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Finally Here!

Serce Forts

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I am finally on 17th Shard. Yessssssss! I have been in the shadows, watching, waiting until I would get an account. My friends got on and I realized I should step into action. My Brandon conversion story is that I read Alcatraz and fell in love. I then started this and that, until I was the ultimate Brand Sand fan!!!! Mwah ha ha!

I feel like I’ve always been here, reading the funniest posts, looking at the most stunning art, and the most amazing theories. I love so many people here and can’t wait to finally add my thoughts to “You Know You’re a Sanderfan When”, give upvotes, and show how much I appreciate your bad puns. (Hemalurgy Ruins your appearance. Ha, it never gets old.)

I plan on posting my “Stick is a Worldhopper” theory, with even more proof than before!

I’m so glad I can be a 17th Sharder! Can’t wait to be a nerd with all of you!

I’m sorry, but I have to refuse Ruin’s evil the Dark Alley’s cookies and Rock’s pie. If there were some brownies though...

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Hey, welcome to the shard! Have a spiked delicious cookie brownie!



DISCLAIMER: Side effects include, but are not limited to, hearing voices, gaining supernatural powers, having the sudden urge to kill everyone, and completely losing control over your mind and body. The Dark Alley™ claims no liability for any damage done to/by the eater of this cookie brownie.

Anyway, welcome again. Which Brandon Sanderson book has been your favorite so far?

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Thanks! Mmmm chocolate and something hmm...a hint of Investiture? My favorite Brandon Sanderson book is...probably Hero of Ages, though it goes between that and Stormlight Archive's newest book.

Also, just so you know, I love almost all of the characters in the Cosmere, but I LOVE Pattern. I've read almost all of the Cosmere works, but also Alcatraz, Rithmatist, Reckoners, and Firstborn. 


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Just now, Edgedancer81 said:

Welcome to the Shard!

I haven't read Firstborn yet. Is it good?

@Edgedancer81 Do you mean Mistborn? 

And if that's what you mean, then yes. That was the first book that I read from Sanderson that got me hooked to the rest of the Cosmere.

However, along with multiple other people on the Shard, I would suggest Elantris or Warbreaker first as a good introduction to the Cosmere...

Your humble servant...


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1 minute ago, Edgedancer81 said:

Question: (because this as good a place as any to ask) how do you get the words underneath your name? not your profile picture, the actual username.

First, you go to your profile page. Next, you click "edit profile." It should be at the top of the screen that pops up.

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11 hours ago, Sami said:

Welcome to the Shard!

I haven't read Firstborn yet. Is it good?

I like Firstborn, but it is short and not as fulfilling as his other books (Firstborn is small). I like the book because it has a Brandon Sanderson twist, and I liked the ending. You definitely should read it. Just so you know, it is more sci-fi. That's a good way to describe it, right? Those of you who have read it need to help me out.

4 hours ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

Welcome @Serce Forts !!! Ah it looks like my old friend pattern is here lol :P (cuz I'm shallan lolz)

Ah, shame you don't like cookies ;)

SA is my favorite series! But I started on The Rithmatist :D

Also Hoid and Kaladin are my favorite characters so far in any series lol


Thanks! Everyone loves Hoid! 

To everyone else that has welcomed me, thank you too!

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Hi @Serce Forts! welcome to the 17 shard. And do make sure to eat the yummy spiked brownie. It's soooo good :P

Mistborn was the first Sanderson book that I read so it has a special place in my heart but After reading WoR, Stormlight Archive has become my favorite Cosmere series and one of my favorite all time book series. I've read Arcanum Unbounded and I'm in the process of reading Warbreaker which is gonna take longer than I like cuz I'm super busy at the moment.

Favorite character...I'm gonna cheat and go top 5: Kelsier and Lift, followed closely by Shallan, Kaladin and Vin.  And Hoid, well Hoid is in his own special category all by himself. 

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