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A Glyph in the Shape of Wings


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Behind Kaladin, frost crystalized on the ground, growing backward away from him. A glyph formed in the frost, almost in the shape of wings.
Graves screamed, falling in his haste to get away. Moash backed up, staring at Kaladin.
“The Knights Radiant,” Kaladin said softly, “have returned.”

When Kaladin achieved the Third Ideal, a glyph appeared. Is it known what this glyph was? Was this the glyph for the Windrunners? I suppose that could be shaped like wings since there are stylistic choices available with glyphs to make them appear differently.

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I personally think it could be the "freedom" glyph, since it already resembles wings. And it could be taken to mean that Kaladin is now free from his grudges against Amaram and lighteyes in general. He is now free from the hate he felt.  Another thing which supports this is that the glyph appeared around Kaladin who had designed the "freedom" glyph. Kaladin also greatly valued the freedom the Windrunners surges granted him. So I think that due to Kaladins' nature and the powers Windrunners' have the glyph was probably "freedom".

I could of course also be wrong and the "Order of Windrunners" is just as likely.

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The expanding ring of smoky light faded, save for a large glyph—a swordlike shape—which remained for a brief moment before puffing away.

Huh. I missed that one.

Since Adolin is describing this one instead of Kaladin, I wonder if it is the same one. Different perspectives and all. I can sort of see the WIndrunner glyph described as both. Not sure.

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Windrunner Glyphs.jpg

All of the Windrunner glyphs sort of look wing-shaped to me, I'd be surprised if it wasn't one of these (my money is on the big one in the upper right as that seems the most appropriate to the context), but then again...this is Sanderson, so who knows?

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Also, keep in mind that glyphs can be drawn to look like pretty much anything while keeping their meaning. Pretty sure Kaladin remarks at some point that the glyph pairs of great houses can be extremely difficult to decipher if you don't know what to look for in them. Think: Caligraphy on steroids 

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What bugs me is that other than this, we've had no indication there was anything magical about the glyphs. If Harakeke and co. are correct -- and it seems strongly likely that they are -- they aren't even a discovered language, like the Aons -- they evolved from the Thaylen script. So why do they appear at magically significant moments.

I wonder if it's like the Commands in Awakening. Is it only a glyph because Kaladin happens to be Alethi?

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24 minutes ago, Wonko the Sane said:

What bugs me is that other than this, we've had no indication there was anything magical about the glyphs. If Harakeke and co. are correct -- and it seems strongly likely that they are -- they aren't even a discovered language, like the Aons -- they evolved from the Thaylen script. So why do they appear at magically significant moments.

I wonder if it's like the Commands in Awakening. Is it only a glyph because Kaladin happens to be Alethi?

Well, surgebinding comes from spren of the cognitive realm. It would seemingly depend on what you believe. Kaladin believes he is a Radiant and Windrunner. To me that means either he or Syl is likely the source of that glyph's idea.

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