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An Overly-Eager Introduction To Uncontrolled Chaos

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Greetings, all!

Quick introduction, okay - Irish fool in a small town skirmishing more prominent borders, but hey, I have access to bookshops. All that really matters, right?

So some context. I had actually been looking to read Robert Jordan's 'Wheel of Time' series when I stumbled upon beauty. I still plan on doing so, but other obligations stand in the way. I will soon, naturally, but back to the context! One day, I was in Dubray Books, in Dublin, with my friend, and I brought him over to the fantasy section (as you do) to show him the Wheel of Time books, eagerly anticipating when I would first get to open the first of the 14-book series (this was just under a year ago now). I mentioned very briefly to him how a man named Brandon Sanderson (at the time it was a very 'whoever the hell that is' kind of attitude) had written the final three books instead of just one final book, as Jordan had passed before completing the series. 

It was at this point, my friends, that one of the workers at the store overheard me, and came wandering. He asked, cautiously, if I had read any of Sanderson's books. I told him no, I hadn't. Why, what were they like? Similar to the Wheel of Time? 

His answer was very yes and no. It was at this point he told me about the Cosmere, and how almost all of his work was connected. He elaborated a little bit, though a lot less than I would now. We then shared a Doctor Who joke, naturally, and moved on.

So I decided I'd check this Sanderson guy out. Couldn't hurt, right? (Disclaimer, it has only ever hurt my social life, but I really don't mind). I did some research, looked up books, premises, and decided to play it safe. I ordered Elantris; his first published work, the breeze that kicked up a hurricane, and a stand-alone (for now). First impressions, it was ridiculously sexy (UK covers, of course, apologies America). Second impressions, it was casual. And then it wasn't. It was real. And beautiful. And I loved it. I moved onto Mistborn. I read the first trilogy in just under two weeks. And like that, I was hooked. 

Suddenly I was willingly drowning myself in lore, research, ANYTHING I could read about and discover within the Cosmere. Never before have I been so APART of something in literature.

Less than a year on, today, I have amassed an entire collection of his books and have thrown away the key to my own cage that is Sanderson's work. 

So I certainly hope that now, after long waiting to join, I will be able to deliver myself to the lorists of the 17th Shard. . . but largely just to be apart of the community. You know? I could rant about Sanderson for hours - and I have, especially with friends who are just as locked up as I. 

So here I am folks.

It's an absolute pleasure.

Edited by Self-Appointed-Deity
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