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New snapping method


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It hit me out of the blue today that I have no idea how snapping works now that Harmony changed it. Does anyone remember a WOB on this topic? 

If not, I'm willing to bet that it's related somehow to the "cracks" in the soul that are necessary to form a Nahel bond on Roshar. 

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Snapping was always essentially creating the cracks in the Soul. Harmony couldn't get rid of that, all he did was make that snap level easier to reach. There's at least two WoB saying something to this effect in another thread a while back(in the Cosmere Q&A section I believe)

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There are a few WoBs


FYODOR32768 (14 NOVEMBER 2011)

In Alloy of Law are people still Snapping?


Sazed chose to alter the way Snappingworks. It bothered him. It does happen, but differently.



How does Snapping work after Sazed changed it? If you don't want to reveal it all right now, are there any hints you can give us?


He couldn't get rid of this entirely. I don't want to spoil things, but Snapping was built into Allomancy primarily because of larger-scale magical issues. This is getting deep into the issue, but it has to do with a person's spiritual makeup and a 'wounded' spirit being easier to fill with something else, kind of like a cut would let something into the bloodstream. Sazed made this threshold on Scadrial much easier to obtain.


The change in how the magic (on Scadrial) interact with each other, was that done by Sazed?


Yes it was. You will find a theme. The snapping in Mistborn is actually a repeated theme through a lot of the different magics. Um, but what I felt at the end of the day Sazed would do something about it. So, even though that is part of the magic system, he changed that. The change to Feruchemy is more a matter of other factors such as the large amount of interbreeding that happened following...and things like that. And so a lot of people with Feruchemy sDNA mixing with people with people with Allomantic sDNA has affected the way the magics blend, so to speak. That's not done by Sazed. That's just kind of an effect.

I think there is an Annotation somewhere but I can't find it.

But it seems he basically lowered the snapping threshold so people can become allomancers with mildly traumatic things rather than needing to be beaten almost to death.

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One of Leras' last acts as Preservation was to use the mists to infect mistings with a short-duration physical ailment (mist-sickness) through which he could forcibly cause them to snap.  I assume Sazed uses a similar mechanic.  This may even be why the mists don't appear as often in Wax's time, IE: the mists' Investiture is being "used up," so to speak, in the process of snapping new allomancers, and now they require more than one day to recharge and manifest.

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It seems pretty obvious to me. Harmony heard about Roshar and the Spren relationship. Saw how it worked and decided to create his own "Navel Bond" and so he gave the people of Scadrial belly buttons so investiture could more easily enter the body. Can I get one of those sad wa wa waaaaaa noises?  In all seriousness though I wonder if people don't snap during birth now. It's a time that is traumatizing and painful enough to induce snapping and it's forgotten.

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On 4/26/2017 at 0:57 PM, theuntaintedchild said:

It seems pretty obvious to me. Harmony heard about Roshar and the Spren relationship. Saw how it worked and decided to create his own "Navel Bond" and so he gave the people of Scadrial belly buttons so investiture could more easily enter the body. Can I get one of those sad wa wa waaaaaa noises?  In all seriousness though I wonder if people don't snap during birth now. It's a time that is traumatizing and painful enough to induce snapping and it's forgotten.

I could actually see this happening. 

The birth thing, not the navel thing.

I'm thinking around Era 3. Like, a child is born and along with weighing it and cleaning it and stuff, they pump a metal solution into the child's veins through an IV and get a Nicrosil Misting/Bronze Misting to see if it came through Allomantically, so to speak. 

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On 4/24/2017 at 7:38 PM, Extesian said:

There are a few WoBs

I think there is an Annotation somewhere but I can't find it.

But it seems he basically lowered the snapping threshold so people can become allomancers with mildly traumatic things rather than needing to be beaten almost to death.

I like to think he changed snapping from physical to emotional.

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3 hours ago, coppercloud said:

I like to think he changed snapping from physical to emotional.

The Snapping was always emotional, simply an intense physical pain was a pratical way to obtain the emotional feed they need.

To be honest a guy could Snap also for positive emotions also if this case is really really rare, probably because it's really difficoult to reach an extreme level of happyness

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I wonder if the "kinder, gentler" Snapping mechanism is also responsible for the lessening of Allomantic power since the Catacendre?

I know that Allomantic strength diluted over generations from the original Mistborn who were created via direct ingestion of lerasium beads (of which number Elend is essentially a throwback, but "died without issue", as they say of childless kings and Emperors) - but after about 1,000 years, you'd think that Kelsier, Vin, Ham, Breeze, etc., strength of Allomancy would represent a "maximum dilution" type of level. Which is what Sazed twiddled Spook to be, too.

The fact that we have a WoB that Allomancy is even further weakened in Wax/Wayne's Era might be linked to the change in Snapping, then. Less damage required = less power can get through.

Would that imply that if someone WERE to "Snap it Old School" in Era 2, that they'd have larger cracks and would be a more powerful Allomancer?! Or did Sazed change the mechanism to be something like "birth trauma", so that Allomancers were basically born operational?

And how would the people have learned of this change, and stopped beating their kids? If He communicated it to the Pathians, it'd be specifically and widely known then, right?

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5 hours ago, robardin said:

but after about 1,000 years, you'd think that Kelsier, Vin, Ham, Breeze, etc., strength of Allomancy would represent a "maximum dilution" type of level.

Might just have been my interpretation of Brandon's responses, but it always felt like the maximum dilution took the ~1350 years, rather than the even 1K.

5 hours ago, robardin said:

And how would the people have learned of this change, and stopped beating their kids? If He communicated it to the Pathians, it'd be specifically and widely known then, right?

A major reason that a previous "snapping is gone" thread came up was that Wax/Wayne and Co. never mention it happening. I imagine that it is widely known that they don't need to do that anymore, especially since that tradition is why Sazed changed it.

5 hours ago, robardin said:

Would that imply that if someone WERE to "Snap it Old School" in Era 2, that they'd have larger cracks and would be a more powerful Allomancer?!

I'm fairly certain that the answer is no, as you should cross the new, lower threshold before you do enough to snap in the "old school" way, thus preventing you from snapping that way.

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16 hours ago, robardin said:

I wonder if the "kinder, gentler" Snapping mechanism is also responsible for the lessening of Allomantic power since the Catacendre?

That does make sense to me. Mostly as an argument on why the higher treshhold would have been there in the first place. Saying that Leras required full Mistborn for his plan and so he went with the more brutal method out of necessity makes sense to me. Otherwise though, the idea that Leras, whose entire magic system is based around people not having to spend their own strenght for protection, would go with a system that's needlessly harmful to humanity seems off.

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2 hours ago, Edgedancer said:

That does make sense to me. Mostly as an argument on why the higher treshhold would have been there in the first place. Saying that Leras required full Mistborn for his plan and so he went with the more brutal method out of necessity makes sense to me. Otherwise though, the idea that Leras, whose entire magic system is based around people not having to spend their own strenght for protection, would go with a system that's needlessly harmful to humanity seems off.

Honestly I disagree, the Allomantic Strenght isn't relate to the Snapping method. If this would be the case, almost all the Allomancers (Savant and Hemalurgy gifted excluded) will have the same Strenght while we see this as untrue....Also among the MistSnapped (a stronger and more invasive Snapping) the resulted Allomancers aren't more powerful than the standard ones.

On another note, Brandon explained how Realmatic speaking the Snapping works. There are an extra bit of Preservation in Scadrian's Souls trapped between the two "pairly sets" of Ruin and Preservation's Investiture. When the Soul cracks, this "extra bit" is released and it could develop the Allomantic power.

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