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Mistborn vs Full Radiant


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Duralumin with emotional allomancy so you can make the radiant feel extremely suicidal? Shard blade seppuku anyone?

EDIT: ah didn't realize that. I would think that if the mistborn were powerful enough that even with duralumin and a whole lot of zinc or crass that they could pull it off. Unless shardplage does just make them completely immune.

Edited by Gizmosowner
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What does the title of this topic have to do with the discussion it is initiating? 

In any case, it would be hard for a mistborn to stop a full shardbearer. Their best bet is likely to just stall for time until the shardbearer runs out of stormlight. They could also use coin, perhaps, to crash the shardplate in order to speed up the process. 

4 minutes ago, Gizmosowner said:

Duralumin with emotional allomancy so you can make the radiant feel extremely suicidal? Shard blade seppuku anyone?

Shardplate would probably interfere with emotional allomancy targeting the wearer due to the amount of stormlight it holds. See this topic for more discussion on the matter. 


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OK, so the reason why everyone loves Mistborn so much is because it has a really good magic system, and characters are generally really good. People love it not because the characters who can use the magic are virtually undefeatable, or can beat everyone else, but because of the different ways you can use it, and the ingenuity it takes to use it well, the subtle yet effective push/pull on someone's emotions with brass/zinc, etc. So, in general, people love Mistborn not because it's perfect, but rather for it's flaws, the limits it has. Not sure if I phrased that correctly.

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I meant Mistborn as in the type of allomancer, not the series.

Anyway, Shardplate infused with Stormlight beats duralumin and pewter and makes the wearer immune to emotional allomancy.

Edited by Gudbrand
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1 hour ago, Gudbrand said:

I meant Mistborn as in the type of allomancer, not the series.

Anyway, Shardplate infused with Stormlight beats duralumin and pewter and makes the wearer immune to emotional allomancy.

I see. The fact that you capitalized it when it's not a proper noun probably threw people off.

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3 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

The fact that you capitalized it when it's not a proper noun probably threw people off.

Is it not? I've always capitalized it (but then again, the spell check dictionary on this computer counts any new words added as names, where capitalization makes it a different word, and thus spelled wrong) so I may be biased by the tech

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Radiants require Stormlight to use almost all of their abilities other than what their spren could do on their own ('being a Shardblade' included) and their Plate similarly seems to drain light. Mistborn also have resource limitations but each of their powers is idependent so they're much harder to outlast as long as they're clever about using them. Throw in atium which is pretty much an 'I win' button in a duel unless the opponent has a counter to it and some of the more esoteric metals like bendalloy and you have a pretty nasty package. And Brandon has been asked versus questions on occasion and while the parallels aren't always exact, they tend to come down in favor of the mistborn due to a combination of the ones we know having a tendency to be dirty fighters and the Radiants being more constrained in how they can use their powers (ie, when asked about a Vin/Kaladn matchup Brandon gave the win to Vin). Also, while a Shardblade has been noted to be very hard to push on and Plate only somewhat less so, it's not stated to be impossible, even a small nudge at the right moment can be a huge issue and if you're fighting a mistborn they have duralumin so they're going to get at least one shot at such a surprise nudge.

That said, most 'who's the strongest' topics revolve around Rashek who also has access to Feruchemy and consequently, compounding. So a 'mere' Mistborn versus a full Radiant is a much closer fight all around, though how close depends on which Order we're talking about (bearing in mind that all mistborn have access to Steelpushing for example, but only Windrunners and Skybreakers have flight) the terrain and a bunch of other factors so we can't give anything approaching a comprehensive answer right now.

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2 hours ago, The One Who Connects said:

Is it not? I've always capitalized it (but then again, the spell check dictionary on this computer counts any new words added as names, where capitalization makes it a different word, and thus spelled wrong) so I may be biased by the tech

I don't think you should be because it's not a proper noun. Mistborn isn't a title any more than misting, fullborn, or surgebinder is. It's just a designation for people possessing a certain set of powers. 

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1 minute ago, Spoolofwhool said:

I don't think you should be because it's not a proper noun. Mistborn isn't a title any more than misting, fullborn, or surgebinder is. It's just a designation for people possessing a certain set of powers. 

Alright then. I may still do it from time to time since it's habit now, so fair warning(not that it's a big deal)
Time to relearn how to edit the spellcheck dictionary...

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5 minutes ago, The One Who Connects said:

Alright then. I may still do it from time to time since it's habit now, so fair warning(not that it's a big deal)
Time to relearn how to edit the spellcheck dictionary...

I gotta say Spool I agree with Connects here. Every use of the word mistborn in the original trilogy is capitalized :) in-world at least it is clearly a title.

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19 minutes ago, Extesian said:

I gotta say Spool I agree with Connects here. Every use of the word mistborn in the original trilogy is capitalized :) in-world at least it is clearly a title.

True, but it also capitalizes misting and allomancer and those should really not be capitalized in my opinion. They're not titles, they're designations. Eh, I guess whatever works them. My evening is now ruined as I'm going to brood over that.


Also, if someone makes a Ruin joke over the fact I used ruined, I will soulcast them into chull dung.


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I'd imagine that A-Chromium would have an effect, like the story in the Bands of Mourning broadsheet, where a leacher dies indeed drain investiture besides  Allomancy. However, I would also think that it would not have as great an effect as it would on another mistborn, simply because the Radiant could breathe in more stormlight, rather than having to ingest more metal like an Allomancer would. 

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34 minutes ago, Andy92 said:

Could you use Chromium to wipe the Stormlight reserve out of a Radiant or is that limited to draining metal reserves? 

I believe we don't know, the most recent WoB I can find is a RAFO



If an Allomancer found themselves on Nalthis or Roshar, would they be able to use chromium on someone using Stormlight or Breath?


I am staying away from answering too many questions like that until I start having it happen. But do know that the magics interact... some ways they interact very naturally, some ways, they don’t. One way I’ve released is, you could use bronze on most forms of Investiture to find it. So you can extrapolate that some of these things would work. But not necessarily all. All of them could be made to work.

But I think so coz of the underlying mechanic



If you were a Leecher, could you destroy a Shardblade?


Umm...I'm going to RAFO that for now, let's just say that it would be incredibly difficult if it were possible, and I'm not going to even say if it is. The Investiture in a Shardblade is much greater than your average Allomancer, but...This type of thing is not unheard of in the cosmere. The larkin, the Leechers, and Nightblood all have a similar sort of thing going on. Destroying a Shardblade would be REALLY hard. And Investiture resists other forms of Investiture, so

And @Spoolofwhool I do agree with you on grammar and construction grounds. I figured because the book effectively canonizes it as a capital, that should be enough, but more than happy to foment lazy revolution on this. 

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I think that for mistborn killing full radiant is quite easy. He must eat like 10 kg of steel, some pewter and duraluminium. Then you take big bullet of hard metal, like titanium. The you target radiant and duraluminium steelpush the bullet. Pewter if for survival the shot.

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41 minutes ago, Panwp said:

I think that for mistborn killing full radiant is quite easy. He must eat like 10 kg of steel, some pewter and duraluminium. Then you take big bullet of hard metal, like titanium. The you target radiant and duraluminium steelpush the bullet. Pewter if for survival the shot.

Well a Radiant could heal unless you manage to crush his head.

Honestly I think the Mistborn VS Radiant is better played with a long fight to slowly drain the Radiant's Stormlight more than a hyper attack who could or not work and leaves you powerless

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I think one of the biggest questions in this scenario is which terrain are they fighting in. Mistborns are best in cities, night and mist, radiants in full gear seem more meant for open terrain and battlefields. Mistborns do best as assasins and tricksters, while a radiant in a huge plate is not exactly going to be subtle. That been said, I'm generally wary of considering this too much in depth as we still haven't seen any radiant in full gear, nor have we seen any radiant say all 5 oaths. 

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Also, the order of the radiant might matter. A lighweaver might fare better than a windrunner making herself invisible, throwing illusions and striking from behind. An elsecaller might just strike out from the cognitive realm. While the windrunner might just fly around chasing the Mistborn until his light drains.

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