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Terminology please!


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Alright, so a Sliver is someone who held a large portion of a shard, and let it go. This leaves marks on a person.

A splinter is a piece of Investiture that is large enough that, if left alone, could gain sentience.

Shards are one of the 16 pieces of Mr A.

So, going along with the convention of using words that start with s and are synonyms for piece, I posit a new term for everyone! I think we should call higly invested people (Heralds, Susebron, and Hoid are all potential candidates) something similar. The term that fits best in this case is thus: Shaving. 

Shards are big, Splinters and Slivers vary but tend towards medium, and Shavings are usually small. I like this idea. We need a term for this after all. This one also happens to be moderately amusing.

Discuss! Mock my silliness/seriousness to your hearts content!

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Splinter: As far as I understand, in the Cosmere, a Shards are also the 16 people who hold the Shards (on 17th shard we call them shardholders, but Brandon does not). Similarly, I think if we were to call people "Shavings", we should also call the portion of power they hold a "Shaving". Quantifying the cutoff between Invested and Shaving might be hard though, seeing as how we still don't have a conversion factor between magics.

I could go with the term, but I likely won't be 'shipping' it (another s word)

Edit: Also, do we know that the Heralds are highly Innately Invested?


Is there a Cosmere-specific term you use to describe, say, a Shard's power inside someone? For example, people on Scadrial had little bits of Preservation in them that made them sentient (and, with enough Preservation, Allomancy). This obviously doesn't make these people Slivers or Splinters, so I was just wondering if you had a word for it.

Brandon Sanderson

In my own terms, I refer to all of this as types of investiture. The degree, and effects, can be very different - but those people are invested. I term this Innate Investiture, and it is similar to what happens with people on Nalthis. That is also innate.

Or are they simply capable of high Investment (ie spirit web is able to use large portions of Investiture, but doesn't have it permanently)? We know the honorblades are pieces of Honor directly, and the one who calls himself Taln has super-reflexes and strength, but is he a Radiant, and are they all like that? They are unquestionably immortal, and Shalash seems strong, but is that because they are Invested through and through, or is it because they are just bonded to the honorblades (ie. only a portion of their spirit web is responsible for their attributes)?

Edited by Darkness
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Vessel is Brandon's term for someone holding a Shard, I believe.

I still think we need a term for 'highly' invested people. An Invested person just has access to a Manifestation. I'm talking about people who have a large quantity of Investiture that isn't 'normal'.

I'm also not talking about people who can get stuff done, but people who passively hold a lot of Investiture. So Elantrians and Mistborn don't qualify. Their power is great, but external. Susebron, on the other hand, has a TON of Investiture. Many times as much as would be required to make a Splinter (divine breath). He doesn't even come close to qualifying as a Sliver, though. We don't know enough about the Heralds or Hoid to say, but my bet is Heralds yes, Hoid no on the the high passive Investiture front. I just feel we need a term for this, and Shaving fits the theme so far.

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It's not a bad term, if we need one. Sounds weird to me though. It's thematically appropriate, but I would've preferred erring on the side of what's awesome (to quote this one dude I've met a few times) and breaking the "words that start with S and represent a piece of the whole" convention.

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2 hours ago, Argent said:

It's not a bad term, if we need one. Sounds weird to me though. It's thematically appropriate, but I would've preferred erring on the side of what's awesome (to quote this one dude I've met a few times) and breaking the "words that start with S and represent a piece of the whole" convention.

Well they are the top among the magic user...therefore SuperUser (it start with S) and thay may destroy everyone with  SUDO attacks :ph34r:

Edited by Yata
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