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Found my Escape


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Hi all, excited to be here!

Brandon Sandersons works are my respite from the daily wear. I am so happy to have found an author whose work has such depth and complexity, spans so much time and space, that i can completely immerse myself, and invest into exploring everything that is hidden beneath the surface. Rare is the author that can bring such active reading in this genre. A re-read is never boring, because once you've read something else from the Cosmere, you somehow see things in a different perspective. These works never cease to amaze me on that front.

So as i read, and re-read, and re-re-read, i finally decided to join up with you all. After all, theorizing, speculating, and exploring is much more fun when you have others to share it with!  

Before i dive deep into the rabbit holes of these forums, is there anything i should know? For example, what is this i hear about delicious cookies?

Best regards,


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