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The New Windrunner


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I heard there is going to be a new windrunner in the next book. What are your thoughts on who it will be. I think it will be Yalb the sailor because of the wind spren that made a face at Shallan at the very beginning of WOR. I think that was really an honorspen.

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15 minutes ago, Gizmosowner said:

No idea where he got it from



RVIEW: Apr 8th, 2016


Were the oaths of the Knights radiant consciously chosen, or did they happen naturally.


*apprehension*. This is one of those vague ones in that yes and no. They are a natural outgrowth of the spren, but the spren are a natural outgrowth of human's perception of natural forces, but the spren are sentient, so I would say it's a little more by instinct than not. For example to Knights Radiant in the same order might speak the words differently, but the concept is the same. You will see this happen in a future book, where a windrunner will speak the oaths. It's a slightly different take on the same concept. Some are moreso, like Shallan's oaths are very individualized truths, so


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1 hour ago, jofwu said:

How funny would it be if the first Windrunner to join Kaladin is none other than Gaz?

I'd put the chance of that somewhere between zero and nil.

Remember that Gaz was the supervisor for Bridge 4, the deadliest bridge group in Sadeas' army, assisted sending the bridgemen to their deaths, and despised Kal for organizing them.  That's literally the opposite of protecting, and completely opposite to the ideals of the windrunners.  Frankly, it's evil as well.

Gaz becoming a windrunner would possibly be the single worst plot choice Brandon could make.

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I think the most likely new Windrunner is Teft. We know the Windrunners were a hierarchical order. It would make semse if Kal's second in comand would eventually become a Windrunner. I know all the bridgemen are squires right now but from Dalinar's vision we know that squires under a Radiant have a good chance of being chosen by spren themselves. Additionally Kal suspects that Teft used to be a squadleader in the army, he's the most capable of the bridgemen to lead on his own. I think with time many of the bridgemen could become Radiants, as it becomes evident that a desolation has started I think more spren will cross over into the physical realm and will naturally be attracted to those already familiar with the mentality and powers of Windrunners. But I dont think this will happen for a longer time (with maybe the exception of Teft) because Brandon will likely want to show off what squires can do, etc.

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1 hour ago, Patrick Star said:

Gaz becoming a windrunner would possibly be the single worst plot choice Brandon could make.

I do feel like Brandon is setting up Gaz for redemption of a sort. And I think there's something cooking with what Gaz described as shadows fluttering in the corners of his one-eyed vision, echoing what Gavilar mentioned to Kaladin as shadows he saw that "went away" when Kaladin became his bodyguard.

I don't think that means they're being set up to be KRs, not by a long shot, but Gaz has an arc in store for him.

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Personally I just think the shadows for gaz are just in his mind.  Now IF they are something more and tied into the ones that galivar was seeing, is it possible that these "shadows" are voidspren?

  Also I could be wrong but I thought somewhere in WoK galivar says something about the shadows that makes them sound like the geometric headed spren that Shallan  sees in WoK.

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9 hours ago, Ciridae said:

I think the most likely new Windrunner is Teft. We know the Windrunners were a hierarchical order. It would make semse if Kal's second in comand would eventually become a Windrunner. I know all the bridgemen are squires right now but from Dalinar's vision we know that squires under a Radiant have a good chance of being chosen by spren themselves. Additionally Kal suspects that Teft used to be a squadleader in the army, he's the most capable of the bridgemen to lead on his own. I think with time many of the bridgemen could become Radiants, as it becomes evident that a desolation has started I think more spren will cross over into the physical realm and will naturally be attracted to those already familiar with the mentality and powers of Windrunners. But I dont think this will happen for a longer time (with maybe the exception of Teft) because Brandon will likely want to show off what squires can do, etc.

I tend to agree with you Teft was my second choice.  I do not understand some people on this forums idea that because one is a Squire they therefore cant become a knight. That seems really stupid to me considering in history the very definition of a "Squire" is a Knight in training...

Edited by Humpty
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8 hours ago, stonedshaman said:

Personally I just think the shadows for gaz are just in his mind.  Now IF they are something more and tied into the ones that galivar was seeing, is it possible that these "shadows" are voidspren?

  Also I could be wrong but I thought somewhere in WoK galivar says something about the shadows that makes them sound like the geometric headed spren that Shallan  sees in WoK.


I thought that Gavilar might be seeing cryptics as well, but doesn't that mean he would have to have been a surgebinder?

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Isla that was my thought too and honestly still is.  I'm just tossing out ideas that are plausible due to the info we have.  If I remember correctly though didn't pattern say he was the only cryptic to come across?  Also I am now kind of a fan of this voidspren following around galivar and gaz.  As always if this post doesn't make sense I apologize,  maybe I should wait till I'm fully awake to start posting lol

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12 hours ago, Isla_Vezrian said:

I thought that Gavilar might be seeing cryptics as well, but doesn't that mean he would have to have been a surgebinder?

Hm, Elhokar has been seeing Cryptics too, though. While there are some (me among them) who suspect that he might become a Surgebinder in the future, he doesn't seem to be one so far (unless we're up for another Renarin-style reveal in Oathbringer). I'm guessing that having affinity for Surgebinding might make it easier for one to see Cryptics, but now we could argue whether Elhokar really has any Radiant potential in him.


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1 hour ago, stonedshaman said:

Isla that was my thought too and honestly still is.  I'm just tossing out ideas that are plausible due to the info we have.  If I remember correctly though didn't pattern say he was the only cryptic to come across?  Also I am now kind of a fan of this voidspren following around galivar and gaz.  As always if this post doesn't make sense I apologize,  maybe I should wait till I'm fully awake to start posting lol

He said he was the only cryptic to bond with a human, I think* 

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9 minutes ago, Rasarr said:

Hm, Elhokar has been seeing Cryptics too, though. While there are some (me among them) who suspect that he might become a Surgebinder in the future, he doesn't seem to be one so far (unless we're up for another Renarin-style reveal in Oathbringer). I'm guessing that having affinity for Surgebinding might make it easier for one to see Cryptics, but now we could argue whether Elhokar really has any Radiant potential in him.


What I think is that, Shallan, for example, saw multiple cryptics following her around who we know are not Pattern. I think what allows one to see a cryptic would be a high sensitivity to the cognitive realm even if you are not a surgebinder. Obviously only some types of Knights Radiant can see and interact with the cognitive realm, i. e. Light weavers and Elsecallers, but the others don't really, like Kaladin, who never mentions anything about it and I doubt he really knows anything about it. That being said, I think someone who is not a surgebinder can still sense, and maybe even see things bleeding over from it, like the cryptics. This doesn't mean they will become surgebinders BUT if they do, they would most likely become a lightweaver or an Elsecaller.

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6 hours ago, Rasarr said:

Hm, Elhokar has been seeing Cryptics too, though. While there are some (me among them) who suspect that he might become a Surgebinder in the future, he doesn't seem to be one so far (unless we're up for another Renarin-style reveal in Oathbringer). I'm guessing that having affinity for Surgebinding might make it easier for one to see Cryptics, but now we could argue whether Elhokar really has any Radiant potential in him.


I personally feel Elhokar becoming a Radiant wouldn't work within the current main narrative. In other words, I fail to see what it could add to the story. Considering we already have a barely explained Radiant feeling useless at everything he does which seemingly was enough to grant him a Nahel bond in Renarin, Elhokar just seems redundant. I feel he has better use as a foil to Dalinar than as yet another Radiant character.

As for the Windrunner, my money is on Moash, not because I think him particularly suited, but because he has viewpoints into the next book. This almost automatically makes him a proto-Radiant.

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12 minutes ago, Harry the Heir said:

Moash might have viewpoints so that we can follow the Diagramists from a lower-level point of view.

Hopefully that is the case... I dont want him to become a windrunner I kind of feel like he made his choice. If he is going to be a Radiant at all I would rather him become one of the other orders we haven't seen yet. How about a Stoneward... I say Stoneward for a few reasons,  One, I think it would be ironic b/c Moash is a traitor twice over. Also he seems to be a natural warrior picking up the way of the warrior very easy. Also he is stubborn even in "proven error" which is a trait of the stonewards. It would be cool if he redeemed himself by learning about then exposing the majority of the Diagramists.

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11 minutes ago, maxal said:

Yes but Brandon did say he had "great plans" for Moash... 

That is true I had forgotten that when I just posted above. It seems more than likely my little on the spot theory might have some traction after all.

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