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So I just realised that there are some common personalizations for books.

Apart from "RAFO" and "RAFO!".


Elantris: drawn Aon Rao
Emperor's Soul: I know your soul

Final Empire: I am hope
Well of Ascension: Mists await
Hero of Ages:

Alloy of Law: Rust+Ruin! / Keep your lucky hat on, mate!
Shadows of Self:
Bands Of Mourning:

Way of Kings: Some part of First Oath: Life before death/Strenght before weakness/Journey before destination
Words of Radiance: Bridge Four

Warbreaker: My Breath to yours...

White Sand: May Sand Lord protect you

Arcanum Unbounded: Can I eat your lunch? / Are you listening? / Shut it, Voidbringer!


Alcatraz: Rutabaga (BTW, you can ask him to sign the book as Alcatraz. You get Alcatraz signature upside down cause that's how Alcatraz would do it)

Perfect State: Enjoy!

Legion: Not crazy
Legion: Skin Deep: So...zombies?

Rithmatist: Rithmatic diagram

Firefight: potato in a minefield / calzone stuffed with dynamite
Calamity: there will be heroes

Wheel of Time:

Memory of Light: The end.

Please add your personalizations.

Edited by Oversleep
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Brandon drew a Rithmatic diagram in my copy of The Rithmatist without prompting, and he put quotes from Firefight in the two copies I bought at the release party: "potato in a minefield" and "calzone stuffed with dynamite."

Pretty sure my WoK has one of the Radiant ideals.

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