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World hopping: "Do not cross the streams."


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It has been repeatedly confirmed that Metalborn from Scardinal would have an easier time using their magic on other planets/Shard worlds.

So, I am curious what the effect of mixing Investitures from other worlds with Alcomancy/Feruchemy.

To start off this discussion :

1. Could an Alcomancer burn a piece of metal invested with Biochromatic Breath from Nalthis?

2. Could a Ferchemist Bloodmaker store health from Stormlight on Roshar?

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Well, the second one would definitely work -- assuming the bloodmaker also had KR stormlight healing powers. If he used stormlight to heal while filling his metalminds, he'd just have extra health to store. (Though I doubt he could store stormlight itself. Maybe with Nicrosil?)

The Allomancer question, I'm not quite sure about. The investiture in the Breath might interfere with burning the metal. Or... it might not. Guess what Brandon said when asked this very question?


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5 hours ago, Belzedar said:

The Allomancer question, I'm not quite sure about. The investiture in the Breath might interfere with burning the metal. Or... it might not. Guess what Brandon said when asked this very question?


Surprise, surprise.

I think the Breath'd metal would be harder to burn, as it is already Invested, and Invested metal is harder to burn, as seen with metalminds.

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But metal minds aren't harder to burn, just harder to push/pull. 

That Rafo makes me believe that either he wasn't sure of the tip of his head when asked or that we will see it in the futire and it will have an important role to play in the comsmere.

I see no reason he would not have told us if it was a straight forward answer.

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8 minutes ago, Itchy Savant said:

But metal minds aren't harder to burn, just harder to push/pull. 

That Rafo makes me believe that either he wasn't sure of the tip of his head when asked or that we will see it in the futire and it will have an important role to play in the comsmere.

Remember in Well of Ascension when Sazed has Vin try and burn one of his earrings?

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@bleeder yeah but she was able to sense the storage just not burn it due to it being keyed to sazed. 

If that was the case compounding would be way less useful/impossible

And @QuantumSpren if they had unlimited investiture to draw on I image they would be able to hit the natural speed limit of the universe.  The big issue wit seel compounding is that friction would eventually kill them but if you can remove that I imagine they could hit lightspeed. But I am not a an expert on these things I am just guessing.

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Yeah and breath is not dependent on identity so (if you can burn it) then it should not matter. But you could also awaken it yourself, no?


Hoid has apparently achieved several Heightenings. Is there a reason that other non-natives cannot?

It all depends on how awakening changes the metal.

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@Sheridan_rd I am not sure, that's good question actually. Would it store the ability to hold storm light, or would it store the nahel bond? And if it was storing the Nahel Bond how does that affect the spren?

Brandon has said that anybody can awaken as long as they have breath and that it is the most accessible magic system.

Spoiled for length


INTERVIEW: Dec 6th, 2016


So we know that you can’t just have someone--if someone were to do something similar to Hoid, he can’t just pop and go ‘oh look, I can now do Allomancy or now do Surgebinding’. What about Breath? Could somebody give Breath--could they still get the benefits--


Oh, good question. Yes you can, actually. Breath, once it is given to you, it is being keyed to you--your Identity. So that transfer makes it yours to use however you want.


So you could Awaken?


You could Awaken. If you were to somehow make it there, you would be able to Awaken. It’s the easiest of magics to get the magic from, and then to manipulate. Because it has keyed into it Identity.




Yes, you can take Breath onto another world. In fact, you’ve seen characters do this.




Yes, it would work the same way. The only magic that is location-dependent-- the ones who aren’t interested in this, just hum to yourself, okay? You don’t need to know any of this stuff to enjoy the books, okay? I’ve [written] them so that each series can be read independently, and enjoyed. There is behind the scenes stuff, and if you want to dig, it goes pretty deep. So on Sel, we have AonDor. AonDor is based on the fact that the Dor, which is an amalgamation of Dominion and Devotion, has been pressed together and stuffed into the Cognitive Realm by Odium who didn’t want it to gain sentience, as Investiture will do if it is left alone. It will either seek someone to be its Vessel or it will gain sentience. He pressed it in there; he pressed it together, which creates the violent reaction, because those two Intents are opposed. And that is the foundation of the magic. Because it’s stuck in the Cognitive Realm rather than the Spiritual Realm (the Spiritual Realm is location-independent; Cognitive Realm is location-dependent), it makes the magic on Sel only work in close proximity to what is keyed through there to the location they’re keyed to. This has to do with Identity and Connection--mostly Connection. So that means you can’t do AonDor on another planet, but you can do other magics works anywhere, because they’re drawing the magics specifically through either the place, or they’re end-neutral, like Breath is, and don’t need any extra power.

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5 hours ago, Itchy Savant said:

@Sheridan_rd I am not sure, that's good question actually. Would it store the ability to hold storm light, or would it store the nahel bond? And if it was storing the Nahel Bond how does that affect the spren?

Brandon has said that anybody can awaken as long as they have breath and that it is the most accessible magic system.

Spoiled for length

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INTERVIEW: Dec 6th, 2016


So we know that you can’t just have someone--if someone were to do something similar to Hoid, he can’t just pop and go ‘oh look, I can now do Allomancy or now do Surgebinding’. What about Breath? Could somebody give Breath--could they still get the benefits--


Oh, good question. Yes you can, actually. Breath, once it is given to you, it is being keyed to you--your Identity. So that transfer makes it yours to use however you want.


So you could Awaken?


You could Awaken. If you were to somehow make it there, you would be able to Awaken. It’s the easiest of magics to get the magic from, and then to manipulate. Because it has keyed into it Identity.




Yes, you can take Breath onto another world. In fact, you’ve seen characters do this.




Yes, it would work the same way. The only magic that is location-dependent-- the ones who aren’t interested in this, just hum to yourself, okay? You don’t need to know any of this stuff to enjoy the books, okay? I’ve [written] them so that each series can be read independently, and enjoyed. There is behind the scenes stuff, and if you want to dig, it goes pretty deep. So on Sel, we have AonDor. AonDor is based on the fact that the Dor, which is an amalgamation of Dominion and Devotion, has been pressed together and stuffed into the Cognitive Realm by Odium who didn’t want it to gain sentience, as Investiture will do if it is left alone. It will either seek someone to be its Vessel or it will gain sentience. He pressed it in there; he pressed it together, which creates the violent reaction, because those two Intents are opposed. And that is the foundation of the magic. Because it’s stuck in the Cognitive Realm rather than the Spiritual Realm (the Spiritual Realm is location-independent; Cognitive Realm is location-dependent), it makes the magic on Sel only work in close proximity to what is keyed through there to the location they’re keyed to. This has to do with Identity and Connection--mostly Connection. So that means you can’t do AonDor on another planet, but you can do other magics works anywhere, because they’re drawing the magics specifically through either the place, or they’re end-neutral, like Breath is, and don’t need any extra power.

I doubt Nicrosil Mind would store the Nahel bond, thus someone tapping an unkeyed Metal mind would gain the innate benifits of holding Stormlight  (strength, speed, increased healing) without the ability to Surgebind.

Where as a already Surgebinder would likely find Stormlight working more efficiently  (like Kaladin compared to Szeth).

However, I still like the idea of someone able to store Vast amounts of Stormlight in a metal mind to use during the Weeping, repairing Shardplate, Soul Casting, etc..

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They would gain the ability to hold stormlight yes but I think they would actually need stormlight to gain the effects.


What if a savant stored into a Nicrosil mind? Like would a tin savant grant someone else the effects of the savantism or just regular old tin?

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Is it not aluminium that unkeys the investiture? Nicrosil stores the ability to use specific investiture. 

I don't think a Ferring could store a biochromatic aura.


Edit: a windwhisperer might be able to

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On 2/11/2017 at 9:16 PM, Itchy Savant said:

@bleeder yeah but she was able to sense the storage just not burn it due to it being keyed to sazed. 

If that was the case compounding would be way less useful/impossible

And @QuantumSpren if they had unlimited investiture to draw on I image they would be able to hit the natural speed limit of the universe.  The big issue wit seel compounding is that friction would eventually kill them but if you can remove that I imagine they could hit lightspeed. But I am not a an expert on these things I am just guessing.

I've been telling you guys for ages- this is how we get a Brandon sanderson equivalent of the Flash! Although I would call him Steeldancer, which is a pretty cool name. 

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13 minutes ago, Itchy Savant said:

Lol @The Flash 

I kind of hope we see this now.

My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest compounder alive.

Once I was just a normal steel compounder. Then I visited roshar and was chosen by the Cultivationspren. With my now unbounded speed, I protect both scadrial and roshar from harm.

When I was young, the Steelbringer killed my mother for hemalurgy and framed my father. But now I will hunt him down and bring him to justice. Because I am...


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7 hours ago, Itchy Savant said:

Is it not aluminium that unkeys the investiture? Nicrosil stores the ability to use specific investiture. 

I don't think a Ferring could store a biochromatic aura.

Aluminum IS used to unkeyed the investiture, which would allow a Tineye to store his Alcomancy in an Nicrosil mind.  This process (I believe ) would also negate a Savant's damage to his Spirit web.

Thus Savant or not the Nicrosil Mind would just hold Alcomancic Tin.

Secondly, I was referring to the effects of Biochromatic Breath.  Such as enhanced strength, speed, health, hearing, sight.  

Take a Bloodmaker storing health "might" diminish their Bio Aura, then exaggerate their Aura when tapping their Gold mind.  

I wondered if Awakening while tapping such a metal mind would make the effect more powerful?

I.E. Tapping enough health to replicate the healing of a Divine Breath :)

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Ah I see now, yeah that probably is plausible, at the very least they would be able to store more of their natural abilities and lean on the aura to make up for it if that makes sense, and I have been wondering what would happen to an awakener storing in nicrosil.



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