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Thor: Ragnarok

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Just watched it this morning, and I love it! Can't wait for it to come out, it looks amazing! My prediction, epic Gladiator Fight! Well that's probably a given, but still.watch?v=v7MGUNV8MxU Favorite part, "He's a friend from work" lol.

Here is the trailer, 


Just out of curiosity, and totally unrelated, is your username in reference to Captain Bayle Domon from the Wheel of Time?

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Well, everything is leading up to the Infinity War, so this movie will have to incorporate some elements of the Guardians of the Galaxy, in order to show this transition. Besides, Guardians of the Galaxy was an awesome movie, can't wait to see the second one.

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The GotG aesthetics are 1) those people with facial markings like Collector 2) ...ships? 3) music. I personally don't see much of connection save for the more lightheaded tone of the trailer.

This is first Thor movie I'm hyped for.

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What I think he means is then it's going to be a lot less Earth-centric, not necessarily exact races, or government bodies, although I expect we will come into contact with a few of them, even if they are not contained in the trailer.

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23 hours ago, Pagerunner said:

Are we thinking that Mjolnir is destroyed so she can take the Infinity Stone inside of it?

Also, looks very much like a Guardians knockoff, aesthetically. Not sure how I feel about that.

I really don't think there's an Infinity Stone inside Mjolnir. Part of the reason the Aether was sent away from Asgard was because keeping two Infinity Stones together (that and the Tessaract) was too dangerous. Mjolnir resides in Asgard too often for them to ignore that same principle. I think we've seen a good summary of where the Infinity Stones all are, in fact.

Mind Stone: Vision's forehead, originally seen in Loki's staff (given to him by Thanos, for unknown reasons except to capture the Tessaract and take over the Earth).

Space Stone: Tessaract. Currently in Asgard's vault unless Loki has sent it away (since he's currently posing as Odin). Thor: Ragnarok will likely touch on it.

Power Stone: The Orb from GotG, being held by the Nova Core. 

Reality Stone: Aether, seen in Thor: The Dark World. Delivered to The Collector, who may still have it even after his shop was blown up in GotG, and who will feature prominently in Thor: Ragnarok.

Time Stone: Part of the Eye of Agamotto, the necklace that Dr Strange possesses and is currently back in the library of the sorcerers (not sure if there's a specific name for that). This and the Mind Stone are the only Infinity Stones currently known to be on the same planet, but it's likely that no one knows that both are on Earth. 

Soul Stone: The only Infinity Stone not yet seen, but it wouldn't make sense within Mjolnir. It'll probably be revealed within Infinity War, I would guess, and may already be in Thanos' possession.

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41 minutes ago, Oversleep said:

The GotG aesthetics are 1) those people with facial markings like Collector 2) ...ships? 3) music. I personally don't see much of connection save for the more lightheaded tone of the trailer.

I'd leave off the first one, but yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Visuals, soundtrack, and tone are all very much unlike the previous Thor trailers. Asgard was very clean, very bright, and with lots of smooth lines. Guardians was predominately blocky, colorful, and dingier. Space fantasy, as opposed to Blade Runner. (Yes, I know that's an oversimplification. But, on the whole, Thor movies haven't looked like Guardians movies, until now.)

The team dynamics also seem very evocative of Guardians, with the heroes being in conflict with one another. That doesn't quite fit with how the actors have described it, as a buddy-cop movie.

I've heard The Dark World called the worst MCU movie on more than one occasion. It looks like they're trying to take cues from Guardians, which was a surprise success, to help this series finish out strong. I didn't like Guardians, personally, so I don't think it's a good move. But it's popular, so it's understandable.

18 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

I really don't think there's an Infinity Stone inside Mjolnir. Part of the reason the Aether was sent away from Asgard was because keeping two Infinity Stones together (that and the Tessaract) was too dangerous. Mjolnir resides in Asgard too often for them to ignore that same principle.

The locations of all the Infinity Stones weren't set in stone from the beginning. While writing the script for Dr. Strange, they decided to incorporate the Time Stone, since it fit thematically with the movie. Let's not get spoiled by Brandon, who wouldn't film Iron Man without knowing where all six Infinity Stones were already. If it was too dangerous to keep two Infinity Stones on the same planet, why do they allow two (Mind and Time) on Earth? I don't think it's an insurmountable plot point for it to have been in the hammer the whole time, especially since two other Infinity Stones have had powerful weapons built around them (Loki's scepter and Ronan's staff).

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23 hours ago, Pagerunner said:

looks very much like a Guardians knockoff,

@Pagerunner I would disagree with that line of thinking for three reasons. 1) Chris Hemsworth's natural talent is comedy, and only little of it is used in past Marvel movies (save maybe the first Thor). The director, Taika Waititi, said he really let Hemsworth vent his comedic ability in this one and also stated that Thor is the funniest thing in this movie.

2) While Guardians is meant to feel like it is trapped in the 80's, it doesn't. It's about a man raised on 80's pop culture stuck in a galaxy who has no idea what he is referencing. Thor: Ragnarok uses a lot more color schemes than the Guardians movies, which is saying something, because we've only one trailer to boost my claim. Fit this color, acting, and design of characters with Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" (Which is centered on Norse mythology to begin with), you get an amazing looking movie that looks like it should be released in the 70's, not today.

3) Taika Waititi also said they would and bring back the feel of the first Thor, where he adapts to Earth culture. In this one, we're going to see him adapting to gladiator stuff and Mjolnir gone and Asgard dead and stuff. It's gonna be flippin awesome.

1 hour ago, Zeldan said:

so this movie will have to incorporate some elements of the Guardians of the Galaxy

@Zeldan True in sorts, but see my reply to Pagerunner above.

57 minutes ago, Oversleep said:

This is first Thor movie I'm hyped for.

@Oversleep No words can describe it. No emotions can either. If kinetic energy could be released, the Northwest Territories would be off the map. I'm hyped too, comrade. I'm hyped too.




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33 minutes ago, Pagerunner said:

The locations of all the Infinity Stones weren't set in stone from the beginning. While writing the script for Dr. Strange, they decided to incorporate the Time Stone, since it fit thematically with the movie. Let's not get spoiled by Brandon, who wouldn't film Iron Man without knowing where all six Infinity Stones were already. If it was too dangerous to keep two Infinity Stones on the same planet, why do they allow two (Mind and Time) on Earth? I don't think it's an insurmountable plot point for it to have been in the hammer the whole time, especially since two other Infinity Stones have had powerful weapons built around them (Loki's scepter and Ronan's staff).

Oh don't worry, I'm fully aware that they're not planning this out with the same level of detail, though I don't think they simply shoehorned the Time Stone into Dr Strange, nor are they just spitballing in other ways. Not having two Infinity Stones in the same place is the lesser argument to me than the fact that what Mjolnir does has nothing to do with what the Soul Stone should do. While the abilities and purposes of things certainly change (sometimes in very significant ways) from the comics to the MCU, I don't see any way to make the connection. This is what the Soul Stone/Gem did in the comics according to the Marvel Wiki:

  • The Soul Gem is sentient; it has a desire to collect souls  The Soul Gem is sentient; it has a desire to collect souls 
  • The gem can attack another's soul in various ways 
  • The gem can reveal information by peering into another's soul or using the 'Cold Light of Truth' 
  • The gem can trap souls inside itself in an idyllic world. 
  • The gem's wielder can access the memories and skills of those imprisoned within Soul World 
  • The gem can revert beings to their natural state. 
  • The gem protects its wielder from soul-based attacks. 
  • The gem can disrupt the anima of a soul with a karmic blast rendering the target temporarily unconscious. Certain beings are immune to this attack.

I won't be surprised if it does make an appearance in GotG 2, since Adam Warlock had it in the comics (Peter Quill's father in those, though not in the movies apparently), and it has connections there, but I'm expecting to see it first in Infinity War.

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Just now, Captains Domon said:

Actually, it was J'Son of Spartax.

Whoops, yeah. Adam Warlock still has connections with the Guardians of the Galaxy, pretty sure. I doubt they'll just introduce a second Infinity Stone after that being the theme of the first GotG film, though.

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I figured someone else on the internet had probably articulated my thoughts already, and in a better manner (since I'm neither a Marvel geek nor a film buff). [1] [2] [3]

It's not necessarily a bad thing to move away from the feel of the first two Thor movies and towards more of a Guardians feel. People like Guardians more than the last Thor movie. I, personally, found Guardians to be a Sci-Fi B Movie.

EDIT: @Jondesu, here's the Space Gem's powers according to that same wiki:


The space gem allows its user to manipulate space anyway one sees fit. Its most basic powers allow one to teleport themselves and others any place they can picture in their mind regardless of distance or preventive measures such as walls or spells. It can increase the speed of the user. Its more powerful abilities allow one to appear in multiple places at once or altering the distance between objects contrary to the laws of physics. At its peak when used in conjunction with the other gems it allows its user to be at all places in the universe at once simultaneously.

Doesn't look very much like the Tesseract, which powered Hydra tech. Or the Mind Gem:


The blue Mind Gem gives the owner psionic powers like telepathy and telekinesis or can augment the pre-existing mental powers of its user. When used in conjunction with the other gems, it can link its user with all other minds in the universe at once.

which in the MCU lets Vision fire energy beams. (Laserface.) The Infinity Stones are all powerful energy sources, not just the Power Stone.

The Thor movies have, so far, dealt very explicitly with Infinity Stones. First movie had the Tesseract, second movie had the Aether. Unless they bring in Strange, Vision, or the Guardians in a big way, that leaves only one Stone left for this movie: Soul. (Granted, that's assuming they will follow that trend, which is not a given.) It's also somewhat an exercise in prediction: before the trailer (well before, in fact), the two big theories (Hammer or Heimdall) both predicted the death or destruction of someone or something important. (Either Heimdall would die, or Mjolnir would be broken.) Since the hammer does get broken, that's what lends it so much credence in my mind.

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Fair, @Pagerunner, and we'll have to see when the movie comes out. I'm just not anticipating that particular theory to be fact.

Also, I realized that I've recently begun playing Marvel's little mobile game called Contest of Champions, in which you're part of gladiator fights organized by The Collector. Basically exactly what we saw in that trailer, though the game has a pretty different feel to it.

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Actually, @Pagerunner, only the second film dealt with a stone, the first was focused on Thor growing up mentally. Granted, the Tesseract was hinted at in the post credits but it had no relevance prior to that. I actually enjoyed both the first two films, definitely not worth the harsh criticism some people give them. We know from Ultron that Thor had a vision, and Heimdall was saying something about going blind but I can't quite remember, need a rewatch.

Now, as for the Soul Stone, I don't think we'll see that in either Thor or GotG2. Whilst it may be possible and likely, given Hela is god of the Norse underworld, so souls may be in play here, I have a feeling they will probably save it for Black Panther. 

The colours and abilities of the stones have been switched a little bit so it isn't a direct adaptation (you should read where they actually come from, comics be cray cray)

It all depends on how much they're borrowing from comic event book, obviously with some Planet Hulk elements (I look forward to hearing how Hulk/Banner got off world in the first place)

(Speaking of comics, the Contest games is actually based on the Secret Wars: Battle world print run of the same name, if memory serves!)

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On 11 April 2017 at 2:14 AM, Pagerunner said:

 Also, looks very much like a Guardians knockoff, aesthetically. Not sure how I feel about that.

True. But seeing as the first Thor movies were kinda meh and Guardians was good, AND its all the same universe so it has a right to be aesthetically similar......I' willing to give it a shot.

19 hours ago, Oversleep said:

This is first Thor movie I'm hyped for.


I'm just.....why is fighting in a gladiator tournament ragnarok? Don't get me wrong, small stakes movies are fine, but Ragnarok literally is the end of the world so.....whats up with that?


And can we talk about those three seconds of Loki.

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17 minutes ago, Delightful said:

I'm just.....why is fighting in a gladiator tournament ragnarok? Don't get me wrong, small stakes movies are fine, but Ragnarok literally is the end of the world so.....whats up with that?

Because Hel (or Hela) invading Asgard and stuff is pretty much Ragnarok. I think.

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19 minutes ago, Delightful said:

And can we talk about those three seconds of Loki.

HECK YES!!! Loki looks like he's about to destroy seven armies with those blue handled knives of his! His helmet looks way cool with no top.

31 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

And we've taken to calling this movie "Asgardians of the Galaxy".

A nice touch, but still, it's completely different from Guardians.

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3 hours ago, Delightful said:

True. But seeing as the first Thor movies were kinda meh and Guardians was good, AND its all the same universe so it has a right to be aesthetically similar......I' willing to give it a shot.


I'm just.....why is fighting in a gladiator tournament ragnarok? Don't get me wrong, small stakes movies are fine, but Ragnarok literally is the end of the world so.....whats up with that?


And can we talk about those three seconds of Loki.

From the trailer, it appears that he's sent there after the destruction of Asgard.  I'm sure the movie will have more to it, and it may have been misleading in the trailer, but he may be just about the last surviving Asgardian.

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I have found my people!

So, I have a theory that they are going to turn Loki good (I can't really  from three seconds), because he is on the list of heroes for Infinity War. 

Also, this isn't a theory, but still funny. I saw the cast photos of Thor with new weapons and short hair before the trailer and told my friends about it. These are their reactions.

"WHAT?! He's not Thor anymore!"

"I bet it was Loki's fault!"



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