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Hey everyone!

I've never done the forum thing before, but I really love Brandon Sanderson's books, and talking about them! I actually am starting a comedy/fan podcast with my best friend in a little bit where we are rereading Mistborn. t's a nice excuse to talk to each other ever since he moved to Indiana as well as read my favorite books and talk about them.

Since we're rereading Mistborn, I wanted to ask, want was your favorite or most memorable part of Mistborn: The Final Empire for you?


I'll include the thumbnail for the podcast below, mostly because it makes me laugh a ton. Good to be here!


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2 minutes ago, BennParr said:

Hey everyone!

I've never done the forum thing before, but I really love Brandon Sanderson's books, and talking about them! I actually am starting a comedy/fan podcast with my best friend in a little bit where we are rereading Mistborn. t's a nice excuse to talk to each other ever since he moved to Indiana as well as read my favorite books and talk about them.

Since we're rereading Mistborn, I wanted to ask, want was your favorite or most memorable part of Mistborn: The Final Empire for you?


I'll include the thumbnail for the podcast below, mostly because it makes me laugh a ton. Good to be here!


Definitely the TLR's final line of the book. That got me major hype.


Anyways, welcome to the Shard! I hope you find your stay here filled with fun and theories! We're a pretty strange bunch.

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Haha! I never though anyone would respond so quickly! That final line turns so much around for me too. Love how Mistborn is a constant rollercoaster of adjusting your perception of the world. Thanks for the welcome. I'm strange too, so I'm sure I'll fit in. :P

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Hey, and welcome to the shard! I would recomend being wary if anyone offers you cookies.
As for the most memoriable part of the first Mistborn book...I'm not really sure...when Vin kills the Lord Ruler and says a line similar to what Kelsier said when he died was probably a big one for me.

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Welcome to the 17th. To answer your question, Kelsier's 'There's always another secret' has stuck with me throughout  my entire reading of the cosmere. Also, you should really ignore those other guys here and have a cookie *offers platter with cookies*.

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