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Stormlight Ars Arcanum


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I'm pretty new to this, so forgive any errors or lapses in information. I don't think anyone else has done this, but if they have I apologize.
When I first got into the theororizing/wild speculation side of the way of kings, I found this ars arcanum to be very helpful, if incomplete. So using mainly the information found here I updated the ars arcanum.
I added Order and Surge names, as well as known members. I didn't include any order/surge/herald thumbnails, though, as I don't have any of those images on hand.


I also made the document in excel, but I can't upload the document itself, so I'll just use pictures instead.


If I made any mistakes or omissions, let me know!



Edited by paperhouse
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Looks good! but there are WoR spoilers on it, so you my want to put it under a spoiler tag until a moderator moves it. Highlight the picture and click the third button from the left in the edit options, then select spoiler.



Edit: if you don't mind, I would like to attach the picture to my personal blog (for my reference only). Is that ok?

Edited by Bloodfalcon
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