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Brandon signing in Norway


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Awesome, I'm glad we'll have a rep there! If you write up a report of it I'll slap it up on the homepage.

My biggest question is what Aona's Shard name is. Brandon said via Twitter that it's a synonym of love or compassion, but those aren't the right ones. So, ask: "Is Aona's Shard name Devotion, Benevolence, Empathy, or Charity?" I think that about covers our potential candidates. This one is of top importance.

You could also ask if Shards are categorized in groups of four, similar to Allomantic metals.

The Ultimate List of Questions For Brandon thread has a bunch more (over a hundred of them), but for pure cosmere questions, those are key. Also, I really need to update that topic...

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I have a request. If you can, get an audio or a video recording for when you ask the questions. Brandon phrases very carefully, and so the more accurate the words, the better.

Also, you could ask him: In the sequel to Warbreaker, will we see Nightblood turn into Dayscab? ;)

Edit- A more serious question: Are Seons Splinters of Aona?

Edit Edit- A deeper question: Is the godly power of Preservation the same thing as the Power of Creation that powers allomancy? (If he doesn't understand that question, then ask this one) Why does it cost shard-Vin more to directly fuel Elend with Allomancy rather than the usual way of burning metals?

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I don't really know how many questions i'll be allowed to ask him but i have gone the ultimate questions list and selected 10 questions i belive to be of importance. I focused on general Cosmere questions and not those specific to each book:

1. Are Seons splinter of Aona?

2. Is the Dor the same as the power of creation that powers Allomancy?

3. Who names the planets? You've said once that "Scadrial" was the name of the planet as Ruin and Preservation knew it, but where'd they get that name? Do the Shardholders all get together and vote on it or something?

4. How many Shardworlds are there? Only seven? (Sel, Nalthis, Scadrial, Roshar, Yolen, Taldain, and whatever planet The Silence Divine is on?)

5. The Allomantic metals are separated into four quadrants. Do the Shards have classifications as well, in groups of four?

6. Why do Shards refer to themselves by their Shard name, rather than their original name? Do they still remember their original name?

7. You mentioned that the souls that chose to stay in the Cognitive Realm are those with some strong ties to the Physical Realm. "Generally, you have to be tied to the Physical Realm in specific ways to not pass on." What tied Kelsier? What are some of the "specific ways" in which an individual can be tied?

8. Are the Returned bound to the Physical Realm in such a way? If not, does Endowment know a hack (for lack of a better word); a way of bringing them back from the Beyond that is even apart from all three Realms? Or does each Shard have a different avenue of bringing someone back?

9. How could a person from Scadrial access Shadesmar? An alloy of a god metal?

10. Does Bavadin hold a Shard?

If you think i should add more to the list or if i should change some of them i would lie to know. Also i can not guarrantie that i'll be able to record as zas requsted but i'll try. Also i would loke to know which of these questions should be proretised(incase i'm not able to ask all of them).

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Has Brandon already RAFO'ed the question of Seons being splinters of Aona? If he has, then another question to help get to the bottom of that would be:

"We have already learned that humans cannot be splinters, they can only have splinters (As in the Deific Breaths of the Returned). What about a nonhuman? Can a nonhuman, conscious entity be a splinter?"

If the answer is no, then we know that Seons and Skaze cannot be splinters.

Edited by Timemaster11
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I think that list looks great. And I think that the order you have them in to is pretty good. And if you can't get an audio or visual recording, that's okay. It would just help us better fight over the words that were said ;) . And it could even be a recording from a smartphone (or even from some normal phones). Thank you so much! I can't wait for the answers!

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So i have now been to the signing and it was awsome he read to us the prologe of Alloy of Law and it sounds just as amazing as we should expect. He also struck as a very nice and friendly guy, and it seemed to me that almost evryone there got a posetive impression of him as a person. A lot more people shpowed up there though than anyone really expected so that was a good thing (about 130 people got their books signed and the sold out most their stock of TWoK)

Anyway on to the questions i didn't get to ask all of them but i did get some quiet intersting answers.

• Are Seons splinter of Aona?

He said that that line of theorising is very close and that we are figuring it out.

• Is the Dor the same as the power of creation that powers Allomancy?

He said that dor is similar to that which powers allomancy but not the 100% the same.

• Who names the planets? You've said once that "Scadrial" was the name of the planet as Ruin and Preservation knew it, but where'd they get that name? Do the Shardholders all get together and vote on it or something?

He said thay already had their names and that the all the planets existed before the shardholders got there.

• How many Shardworlds are there? Only seven? (Sel, Nalthis, Scadrial, Roshar, Yolen, Taldain, and whatever planet The Silence Divine is on?)

He said he has a set number in his head but that he didn’t want to say it because he might change his mind. Essentially he doesn’t want to make the number of world’s canon yet.

• Why do Shards refer to themselves by their Shard name, rather than their original name? Do they still remember their original name?

Yes they do, they do remember their original selves( didn’t get any more then that though).

• How could a person from Scadrial access Shadesmar? An alloy of a god metal?

He RAFOd me on this one and said it was a plot point for future novels.

• Does Bavadin hold a Shard?

Yes (and that’s about all he would say. He did however confirm that Rayse is Odium)

Edited by Thorondir
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Interesting answers, maybe the Dor/Allomancy power source is the Raw Power Of Adonalsium ™, but (as theorised by someonelse) it's being filtered a little by the 'doorway'?

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That's what I believe. That the Power of Creation is what powers many magics, but that it is seen as part of Preservation or Aona because they are accessing that power through them.

Anyway, we also have some Amsterdam questions that got answered! Thanks to Terez for pointing this out to me!


As Isabel already reported in the convention section, yesterday we had an unscheduled meeting with Brandon in Amsterdam.

The WOT related information is in the other thread but Brandon also talked about his own books. Most of it are just bits and pieces and it's a bit chaotic. I'll try to post as much as I can remember:

About the scheduling. He plans to start writing the next Stormlight Archive book right after he turns in AMOL. He hopes to write two books for the stormlight archive in a row. The first of those might (very early estimates) be released at the end of 2012, or early 2013.

He talked about the link between his magic systems. One of the core principles is 'investing'. In l lot of his systems people are trough some mechanism invested with magic powers. In Elantris trough the Shaod, In mistborn it's genetic, in tWoK it depends on what some one has done.

Object with almost sentient behavior like nightblood in Warbreaker share important links with the Spren from tWoK. If you understand the spren you will understand a lot about the connection between the books.

Some movie company has got an option on the mistborn books.

The mistborn series was sold as three trilogies. The first trilogy (the one we know) is set in medieval/16th century technoly and is fantasy. The second trilogy will be set in the current day, or at least with the same kind of technology. This makes it urban fantasy. The last trilogy will be science-fiction set somewhere in the future. Of-course all of them have the allomancy magic system to get things interesting. The short novel 'Alloy of Law' that will be released in the fall this year is set between the first two trilogies so the tech level is around 18th/19th century with steam power. Brandon said it was about some wild west character like character getting involved in a murder investigation in a city. So Clint Eastwood meets Sherlock Holmes in London.

Ashley asked "Who is Hoid?". Brandon answered that we would have to wait and read it later. When asked in what book the answer would be, Brandon was vague. It would probably not even be revealed in Stormlight Archive book 10. In the end He gave Ashley a R.A.F.O. card and a WoT sticker.

So that was all I remember. Hopefully some of the other can add some more info for you all.

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Thanks for doing that, Thorondir. Would you mind if I slapped that up on the main page (when I get a chance)?

The rest of my post is a response to these, so I'll put it in spoiler tags, just in case.

I kind of think of the Shards a little differently than Zas does, so let me explain. Adonalsium is the power of creation, but it was split into sixteen different aspects, which are Shards. They are independent of each other simply by the virtue of the Shards having different Intents. Only when all sixteen Shards are together will the "power of creation" as a whole be complete.

This is slightly different than Zas's way of thinking about it, since I place more emphasis on the Shard itself, rather than the Shard acting as a gateway to something greater. In my mind, the Shard is that greater thing. It isn't like burning metals, which accesses Preservation's body. Shards are independent in that way.

From Brandon's words here, I would conceptualize the Dor and Allomancy being different in this distinction: they are both of Adonalsium/power of creation, obviously. But they are not the same power, because each Shard is colored by its Intent. Similar, yet fundamentally different essences, if that makes sense.

Moving on from that quibble (we're essentially discussing the same thing, but in different ways. Zas discusses the Power of Creation, I discuss the Shards' Intents. This distinction shouldn't be terribly surprising, since I quite like my Principle of Intent ;)), let's get to more things we can agree on. It looks like we're on the right page in a lot of ways.

The Splinters (Seons) gaining sentience thing like Nightblood and the spren seems quite telling. We're pretty much there.

Bavadin holding a Shard is a great confirmation. My current theory is that Bavadin is on the world of Silence Divine.

And lastly, one of my long-held theories, Shardholders Can't Remember Their Names, is wrong. Alas. Oh well.

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Well, Brandon did say once that he didn't like our term "Shardholder" for one, because Shards and the person sort of fuse together. So they consider themselves to be the Shard.

That's the what, but now I want to know the why.

Seems to me Zas that I need to make a complete post about my theory so I can espouse it, and we can duel about it properly ;) Haha.

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Thanks for doing that, Thorondir. Would you mind if I slapped that up on the main page (when I get a chance)?

The rest of my post is a response to these, so I'll put it in spoiler tags, just in case.

I kind of think of the Shards a little differently than Zas does, so let me explain. Adonalsium is the power of creation, but it was split into sixteen different aspects, which are Shards. They are independent of each other simply by the virtue of the Shards having different Intents. Only when all sixteen Shards are together will the "power of creation" as a whole be complete.

This is slightly different than Zas's way of thinking about it, since I place more emphasis on the Shard itself, rather than the Shard acting as a gateway to something greater. In my mind, the Shard is that greater thing. It isn't like burning metals, which accesses Preservation's body. Shards are independent in that way.

From Brandon's words here, I would conceptualize the Dor and Allomancy being different in this distinction: they are both of Adonalsium/power of creation, obviously. But they are not the same power, because each Shard is colored by its Intent. Similar, yet fundamentally different essences, if that makes sense.

Moving on from that quibble (we're essentially discussing the same thing, but in different ways. Zas discusses the Power of Creation, I discuss the Shards' Intents. This distinction shouldn't be terribly surprising, since I quite like my Principle of Intent ;)), let's get to more things we can agree on. It looks like we're on the right page in a lot of ways.

The Splinters (Seons) gaining sentience thing like Nightblood and the spren seems quite telling. We're pretty much there.

Bavadin holding a Shard is a great confirmation. My current theory is that Bavadin is on the world of Silence Divine.

And lastly, one of my long-held theories, Shardholders Can't Remember Their Names, is wrong. Alas. Oh well.

I have no problem with this being on the fronpage

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Well, you know, spoilers should go in the books forums. This forum is more informational, so if someone hadn't read Way of Kings, it might be useful to keep some things in spoilers.

But in book discussions? Yeah, they can have spoilers. There will be a more comprehensive policy posted on this... soon.

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I have more information from his tour! Thank you WoT fan for giving me this information!

WoT fan:

I do remember some things, but the majority of the questions were about WoT. He said that all of his own books take place in the same universe, but not on the same world per se. The overall magic system was based on the principle of investing, i.e. people and things are invested by magic. So for example in Mistborn, the metals themselves aren't magical, but they become a vessel for the magic.

Also he said that the ways of magic are different. In Mistborn it's genetic (or through ingesting atium, but he didn't talk about that). In Warbreaker it has to do with gathering other people's Breath, etc.

Sorry, but he didn't elaborate about WoK either, because some people hadn't read it yet and he wanted to avoid spoilers. So I can't help you there...

He didn't talk about Shards, but he did mention that it was very likely we wouldn't find out who Hoid was even in the tenth book of the Stormlight Archive. If anything, it would be in his thesis, of which at this moment only 8 copies were printed. He said he might publish it as a book at a certain point, but not right now.

Hope that was enough for you, I can't really remember anything else right now!


WoT fan

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He didn't talk about Shards, but he did mention that it was very likely we wouldn't find out who Hoid was even in the tenth book of the Stormlight Archive. If anything, it would be in his thesis, of which at this moment only 8 copies were printed. He said he might publish it as a book at a certain point, but not right now.

Thesis=Dragonsteel according to everything I've read or heard. Interesting that he says we would know who Hoid is and it would be in his thesis. I know the version of I've read has a lot of interesting things about Hoid's character but it most definitely doesn't tell us "who" he is by any small means. That is unless I missed something and someone else who has read it can kindly point me to the spot I may have overlooked or there has been more recent revisions.... Which is entirely possible. If you have more information or want to discuss this with me send me a PM so we don't spoil things for everyone else.

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Well, since Dragonsteel ended on an enormous cliffhanger, it's possible the eventually published version will continue on past the original ending. Especially since the entire thing will require massive re-writing anyway (no shattered plains, he's a better writer now than he was then, etc.) He could also mean that we'll learn more in the Dragonsteel Series, as opposed to just the one book.

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Yeah, I always sort of assumed that Dragonsteel is Hoid's story, and Stormlight Archive isn't about that background stuff, it's about Roshar more than cosmere.

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