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Why Shard blades, and not other weapons?


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During Kaladin's fight with Szeth, Syl changes from a shield to a sword to a spear to a knife.  At the time of the recreance, why were all of the spren left in a sword form?


On a similar note: can a spren take the form of a projectile weapon? The Radiant could have a massive bow (like Sadeas has at the fight with the chasmfiend) and the spren  could take the shape of an arrow, get released from the bow, hit the target, dissipate, and return for another shot). 

Edited by Coinshot1122
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What the spren did when they started bonding with humans was that they figured out what it was Honor did with the Honorblades, and copied them. That's why the 'default' state for a spren in its 'physical form' is a sword.

So when they died, that's the form they kept.

Edited by Eki
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On 7/27/2016 at 11:59 AM, Coinshot1122 said:

On a similar note: can a spren take the form of a projectile weapon?

I had a very similar thought at one point and went digging through WoB's (or maybe someone pointed it out to me?) and found this:

Q: A bow, for example?
A: They could create, probably...Well, let’s RAFO that one, I’ll show you what’s going to be happening.

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I don't really know if a bow would work. When Kaladin was wielding Syl as a shield/spear/sword she was one connected piece. Maybe she could shape into a javelin of sorts but not a bow.

To the former I would say because the form of a sword is they're natural form a weapon that is delicate and dangerous in the right hands.

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