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WoB on Nightblood, investiture and metals


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I just saw an interesting WoB on the recent AMA (which he's still answering, amazingly) that confirms Nightblood is not affected by the type of metal being burned by an allomancer powering it.

(And my apologies if this is stealing the Thunder of a Sharder, I didn't recognize the username).



Now as for a question, I fully expect to be RAFO'd but I've been super curious. Would the metal an Allomancer burns if he was charging Nightblood with investiture effect the relative power of Nightblood, say if you are buying Duralumin or Atium Nightblood would be more powerful than if you were burning Bronze or Zinc.


Excellent question, actually!

Nightblood, as I've written him now and as I intend to keep him, feeds of the investiture--but isn't really strengthened by it. Meaning, it doesn't matter to him what the food is, it's all just food to him.

We may already know or at least suspect this but I found it interesting that the metal makes no difference, that even an atium misting would be no more efficient at powering Nightblood than someone who can burn extremely common, cheap metals.

I'm not sure how it relates to other forms of investiture as I don't think we know how they compare to each other. But certainly says any misting of a widely available metal could be pretty scary with Nightblood and a lot of that metal.

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doesn't this also mean that the relative amount/power of investiture available doesn't matter? Nightblood just feeds on it? I.e. I saw another thread where someone was saying that if Odium picked up Nightblood he could destroy a planet with the sword because of the power of the Shard funneled through Nightblood. 

To me this quote says that Nightblood has 1 power level when sheathed, and another when he is unsheathed and feeding on a wielder's Investiture... but it doesn't increase with consumption or availability of investiture per se. 

Also - would have been nice for Elend to have had Nightblood in that final battle... might have been able to kill even MORE Koloss! ;)

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4 hours ago, Green Hoodie Mistborn said:

doesn't this also mean that the relative amount/power of investiture available doesn't matter? Nightblood just feeds on it? I.e. I saw another thread where someone was saying that if Odium picked up Nightblood he could destroy a planet with the sword because of the power of the Shard funneled through Nightblood. 

To me this quote says that Nightblood has 1 power level when sheathed, and another when he is unsheathed and feeding on a wielder's Investiture... but it doesn't increase with consumption or availability of investiture per se. 

Also - would have been nice for Elend to have had Nightblood in that final battle... might have been able to kill even MORE Koloss! ;)

I think the amount of investiture is still relevant, for example a savant could power nightblood at a higher level than a normal misting because they are capable of drawing more investiture from Preservation. I think Brandon is just saying different metals draw the same amount of investiture it's just the effect they have (senses, steelpush, atium effects etc) don't make a difference. We may feel something 'powerful' like atium should but it probably uses the same amount of investiture just with a much more useful effect.

To use the food example, you may enjoy a delicious meal more than a loaf of bread but they still provide the same amount of energy. Yo Nightblood all investiture is food so whether it tastes better, whether it has a cooler effect, is irrelevant. It's all just food to him.

The effect of channeling investiture doesn't matter. Only the amount of investiture does. 

Edited by Extesian
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2 hours ago, Extesian said:

I think the amount of investiture is still relevant, for example a savant could power nightblood at a higher level than a normal misting because they are capable of drawing more investiture from Preservation. I think Brandon is just saying different metals draw the same amount of investiture it's just the effect they have (senses, steelpush, atium effects etc) don't make a difference. We may feel something 'powerful' like atium should but it probably uses the same amount of investiture just with a much more useful effect.

To use the food example, you may enjoy a delicious meal more than a loaf of bread but they still provide the same amount of energy. Yo Nightblood all investiture is food so whether it tastes better, whether it has a cooler effect, is irrelevant. It's all just food to him.

The effect of channeling investiture doesn't matter. Only the amount of investiture does. 

Nightblood consumes investiture at a constant rate I believe. No matter how dense or "powerful" Investiture is, I reckon it would be like trying to fit an elephant in a pencil sharpener (although not that exaggerated). The amount of investiture would just relegate how long you use him for.

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15 hours ago, Green Hoodie Mistborn said:

doesn't this also mean that the relative amount/power of investiture available doesn't matter? Nightblood just feeds on it? I.e. I saw another thread where someone was saying that if Odium picked up Nightblood he could destroy a planet with the sword because of the power of the Shard funneled through Nightblood. 

To me this quote says that Nightblood has 1 power level when sheathed, and another when he is unsheathed and feeding on a wielder's Investiture... but it doesn't increase with consumption or availability of investiture per se. 

Also - would have been nice for Elend to have had Nightblood in that final battle... might have been able to kill even MORE Koloss! ;)

My brother had that very idea! So i asked Brandon about it... And I got a RAFO

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