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Recently I find that inserting obscure but relevant WoBs in the proper Coppermind articles seems to be a great way to make them easier to find at a later time. It also has the benefit of improving the credibility of the articles in our beloved wiki.

I'll be looking at the WoBs on this thread shortly to check which ones need to be wikified.

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I have an hard time to find the WoB about Investiture and how is keyed to the User's identity while in use. It was a WoB about the possibility of a Surgebinder who discharge a Plate of a Shardbearer simply sucking the Stormlight. How this is impossible, while it became possible once the Plate isn't used

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48 minutes ago, Yata said:

I have an hard time to find the WoB about Investiture and how is keyed to the User's identity while in use. It was a WoB about the possibility of a Surgebinder who discharge a Plate of a Shardbearer simply sucking the Stormlight. How this is impossible, while it became possible once the Plate isn't used

I don't remember reading anything to that effect. Perhaps you're mis-remembering this one:





Is there a functional/structural difference between modern-day Shardplate and the stuff the Radiants wore? Did the Radiants have to use infused gems to keep their suits going or could they just 'breathe in' Stormlight and feed the suit off of their 'inhaled' reserves?


Something is different. You will find out what.


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19 minutes ago, skaa said:

I don't remember reading anything to that effect. Perhaps you're mis-remembering this one:

Unluckly no, it was a long digression to the role of the Identity in Realmatic Theory. From a simple question Bradon give us a lot of Information of Investiture's Interference there and how the Identity is the key part that allow your Investiture to not work aganist you.

EDIT: I probably mixed two WoB together, one it is:


Q: we know that you can't Lash people in Shardplate, but can you Lash the person inside the Plate? If they had their helm off, for example. At that point Plate should be just dead weight, right?

A: There's a bit of an interference envelope. Wearing plate, the person has this big ball of investiture around them, and so pushing any through it--even by touching a person without a helm--is going to be tough. Easier than with the helm on though, I suppose.

Investiture acts (roughly) like a saturated solution in these cases. Sticking more power into something like a Feruchemical storage or a hyper-invested object like Plate is increasingly hard. The other part is that Investiture tends to interfere with other Investiture, unless there's a familiar resonance. (This is part of what philosophers call Identity.) Slapping your hand through a sand master's stream of sand will cause interference, and make them start to drop. It's not that the sand is supporting them, it's that the investiture holding them up gets scrambled for a moment because of your own investiture.

Investiture pushed toward someone inside a hyper-invested (supersaturated) system like a person in Shardplate is going to get hard push-back.

This is similar to the reason that it's harder to Push on invested coins. Depends on how invested they are, in that case. It's generally not as hard as doing something like Lashing a person in plate. (This is more about the interference than the saturation of investiture.) But the two principles are what I use to guide the physics in these areas.

and the other the explaination about drawn Stormlight from an active Shardplate

I found the other (from a Post of mine):


Q:  why do Szeth and Kaladin not suck all the stormlight out of the gems that power shardplate when they fight people wearing plate, thus rendering the plate useless? Is there something different about the gems that power plate that would make this impossible?

A: So, in the magic of Stormlight (and across several of my books) there's are some underlying principles. One is that the power of the magic (which we call investiture) is difficult to manipulate when it is claimed by someone, or something, else.

You can imagine that magic in the process of being used, like the energy powering plate, works like a kind of negative charge to your own magic. Trying to lash someone in Plate will be very difficult, as the stormlight in the plate is going to resist your attempts to push through it and get at the person. Likewise, that power in the plate is actively being used--draining it is difficult.

If you can rip off a piece of the plate, disconnecting it from the system, then you can get at those gemstones and drain them much more easily. But tucked away inside, they're both shielded and being actively used by the armor. They would be virtually impossible to drain.


Edited by Yata
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1 hour ago, Spoolofwhool said:

@Yata Can you post the source for those WoBs?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormlight_Archive/comments/51u8qu/oathbringer_spoilers_stormlight_three_update_4/d9i35bo/#d9i821k (Oathbringer update 4 it's a bit below, but I can't get the right link to the specific post)

https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormlight_Archive/comments/5dpic4/oathbringer_spoilers_stormlight_three_update_5/dagomo5/ (Oathbringer update 5)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember to the contrary.



So, is Nightblood reducing the amount of Investiture in the cosmere?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes. At a very slow rate, but yes.

I might remember something about Nightblood actually transforming Investiture into an unusable kind of Investiture. Like entropy, heat death of universe thing. Can't find it though.

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1 hour ago, Oversleep said:

I remember to the contrary.

I might remember something about Nightblood actually transforming Investiture into an unusable kind of Investiture. Like entropy, heat death of universe thing. Can't find it though.

Yeah, I know that. But that also doesn't really make sense since we have another WoB that says that investiture can't be destroyed. The other one where he's making it unusable sounds familiar. However, I'm fairly certain I saw one once which said it was still in the Cosmere.

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7 hours ago, Spoolofwhool said:

Yeah, I know that. But that also doesn't really make sense since we have another WoB that says that investiture can't be destroyed. The other one where he's making it unusable sounds familiar. However, I'm fairly certain I saw one once which said it was still in the Cosmere.

The only solution to this problem is that Nightblood turns Investiture into unusable investiture or ruin it so deeply to need a very long time (in a Cosmere scale) for the Investiture to be avaliable again.
So over time Nightblood's consumed investiture will grow bigger and bigger

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8 hours ago, Yata said:

The only solution to this problem is that Nightblood turns Investiture into unusable investiture or ruin it so deeply to need a very long time (in a Cosmere scale) for the Investiture to be avaliable again.
So over time Nightblood's consumed investiture will grow bigger and bigger

Yeah, that's my opinion, though I'm still looking for the WoB I initially posted about.

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18 minutes ago, Oversleep said:

Am I imagining things or there was a WoB that Nazh wants his knife back?

It was specifically not asked at one point on the AU tour. It looks like a follow-up was attempted on the last stop on said tour, but didn't get confirmation on this idea.

Incidentally, how's the search going for that Windrunner-in-Oathringer WoB I'm pretty sure doesn't exist? Any luck?

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30 minutes ago, Pagerunner said:

Incidentally, how's the search going for that Windrunner-in-Oathringer WoB I'm pretty sure doesn't exist? Any luck?

To be honest, I haven't started it. And I haven't slightest idea where I'll find time. I have a lot things to do before Brandon comes to Poland and that's like 3-4 weeks away. And soon university starts...

Oathbringer is not that far off, I can live my life with that doubt on my sanity.

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I swear I remember reading a WoB that Honorblades being less efficient was a thing that they did, regardless of it they were being wielded by the Heralds or regular mortals. What with the recent confirmation that the Heralds were powered by Honor (4:22), I wanted to clear this up once and for all.

I remember reading it somewhere, but my searching has come up with nothing so far. Both on Theoryland and on Reddit.

Bottom line, I want to know if someone else remembers reading this or if I'm losing it this time

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Well at the least the part about Honorblades being less efficient for normal people is from WoR.

-A fair bit of discussion on efficiency follows after that post (that's what the thread is about after all), but with no firm conclusion.

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On 2/22/2017 at 10:45 PM, Kurkistan said:

-A fair bit of discussion on efficiency follows after that post (that's what the thread is about after all), but with no firm conclusion.

I found it.


[–]18th_Shard 5 points 1 year ago 

Thank you so much for writing such awesome books. I can honestly say that all of your books are some of my favorites.

  1. What is one Epic power you wished was in one of the Reckoners books but isn't?

  2. Does a Herald using an Honorblade consume the same "dangerous" amounts of Stormlight?

  3. 4 Hemalurgic spikes steal Allomancy, 4 steal Feruchemy, and 4 more steal Human traits. Do the other four a) steal a trait every normal human has, B) steal something only some humans have, or c) steal something no human has?

[–]mistborn[S] 9 points 1 year ago 

  1. I there had been one, I'd have put it in.
  2. Honorblades are less efficient; this doesn't change when a Herald uses them. (But they have other advantages.)
  3. RAFO.

Relevant passage in bold.

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1 hour ago, Landis963 said:

I would be indebted to anyone who would be able to find any and all WoBs on Mraize's collection of off-world artifacts.  




I picked up the Easter Eggs for Mraize being a Worldhopper. It was actually the sand that did it, having been fortunate enough to read White Sand.


Now there's something odd about that sand. What color is the sand in WoR?

And this



If you could write something we don't already know about the Moon Sceptre?


I run into problems with some of these things, because there's not much to say, but what there is to say can be very spoilery. (writes "RAFO! But it is not Mraize's stick")

All I could find though there's plenty of theorising here.

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43 minutes ago, Extesian said:


And this

All I could find though there's plenty of theorising here.

Thanks, do you know if there are any others?  I'm trying to find a link between Mraize's tree branch and the fain life of Yolen, but I'm not finding anything more concrete than supposition.  

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14 minutes ago, Landis963 said:

Thanks, do you know if there are any others?  I'm trying to find a link between Mraize's tree branch and the fain life of Yolen, but I'm not finding anything more concrete than supposition.  

Unfortunately no, I'm not bad at finding things through theoryland but I struggle with Reddit where there could be something. That said I very much doubt that Brandon would give anything on a link to Yolen, that's mostly RAFO-bait from what I've seen, with Liar being non-canon. I think he's generally RAFO'd things about fain life on the occasion they've been asked. What I am surprised about is that there haven't been more questions to him on Mraize's collection as it's one of the best cosmere-fan tidbits in WoR. If you find anything though I'd love to see it.

I should add though that the best theory I've seen on the branch is that it's a dakhor bone. See here. I'd like it to be fain life but I have my doubts.

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I recall a WoB that it's possible to use Feruchemical copper to store "partial" memories: so you'd store say half of a memory and still have a fuzzy recollection of it, with the coppermind containing the other half. Can't find it now, though. :/

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4 minutes ago, Kurkistan said:

I recall a WoB that it's possible to use Feruchemical copper to store "partial" memories: so you'd store say half of a memory and still have a fuzzy recollection of it, with the coppermind containing the other half. Can't find it now, though. :/

Or maybe you just don't remember all of it? :ph34r:

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