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Game of guilds game- the game


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He sighed. "I tried... for a long time. I played the day it went online. I've been in here for weeks... the first priority is getting in a good guild, or something similar. We need work, and we need a source of income. After that... then we can look for ways out." He sighed, grimacing. Why did it have to happen again...? At least he could help these people. 

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“We should form a guild. Maybe some other players, if there are any like us, will want to join us. According to the patch notes, there was a lot of buffing of enemies, and a few hard bosses added.” Wister said. “We won’t survive alone.”

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"I- I guess so," Kirito stuttered, obviously still not sure how to feel.  "I guess I can help with the research part.  I have lots of ideas about how to abuse the magic system from what I've read in guides."

"I'm Kirito.  Who may you be?"

Edited by The Young Pyromancer
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Me discovering this thread:

*Comes into roleplaying to see what my unread threads are*

"Alright, Game of Guilds Game is unread, that's expected. Aaaand..."

"Game of guilds game - the game? The heck is this thing?"


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4 hours ago, Kidpen said:

Me discovering this thread:

*Comes into roleplaying to see what my unread threads are*

"Alright, Game of Guilds Game is unread, that's expected. Aaaand..."

"Game of guilds game - the game? The heck is this thing?"


I enjoy alliteration, what can I say?

A small patch of semi-transparent darkness formed in the town square, eventually resolving into a vaguely humanoid form.

"Great. All the way back to the start." Shadow muttered to itself.

He looked in vain at the skills menu, confirming that everything had been reset to lvl 1.

"And a holiday-themed update to boot so everything's going to have changed."

Shadow_00002 began to walk through the town, attempting to find any decent shops or familiar training spots that could be utilized again this time.

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“Wister” he said. “I... i never imagined this happening. I’d heard this game was lifelike, but... wow. Never expected this. Definitley a suprise. I’ve been studying everything about this and had just saved up enough to get it at the update. Seriously, these new bosses, man we’re going to have to get our cha- I mean ourselves...? Yeah ourselves, really strong. If the final boss lets us go home, I don’t want to screw it up.”

”oh sorry, I do that a lot... I tend to be long winded. Which is weird. Because I usually keep to myself unless there are other nerds. Y’know what? Nevermind.”

Edited by Inklingspren
I’m an idiot
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Kirito opened up a menu with a flick like she'd seen in her namesake's show.  After a few moments of fiddling, she managed to send a friend request and guild invite to her two companions.

User Kirito would like to be your friend.


User Kirito would like you to join their guild: Exiles.  (Guild reputation: Unkown.  Guild size: Miniscule.)


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Storm blinked, memories in his head. He could barely remember being human any more... what had his name been...? He couldn't remember. He was afraid of forgetting everything, being stuck here because there was nowhere else he'd know to go to. 

He accepted both requests, smiling. "This should be fun... Where are we heading first? We probably need a building, and that means money. Which means we either adventure, or quest. Normal jobs aren't fast enough and the skills you get from working them don't help you much at all..." He chuckled, smiling.

Honestly, he'd gained strength from it, but nothing else, and now that was gone... all his stats reset. Actual skills were what he needed. Which meant using his current skills. He hummed, feeling oddly at ease around his Treant companion.  Probably their common Nature assignment. 

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Wister pulled up the pop-up menu by tapping his chest, and accepted both invites. He’d seen that way of opening the pop-up menu in a movie once. 

The sun was getting lower and lower. With night would come enemies. They needed to find weapons and armor, or shelter. Wister voiced his concern to the others. The centaur put him more at ease, but the wraith... something about it unsettled him. “We do also need money. Killing monsters should get us that.” Wister added.


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“I built hi... I’m more of a scout/long range. I know how to use a bow and have improved vision and observation. Dunno why I put that on an ent...” wister said. “Sounds like we have a semi-balanced group.”

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He hummed. "My last party headed for the tower first, so I have some Intel on what is in that direction... or... was. It should stay mostly the same, I think. Wer could head there, or try to passively level up... or just talk to a quiet giver. Those are our three best options, I think." He hummed, looking around. 

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“I say we level up. Try to grind if we can.” Wister said. “Anyone have or know how to make arrows? I gave myself archery, but forgot fletching...” wister said, a bit embarrassed. “I may just be able to use wood from my body for a bow...”


I meant to not have him have fletching at first.


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Storm nodded, smiling. "Yeah, I can do that. I have the fletching skill. I'll make you what you need- which is level grinding for me. What about you, Kirito?" He smiled. Was that a normal name? It seemed normal to him, and he had been here for months... so he probably was wrong. He could barely remember his own name anymore...

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"I'm mostly fine.  I would like to have access to a vocational caster though, to see if the rune system corresponds."

Kirito checked her status page again.  "Besides that, access to an anvil would be nice.  I built my character to be mostly self-sufficient, so I can do most of the work myself.  I can mine materials, and craft and smelt them into items , and then enchant them.  I might be able to make specialized arrowheads, but they aren't included in the list of items I can make, so I'd have to make at least the first myself.  Oh, and learning swordplay would be kinda cool, I guess."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Storm nodded. "Alright... I'll help you guys, and I'll teach you about swords. A few weeks is enough to learn at least the basics on how to use one- though I'd suggest that we experiment after that, since a style takes longer to make. So, what's first? Anvil? Exploring? I'm basically just a guide for now." He smiled. 

Edited by (Shadow)Lord_Ookla
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  • 2 months later...

He nodded. "Alright then... I'll lead you guys to the best mining area I know... I used to grind there for hours when I wasn't busy being the meat-shield for the rest of my party..." He sighed, waving for them to follow.


I wonder if storm and shadow will meet back up?


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