game (s) of 2014


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I was recently looking at the release list for 2014 while bemoaning the fact that there is nothing currently out that I want to play.  Just curious to what people are looking forward to and why.


As far as myself goes...


1) Dragon Age Inquisition - I'm a big fan of RPGs, the genre I'm most interested in playing.  I love Bioware games as a rule, warts and all.  DA2 was disappointing in a number of ways but I'm hopeful that Inquisition will be a return to form.  A larger world with no redundant areas with more variety and a return to mutliple races has me excited for this game.  Still a little iffy on what the story is about other than what was already shown in a E3 video last year - demons spilling through portals in the sky - very reminiscent to Oblivion and other games.


2) Wildstar - After playing Star Wars the Old Republic for two years, I'm looking for something new and fresh.  Wildstar looks to be that game and of the MMO's being released this year, this one looks to be interesting.  Cartoony graphics with a sense of humor and a sci fi setting with more of a sandbox feel to it.  After so many years playing WoW, I'm rather done with the fantasy setting for awhile. 


Games on the cusp....


Witcher 3 - I could never get into 1 and 2 though I gave it the old college try.  The setting didn't really appeal to me and the game didn't feel very intuitive when it came to combat and leveling.  What I've seen of 3 makes me somewhat interested, an open world game with an actual story (take that Skyrim!).  But  I'm still iffy as you play as Geralt who has never intrigued me.  He's a bit too dour for my tastes.


Watch Dogs - Interesting and relevant theme with an open world.  But I'd like to see more before I make a judgement.



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I've got an xbox one now, so I have been looking forward to Titanfall, Destiny, and Kinect Sports Rivals. 

If you are a PC gamer, there are a ton of cheap or free games to try out. I was bored and tried out League of Legends the other day. That's a fun one to fool around on while you wait for others. Hearthstone is another good one to play casually while watching a tv series or movie (I like games I can multitask with). I myself am pretty much just waiting on the WoW expansion which is quite a while away.  

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I was going to say Tides of Torment (it has Patrick Rothfuss writing a character in it!), but then I realized that was coming out in 2015.


All I really do is play Dota 2 nowadays, I guess I'm not really anticipating much. Blizzard's gone downhill (or else I've changed), Bioware has too, there's not going to be a KOTOR 3 (damnit TOR), the new Elder Scrolls is an MMO (sigh)... I guess I'm just really boring.

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Im going to haveto play Dragon age: inquisition ofcourse, having played origin and the other one.


Origin I absolutely adored. the other one.. well, it was playable. Some things even fun. But it was so limited compared to origins. I played origins more then once/ starting. Almost once/class and starting place. The second dragon age I didnt even play once per class... whatever chouces you made you ended up exaktely the same place.


And the merill storyline.. sigh.


I´m hoping bioware have learned something and turned their focus around but I am doubtful.

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Witcher 3: I'm a big fan of the Witcher series (I've even read the books) with Witcher 2 being one of my top 3 rpg's of all time. The new open world which promises over 100 hours of content has me salivating over what activities this sandbox will be packed with. I'm also interested to see whether choice will still have as heavy an impact as it did in Witcher 2. 

Plus the trailer is awesome:

God I love the art direction of this game (the monster designs are phenomenal), so much so that I made myself a giant chull poster (920x1290 mm) here on something called a printing sheet. Got the idea from a friend who's got a massive poster of Tom Hardy's Bane from the DKR movie in his hallway. Here's the image I'm using:


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Blizzard's gone downhill (or else I've changed), Bioware has too, there's not going to be a KOTOR 3 (damnit TOR), the new Elder Scrolls is an MMO (sigh)... I guess I'm just really boring.

I don't mean to presume to know you well, but most of my friends who claim this really have just changed. They list the things they don't like about Blizzard games, but they haven't played them in 3 years and have only heard the negatives for so long. I can usually provide enough info that they reconsider to the point of saying "It's just not the style I like anymore." I've found that the couple who have come back to WoW or given Hearthstone a try have really surprised themselves. 

Also, I've been playing the Titanfall beta this week, and while I've always thought I'd buy a copy, MAN that beta just outright sold it. Really good game that people should consider on XB1, 360, or PC. 

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Also, I've been playing the Titanfall beta this week, and while I've always thought I'd buy a copy, MAN that beta just outright sold it. Really good game that people should consider on XB1, 360, or PC. 


Seconded.  I hadn't really paid much attention to Titanfall other than to see the E3 video last year.  I downloaded the beta on my XB1 and was hooked pretty much right off the bat.  It's fast faced and fun with giant freaking mechs.  I am curious if there are more modes than what the beta has to offer since they don't have a singleplayer campaign.  But the game went from being "eh maybe" to "hell yes".

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Seconded.  I hadn't really paid much attention to Titanfall other than to see the E3 video last year.  I downloaded the beta on my XB1 and was hooked pretty much right off the bat.  It's fast faced and fun with giant freaking mechs.  I am curious if there are more modes than what the beta has to offer since they don't have a singleplayer campaign.  But the game went from being "eh maybe" to "hell yes".


It does have more modes. One of them being Campaign multiplayer if I am not mistaken. Like you play through multiplayer matches and there is a story element to them that you progress through. 

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I don't mean to presume to know you well, but most of my friends who claim this really have just changed. They list the things they don't like about Blizzard games, but they haven't played them in 3 years and have only heard the negatives for so long. I can usually provide enough info that they reconsider to the point of saying "It's just not the style I like anymore." I've found that the couple who have come back to WoW or given Hearthstone a try have really surprised themselves.


That's fair. I was speaking more in scorn about Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3, anyways. I still play Warcraft 3 occasionally with friends, and what made it so amazing was the custom maps. Starcraft 2's custom map system seems designed to be as terrible as possible, what with only being able to play popular maps. Starcraft 2 somehow managed to turn this dark story about Kerrigan taking revenge on everyone who wronged her into a sappy love story about the relationship between her and Raynor. Raynor, who swore to kill her for killing his best friend... falls in love with her and goes to help her despite her killing millions. And because Blizzard wants more cash, they decided to split what should have been one game into three games. (I may be bitter.)


Diablo 3 took everything lovely about Diablo 2 and dumbed it down. No more skill trees, because that would be too complicated for today's gamers. Everyone's used to WoW, so being able to customize your hero might mean people would do something wrong, and Blizzard couldn't have that. Sigh. :(


World of Warcraft was nice, if a bit samey after a while, and I've heard nothing but good things about Hearthstone.


It probably is me who has changed.

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That's fair. I was speaking more in scorn about Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3, anyways. I still play Warcraft 3 occasionally with friends, and what made it so amazing was the custom maps. Starcraft 2's custom map system seems designed to be as terrible as possible, what with only being able to play popular maps. Starcraft 2 somehow managed to turn this dark story about Kerrigan taking revenge on everyone who wronged her into a sappy love story about the relationship between her and Raynor. Raynor, who swore to kill her for killing his best friend... falls in love with her and goes to help her despite her killing millions. And because Blizzard wants more cash, they decided to split what should have been one game into three games. (I may be bitter.)


Diablo 3 took everything lovely about Diablo 2 and dumbed it down. No more skill trees, because that would be too complicated for today's gamers. Everyone's used to WoW, so being able to customize your hero might mean people would do something wrong, and Blizzard couldn't have that. Sigh. :(


World of Warcraft was nice, if a bit samey after a while, and I've heard nothing but good things about Hearthstone.


It probably is me who has changed.

No I hear you on those points. I wouldn't even try to defend SC2 or Diablo  :P I like them but... I don't know. To get to max level in Diablo you have to replay the same line like 4 times. That wouldn't be so bad, but like you said, no talent trees means.... not much going on the last 3 runs. 

I've noticed the map editor problem happening basically everywhere. I'm more of a console gamer, and after Halo 3 and FarCry 2 I thought every game would include an awesome map editor and a theater mode.... It seems so obvious but apparently that just wastes time when you are trying to publish one new game a year under the same title. I see that happening all the time, is my point, but you are right, it was really noticeable with Blizzard after they had such a good start. 


Edit: Glad it was you that I gave that 500th upvote to. Looking at 499 I couldn't help myself, but at least you deserve it, hahahaha. That is to say, congratulations!

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Never liked WoW. Always preferred Lineage 2 even though I could see why WoW was a better game, L2 seemed more fun anyway.
Grew up on Warcraft 3 so of course I love it as well as Diablo 1/2. Haven't played third one. Path of Exile is only mmorpg that reminds me good old times in Diablo.
Don't know what you dislike about SC2. Personally I don't care about single player/campaign and it's best online rts game out there so for me it's one of the best games from Blizzard...
Didn't like Heartstone... too casual and "just for fun". WoW players would have more fun with it most likely as well so it maybe that too but I prefer Might and Magic: Duel of Champions in every way.
I'm always looking forward to stuff from NCSOFT but I doubt I will be getting Wildstar. Too many good MMORPG's coming out this year and I won't be having enough time to play them all, not to mention that I prefer sticking to one rp.I'd rather have new non-mmo TES but TES:O looks decent too. I've got some mixed feelings about it though and what's with b2p + p2p? Gonna stick with Archeage for now, playing on russian server and waiting for EU release.
Wanna try out DA and Witcher as well, they look awesome.

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I'm looking forward to Destiny, even though I don't know much about it. I was a Bungie fanboi (yes that is the correct spelling when speaking of Bungie fandom) back in the Marathon days, I enjoyed the first two halos (never played the third; wasn't going to buy a 360 just for that game), and I want to see what they do now that they're out from under Microsoft.

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Ok, let's run down the list :)

(I'll probably forget something though).


Destiny - A new shooter created by Bungie with an essentially unlimited budget :) From my perspective Bungie has more than proved that they are entirely capable of creating excellent shooters. The premise and design of the game also look excellent and I think with the virtually unlimited budget they now have that Bungie will be able to pull it off well.


The Witcher 3 - I loved the first two, primarily fr their 3 dimensional story and characters and their moral choices that don't have a clear right/wrong answer. The promise of a large open-world witcher game concluding the witcher trilogy is pretty exciting.


Elder Scrolls Online - It takes a lot for an MMO to really grab me and keep my attention for an extended period of time and I am not convinced that ESO is significantly different to other MMO's in this regard. Oh, and the downpayment + subscription is too much, honestly it wold take something pretty amazing for me to pay subscription for a game at all.


Speaking of MMO's that interest me:

Firefall - I've been in the Firefall beta for well over a year now so it isn't actually new, however it is planned to reach actual release this year, so here it is :) It's probably not worth retyping my thoughts on firefall.


Thief - I am tentatively excited for thief. It seems to have learnt a lot from Dishonored's success and I absolutely loved dishonored. First person stealth/action gameplay, if they do it at least reasonably well I will be buying this.


Titanfall - I've been in the beta and, like the others who have posted in this thread, my opinion went from hopeful and liking the concept to suitably impressed. The mechanics are tight and well-executed. The freerunning is just complicated enough to be interesting without distracting from the combat gameplay. Instead it works perfectly well with it. The titans are a lot of fun and the Titan vs Pilot combat, arguably the hardest part of the game for them to make work, is great. I frequently engage titans on foot and find it very rewarding, though very risky.


I will not, however, be buying it on release. There was a couple of nagging issues, the first is that during beta I have been flat-out unable to connect during peak times. That is most likely a server problem that will be fixed by release, so we will let that go. The real problem is latency. This won't be a problem to the many people who have servers in their countries, but the latency to Australia is unnaceptable in a fast-paced shooter like titanfall. It isn't noticeable unless you watch the death camera, at which point it isn't uncommon to notice that you were actually shooting off to the side of where the enemy player was because they had moved, but it took too long for the data to reach you and then an equal length of time for the adjustments you made to reach the server. It wasn't especially uncommon that I would pour out a good chunk of a clip of my SMG attacking someone, lose the fight, then watch myself fire roughly 2 bullets before dying in the replay. I'm not paying release price for a game where I have a significant disadvantage against most players due to latency.


To be fair here, there were supposed to be Australian servers by launch but apparently microsoft dropped the ball here so we will eb getting them at some unspecified point in the future. The truth is though that it doesn't really matter who's fault it is, the simple fact is that there won't be AU servers at launch and for an unknown period after it and until that is fixed I cannot justify dropping a pile of money on the game.


If you live somewhere where the latency isn't going to be an issue, I highly recommend getting titanfall from what I have experienced in the beta. Even with the latency it was a lot of fun.


Dragon Age Inquisition - It looks good. I'll probably be more suitably excited when I get around to finishing Origins ;)


MAG Wrought of Copper - Finally. And hopefully more to come soon.


I think that will do for now.

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MAG Wrought of Copper - Finally. And hopefully more to come soon.



In other news... I'm more excited about playing Deus Ex (the first one) again rather than anything coming out in this year. Man that game rocks (A bit off topic, but whatever).


Also, TU14 for Minecraft on X-Box because it looks like we're finally getting trading*! I've been waiting for trading since before TU7 back in December 2012 when I mistakenly assumed that because it was adding villagers it would be adding trading.


*Because it looks like they're adding Emeralds, and why would that add trading currency without trading except to dash my hopes and dreams yet again. I'm going to be selfish and self-centred here and say that I can think of several features they've added over the intervening Title Updates that I would have gladly sacrificed to have trading sooner.




The real problem is latency....

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In other news... I'm more excited about playing Deus Ex (the first one) again rather than anything coming out in this year. Man that game rocks (A bit off topic, but whatever).



It was such a classic game, great writing with plenty of choice.  I had such high hopes for Invisible War and it was a little dissappointing.  Human Revolution was a step in the right direction but nothing can compare to the original.


My favorite line in that game was when JC is leaving liberty island for the last time..



"Take your best shot, Flatlander Woman."

"How did you-" *KABOOM*

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