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Knight's Radiant Quiz

What Radiant are You  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What Order are You

    • Windrunner
    • Lightweaver
    • Bondsmith
    • Truthwatcher
    • Edgedancer
    • Dustbringer
    • Willshaper
    • Elsecaller
    • Stoneward
    • Skybreaker

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Ever wondered what Radiant you would be? Take this quiz and find out! Copy and paste it to your search bar.


Note: this is not perfect. The first time I did it I got around 200% when I added the percentages of the orders. I ended up 50-50 with Elsecallers and Truthwatchers, which I guess fits me.

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Edited by Assassin in Burgundy
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Huh, I got Elsecaller ^_^ 


Edit- not just Elsecaller (which is 61%) but also 56% Truthwatcher, 38% skybreaker, 28% Bondsmith and 8% Lightweaver

Edited by Daniyah
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Bondsmith. Let's see...

Wise and trustworthy, Bondsmiths unite and lead the peoples of the world. They concern themselves with the big picture and coordinate other Radiants rather than fight on the front lines. They possess the surges of Tension and Adhesion. Their second Ideal is, "I will unite instead of divide. I will bring men together."

I wouldn't want the front lines, like the big picture, I prefer to get people to agree with each other and work together than other things, I just wish they had flashier Surges. Oh well, they can stick string to a wall and have someone be unable to get past, I suppose.

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I wonder whether Ym ever took such a quiz...

Honestly, I like the idea of such a quiz in principle. But with the little information we have so far we really could quite as well draw lots. Or ask Renarin.

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K,  so first of all, Thank you @Assassin in Burgundy for making this quiz.  I'm like, super excited!  I feel like I've regressed back to my Lord of the Rings days of online quizzes (incidentally, Tharatariel was one of my Elvish names...because you know, those quizzes are so accurate, and it was totally not made up by whomever created the quiz. :P) Anywho - yes, awesome!

I did it a few times, the first time I got 38% Bondsmith, with a tie for Truthwatcher and Edgedancer (34%).  I am totally happy with being a Bondsmith (I mean, hey! pretty cool right?) But just because I wasn't sure about a couple of my answers I went and did it again, twice, each time I got Truthwatcher (once 63% another 50%.)


Truthwatchers are among the most tactful and considerate of orders, taking care to think before they speak. They are private individuals, but insightful. Although not generally inclined toward combat, they are invaluable allies off the battlefield. They possess the surges of Progression and Illumination, and their second Ideal is unknown.

  While I'd like to consider myself to be tactful and considerate, I am definitely not private or relate in anyway to Renarin who is the one we all know as a Truthwatcher. As in, I'm very extroverted and want to be involved and don't have a problem taking charge.  Which, I think is more Bondsmith like.

So, I will have to side with @Erklitt - this is really cool, but it probably CAN'T be accurate until we know more about the other Radiant groups.  So, as more books come out, I look forward to taking revised quizzes! What a fun idea.:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ended up 94% truthwatcher, but I marked lightweaver (66%). A lot of truthwatcher does apply to me, but also more of me identifies with lightweaver. I even cope via avoidance, so I'd likely attract the criptic first. :P

I wanted to point out to the person that mentioned Renarin, each class of radiant is not the stereotype of what ever character we currently know of belonging to that order. Also Renarin is still very much broken, I have a feeling he will blossom, especially with kaladin around.

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