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Lerasium Ferring


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Lerasium has feruchemical (and hemalurgical) properties but we don't know what those properties are.



Does lerasium have Feruchemical and Hemalurgical powers.


Yes. Brandon will probably be getting into these, and the other metals Hemalurgical and Feruchemical powers, in greater detail in the future Mistborn Trilogies

The best guess I have would be to let you store any powers but I suspect now Harmonium does that. 



Lerasium grants all Allomantic powers when burned. Atium, when used as a spike, can steal any power. Is there a way to create a metalmind that can store anything?


There is a way to create a metalmind that can store anything.


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That's because he was a full feruchemist, able to store in/tap all the metals, including god metals. (By the way, a ferring is a feruchemist who can only store in/tap one metal). There are no god metal mistings. The only reason why there were atium mistings was because preservation altered the table so that, until the final battle in the hero of ages, mistings could burn atium. Since feruchemy was of both ruin and preservation, only harmony could change it, and since harmony has that no interference attitude, its unlikely that there will ever be, or have been, atium ferrings

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5 minutes ago, Figberts said:

No, there are atium mistings. They are called Seers.


Well there were but @Lord Adonalsium has the right of it, there aren't naturally atium mistings, it was a temporary hack by Preservation.



At the end of Hero of Ages, it's significant that 1/16 of the soldiers who got sick were Atium mistings. We know now that there's more than 16 metals - what exactly happened there?


Well, you have to remember, by that point, Preservation wasn't entirely there. He was mostly concerned with leaving hints, clues, with the number 16, towards his plan.


So, were the other remaining group of soldiers that fell sick all still mistings of the other base metals?




So, did Preservation bump out one of the base metal types so those could be Atium mistings? And if so, which was it?


Yes, that's right. It would probably have been one of the metals that was difficult to get at that level of technology. It would have been Chromium - Chromium would be hard gather at that time. Actually, no, it would have been Aluminum. (about a minute later, while signing someone else's book) - Hold on, there's a caveat to that last answer. Let me finish signing this and expand on that. So, it would still have been Aluminum, but not for the reason your thinking. It would have been Aluminum, but there's an asterisk next to that answer.

Now there are (probably) none for that very reason.



I asked to confirm whether after Sazed's ascension if there were any more atiumor malatium Mistings. He said "there are no more, in that way..." and I said "In that way, huh?" and he gave me an ominous look.


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