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Gold vs Sharblade


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8 minutes ago, Gudbrand said:

Can compounding gold prevent death from a shardblade?

Yes, Bloodmakers can heal Shardblade wounds.


INTERVIEW: Apr 15th, 2013

Reddit AMA 2013 (Verbatim)


Does a limb that has been "severed" by a Shardblade have any Hemalurgic bindpoints? If the same limb was then cut off more conventionally, would a Bloodmaker ferring be able to grow it back?


A severed Shardblade limb needs repair to the soul before it would function again. A Bloodmaker would be able to heal it without needing to grow it back.



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Personally I think that gold works a bit like stormlight, you can heal anything that doesn't kill you outright. But take a shardblade to the spine or the head and you are dead, and no mount of stored health is bringing you back.

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17 hours ago, Unhinged said:

Personally I think that gold works a bit like stormlight, you can heal anything that doesn't kill you outright. But take a shardblade to the spine or the head and you are dead, and no mount of stored health is bringing you back.

Normally, yes, but I think if you were already tapping health sufficiently when the Shardblade hit, you could heal the damage as it was inflicted and thus not die.

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22 hours ago, FiveLate said:

This proves that bloodmakers and stormlight can heal both physical and spiritual wounds, but has there been any evidence that they can heal cognitive?  IE. Mental disabilities? I am leaning towards no.  This is because of Miles mental instabilities, and Kaladin's Seasonal Affective Disorder.  Has anyone seen differently?

Well, we know that Investiture can heal mental disorders. Becoming an Elantrian healed Adien. One thing to keep in mind is that healing in the Cosmere often has to do with how you view yourself as normal. I suspect if Miles had seen his instability as unhealthy or at least not normal for him then it would have been healed (similar to the Slave brand on Kaladin).

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1 hour ago, The Sovereign said:

Well, we know that Investiture can heal mental disorders. Becoming an Elantrian healed Adien. One thing to keep in mind is that healing in the Cosmere often has to do with how you view yourself as normal. I suspect if Miles had seen his instability as unhealthy or at least not normal for him then it would have been healed (similar to the Slave brand on Kaladin).

Not excatly. Healing could heal mental disorders if they are caused by a physical reason. Wrong brain chemistry could be healed, Cognitive issues are not.

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3 minutes ago, Yata said:

Not excatly. Healing could heal mental disorders if they are caused by a physical reason. Wrong brain chemistry could be healed, Cognitive issues are not.

Adien was born with his mental disorders, they weren't caused by an injury. 

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1 minute ago, The Sovereign said:

Adien was born with his mental disorders, they weren't caused by an injury. 

Yeah, his brain chemistry/structure was different/wrong...The Healing could fix that

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1 minute ago, The Sovereign said:

Fair enough, do we have confirmation that cognitive issues cannot be healed? Is there a WoB I haven't seen?

Yeah you have to search a WoB about Depression VS Healing. Brandon explains the Healing could (or not) work regard the Depression's source

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3 minutes ago, Yata said:

Yeah you have to search a WoB about Depression VS Healing. Brandon explains the Healing could (or not) work regard the Depression's source

Ah, I found the WoB's; going by what the 2nd one says, it seems that depression can be healed, it is just difficult and it seems to matter how one views the depression. The impression I am getting is if you view it as a flaw/disease/etc. you can heal it but if you view it as just part of who you are you would not be able to.




INTERVIEW: Jan 20th, 2015


So for Kaladin’s depression and Stormlight’s healing abilities, does Kaladin remain depressed because of his view of himself, or is it a limitation of Stormlight’s abilities to heal, or something else?


Disorders like depression are a part of a person's personality, and thus aren't diseases and cannot be cured. He talked a lot about this, and he talked about how a hyper kid annoys people but that doesn't mean there's something wrong.







INTERVIEW: Apr 23rd, 2016


If a Shard were to heal the cracks in someone’s Spiritweb, like Saze did with Spook, and that person who was getting healed has a Nahel bond, would that break the bond?


No, because the Nahel bond is already filling in those cracks, so you would have to rip it off to put something else in there.


So the Shard wouldn’t be able to heal…?


Well, the Shard...Like, here’s the thing we have to get at with this, what we’re getting at, which is the question of, for instance, is Kaladin’s depression a flaw in him that needs to be healed? And that is a question for philosophers. There are certainly people in the Cosmere and outside the Cosmere that say yes, this needs to be healed, but what about somebody who’s...say, someone who is autistic, and their mind just works in a different way, and this way allows a certain bond to happen that couldn’t otherwise happen? Is that a flaw, or - is it a bug or a feature, to speak in coding terms? Is what’s up with Kaladin a bug or a feature? I know that my wife would probably get rid of her depression if she could, but it’s also fundamental in how she sees the world and who she is, would that change her into a different person? And things like this. So, I want you when you discuss this, to be very careful about treating mental illness as a flaw as opposed to an aspect of a human personality that allows certain different things to happen. Does that make sense? [Applause]


The way I was sort of thinking, was, could Odium say, “Oh, I’m just going to fix this” and then [...]?


Right, right, yeah. If he - if there was - that is possible, but it would be hard to do without the consent of the person, but that is possible. You can fix somebody in a way that they didn’t want to be fixed, and it would ruin things.



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There is another WoB, I will try to find it...It is more explicit in this regard.

EDIT: Sorry I mixed two WoB, the one I talked about was this:


Q: Can Cosmore magic heal illness like depression?

A: It can heal physical stuff, like hormonal imbalance in brain, but if there are psychological reasons then it wont help


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15 minutes ago, Yata said:

There is another WoB, I will try to find it...It is more explicit in this regard.

EDIT: Sorry I mixed two WoB, the one I talked about was this:


Interesting, so it can heal some depression but not others, thanks for the WoBs. I hadn't seen that one.

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