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Tensoon's Mistakes


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***Spoilers for Well of Ascension***


I'm on my third read through of well of Ascension and I just now am realizing the mistakes TenSoon makes when imitating OreSeur. Maybe I'm wrong but I felt like I should share these and see if I'm right. 

First of all, the kandra becomes a lot more helpful after it becomes a dog. Before, it would only help if given a specific command to. Now it takes the initiative and helps Vin, such as when it told her he could store vials inside of his body. 

Another mistake is when it "forgets" that it already told Vin that making the fur would take a long time. He claims he forgot that he already told Vin, but it's really because it wasn't him who told her. 

I feel like he made another mistake when he says he can help Vin. Vin says that he can't kill humans as part of the contract and he lists ways he could help instead, such as running to get help. However, he doesn't mention carrying metals, which he had already done beforehand. It's not like he would forget, he just isn't the same person and doesn't have the OreSeurs memory. 

Another mistake is when Vin mentions the logbook. He seems to not remember it, yet OreSeur would have certainly remembered it. 


Does anyone else know of any other mistakes? I think it's cool there are clues in the books that he is the traitor. It's cool that even on the third time I'm reading this book I'm discovering new things. 

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virtually every time they mentioned previous conversation tensoon was elusive. and tensoon was working as hard as he could to make vin suspicious of the rest of the crew.

it was good for him that vin got along so poorly with oreseur: if she had been closer to him, tensoon would have been discovered, as they'd have had many more private conversations in common, and tensoon had limited time to question oreseur. tensoon, on his part, was good to disguise his changes as character development; that's what saved him.

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On 5/3/2017 at 10:15 AM, Kinnsayyy said:

First of all, the Kandra becomes a lot more helpful after it becomes a dog.

For the purpose of being pedantic, Tensoon is a "he" :)

You make a valid point about him taking the initiative, but I feel that isn't so much a mistake on his part as it his a difference on Oreseur's part. Tensoon's previous contractors likely encouraged him to think on his toes, something Oreseur didn't seem to do. Tensoon could've figured that most people who would hire him are hiring someone flexible who gets the job done

Can't really dispute "forgetting" fur takes time.

Your first point implies that Tensoon is the one who mentioned holding metals inside his body, and then you say he didn't in your third point. Please clarify
If Tensoon did do it for the first point, then he isn't mentioning it in the future because he already has, otherwise your point probably stands.

Query: Why would Oreseur remember the logbook? I don't recall Renoux ever taking an interest in it, nor do I remember anyone other than Vin and Kelsier reading one of Sazed's translations.

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34 minutes ago, The One Who Connects said:

 Tensoon did do it for the first point, then he isn't mentioning it in the future because he already has, otherwise your point probably stands.

Query: Why would Oreseur remember the logbook? I don't recall Renoux ever taking an interest in it, nor do I remember anyone other than Vin and Kelsier reading one of Sazed's translations.

My bad, what I meant was OreSeur, when he was still a human, held vials of metal for Vin and gave her some whenever she said "run away" or something like that. Whenever Tensoon was mentioning ways to help her, he never even mentioned holding metals for her. 


I think everyone on the crew read the logbook if I'm not mistaken. But it was probably at least mentioned in front of the kandra, especially since all of them were focused on it and they talked about it a lot. 

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