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Everything posted by Zoaez

  1. I ended up 94% truthwatcher, but I marked lightweaver (66%). A lot of truthwatcher does apply to me, but also more of me identifies with lightweaver. I even cope via avoidance, so I'd likely attract the criptic first. I wanted to point out to the person that mentioned Renarin, each class of radiant is not the stereotype of what ever character we currently know of belonging to that order. Also Renarin is still very much broken, I have a feeling he will blossom, especially with kaladin around.
  2. Personally I'd be offended if the strong willed scholarly feminist is lesbian. Not that there is anything wrong with being attracted to same sex, more that it is such a strong stereotype and over used it would be nauseating to read. My feelings definitely come from personal experience so I know I'm bias. "Oh you got top score in chem, are standoff ish and don't want to go on a date with me, you must be gay". Bleh, so irritating that you can't just be the person you want to be with out everyone trying to put you in a box. Also, just because you have control of your hormones doesn't mean you are asexual either, although I'd find that more believable if Brandon whent that route (that or bi). When I read through the books I got the impression Jasnah is late 30's early 40's, your lebito is much calmer than a teen. She is also the type to be fully in command, body included. So even of she had raging desires she would not let that distract her from her life work. I bet she did concider or have relationships when younger but at some point concluded it would get in the way of her priorities. Let's face it, marriage for her would be political, involve children, damper her free time, and ability to travel for study. Also I doubt there are quality contraceptives in Roshar so physical relationships would carry high risk on her part. But anyway, my natural antagonism to that trope aside, Brandon already wrote a strong willed bold woman in that roll (as mentioned) and he is not a boring author. I would be shocked to my core if he went that route. Also I think he would have writen it in already. Like mention of Jasnah having a close friend by her side, lady in waiting or scholar. Shallan studied up on Jasnah so Brandon would have had a chance to pop it in with out a later reveal being contrived. (Kinda like he hinted at her abborence to be bound to a man or for would be ravishers). Yes, I'm feeling most of bridge four (as in all the bridge men ) will become surge binders. The good guy side is looking pretty empty right now. Sigil + becoming a radiant would have great appeal to Jasnah pait up. I feel like she would eschew marriage in favor for a work + relationship. He's so calm and loves his own collection of knowledge. Can he read women's script? I thought they were flirty, in that way you can be when someone is annoying you... but not really. When the thread devolved into shipping, my first thought was of him. Mysterious, witty (heh), able to annoy the nobels, powerful, brilliant, ect. He could be an equal she could have respect for. (I think respect is a bigger trigger for Jasnah than anything else).
  3. Granted, it's a magical pie, each time the pie dish empties you get a new one of the type you are most craving at that moment, you can not share it, it's nutrionally complete (an healthy for you), half the calories of the pie it's copying, and never spoils. However, a patch of skin in the middle of your back forever itches, it can not be treated and it is incessant, about the pain level of touching your eye with a hint of pepper oil (just a hint). While pie is in your mouth the discomfort is cut in half. My wish is for the ability to heal any person. (Also I skipped the last response cause it had no wish! And pie is cool)
  4. Wow way to make me cringe. xP. Also just because a shard blade cuts doesn't mean other spren objects would. So you could make a trip wire that tripped. Also on the arrow thing, I'm sure a spren could fire off a piece of themselves as the arrow while being the bow. They could also be much larger/wider in the arrow head than a real on. After all its a spren and not wood and metal. XP as Syl points out laws of physics are just suggestions. Lol What about spren hair clip, for those stormy days or to make a real statement peice...
  5. Or we work so hard it's weeks before we get back, heh. Great catch on the lights fading, I too just thought of spheres. Maybe her final truth is about death after all. Or the lights fading relate to her mother's death. This past month when I dwelt on this topic I really feel like the final truth will address Shalan's view of her self worth. She came from a very abusive back ground. Children of severe abuse or neglect have issues with self worth. They can be amazing at something but only see failure. There inner voice tells them to be ashamed, they don't deserve anything good, they are trash, ect. Basically our parents voice at age 0-6 acts our internal dialog to a degree. There are plenty of signs of this in Shalan, she feels more comfortable pretending to be someone else, and views her persona as Shalan as fake, that she's really horrible and broken. The final truth might be separate, but I feel it will be a major pillar of her last confession. That she is a wonerful, worthy person, or that her father was always a horrible person. I'm interested to see if it ties into her father and mother or some other major even (that involves death).
  6. Ooo, you've ruined yourself for reading now... no one seems as good at storytelling after I read all of Brandon's books (but maybe I'm just striking out). Welcome to the cosmere!
  7. Oh, yes I have read Elantris. I was not aware that it (or warbreaker or emperors soul) were cosmere until recently however, now I need to reread and take notes!
  8. I agree with the various opinions saying it is likely a past event Shallan has buried so deeply we haven't seen much hint of it. Brandon likes to hide hints so in hindsight I'm sure it will be obvious, much like her mother's death. My bit to add support to this is to point out that a spren bonds a person who's spirit web has been broken (the bond being Honors way to grant power), making a new spirit web that is whole and has greater Capacity. So, something happened to break Shallan before her mother tried to kill her for being a protoradiant. What that might be I haven't a clue. Also I don't think it needs to be "worse" than premeditated patracide. Just something she refuses to acknowledge about her true self. It could be a personality trait, or motive that she doesn't acknowledge such as selfishness. I think you are thinking about how her major truth of WoR was about her killing, and so are projecting that into your theories. While it certainly might have contained pain, death, or violence (caused by Shallan or not) that broke Shallan in the first place, I don't think it was related to Pattern or caused by the ablities he granted. My reasoning is this, someone must be broken or at least cracked (spiritually) before bonding a spren. Pattern was attracted by Shallan's lies about her self. By this logic something major that we do not know about happened to her, she is lieing to her self about it, and it predated Pattern and also attracted him to her. Also there are strong allusions in Shallan's flashbacks of her mother's death that her mother and the mothers "friend" were part of a secret orginization. It is likely then that her and her partner wanted Shallan dead because of the goals of whatever orginization they belonged too. The creepy ghostblood guy dropped a not so subtle hint about it too in his final scene of the book (when he confronts Shallan in Urithelu letting her know he figured out who Vale was). He mentioned that it must be a family trait to get involved in groups like the ghostbloods. Your point about Pattern warning (I say guiding) Shallan away from lieing to her self about the pain from losing her art is insightful. I'd been wondering how a lightbinder could break their oaths if they are admitting truths and not "Words" like Kaladins oaths. Your idea seems highly likely. I would like to point out that the truths she has said up to this point have all been from after she bonded with Pattern. Perhaps he was sentient in her childhood but with her mother's murder he broke until she started admitting truths again. My best guess before that was that it was not directly related to truth or lie persey, just because she can fabricate things and it is part of her magic. (Yours is much more sound heh). Edit (new thought!): Shallan and Pattern talk about her progression one night when she is up late (doing scholarship!), it is in WoR near ch 50-60 when she is in sabareals camp. He tries to push her and she breaks down telling him she can't touch those truths as she is only a whole person by lieing to her self. She sketches her self as she should be, a twisted broken wretch. (I think this is actually linked to her final lie). At this point she is trying to add sound and movement to her illusions. Pattern says she used to be able to do all this before in the garden (premothers death) and she shuts that down so fast that you only get a glimmer of the gardens and Shallan playing with the light. She refuses to move on in her self awareness so Pattern sighs and says that she must relearn then. 1) she used to be better at light weaving 2) Pattern was intelligent back then and is regaining memory of it, he must have been broken as Syl was. I think it's possible she was 4/5 back then too and only now regained it. 3) uh I actually forgot my original idea. Hmm. Well I will finish by saying we got small glimmers of her mother's death that gradually unfolded, I think we have gotten small glimmers of her final revelation but not much yet. She sees herself as broken, but I think she must face the truth that she has been made whole. Or something simlar. (Although there were hints of a strong bloodlust in Shallan, she's always disappointed when she doesn't get to fight) Also, I have only read books, just finding these forums and copper mind and not really reading WoB. So as far as I am aware, summoning a shard blade from a bonded spren is not dependant on the oath level, the levels seem to unlock knowledge. So from my point of view, Kaladin could have summoned Syl as a blade and done any of the lashings after the first oath but lacked the know how to do it. And I think the same applies to Shallan.
  9. I have gotten a mix of the books in paper format and audio (which can be really confusing as apparently I butcher names horribly ). I also pronounced Adolin's name wrong until I listened to WoR (never could get the book in the library, too many holds!) Listening to Adolin's name being said a thousand times corrected me. I used to say Ah-doh-lyn. Just a few weeks ago I was trying to tell my husband to get caught up on the wax and Wayne books so he could read Kehz-ler's story and he could not tell who I was talking about until we figured out I meant Kel-seer or some such (I still can't say it right). xP Names in books are always hard unless there are keys at the back of the book!
  10. I just found the site too but I'd like to say welcome home! Also have you listen or read to the writing excuses thingy Brandon does? I'm no writer but I found the couple I looked at to be interesting! Gl with the book, I love that people can write!
  11. Thank you for the welcome! I have not read the white sand one yet, and secret history almost snuck past me but I found it a month ago. I am cosmere-aware, heh. (Is perfect state cosmere...) Books read: Mistborn novels, all (plus secret history) Warbreaker The shorts like 6th of dusk, emperors soul, ect Stormlight archive 1 and 2 Rithmatist Reckoners (all) super... I mean Epics rock Wheel of time (which is how I discovered him) I avoid unpublished works cause it will mix in my head with the cannon and I'll probably be wary of what I look at on the site. Unless I get too obsessive. >.> Is it weird that 6th of the dusk was one of my all time favs? I even read his breakdown on how he wrote it despite me sucking at english. I'd say the ones I've read 2 times are my favs: 6th of dusk, WoR, mistborn 1, Steelheart, Firefight (aha! I guessed the professors weakness), ugh this list is getting long. Maybe I should say my least favorite are the Wax and Wayne books but I still liked them more than 95% of any other authors books. Zoa
  12. Hi, I'm new to the shard too! I'd recommend reading all the major books before looking around at any spoilers. Mystborn 1 to 3 especially, the others would not be so ruined by spoilers I think. The Cosmere is the name of Brandon universe. Some of his books are in the same universe and others are not.
  13. Hi I am Zoaez, also known elsewhere as Zoaea (games or forums). I also answer to Zoa of you shout it loud enough (and I'm not reading). Although my real name is Jessica (which I also won't hear while reading). I'm 31, an RN, mother, wife, artist, nerdynerd, and introvert. I enjoy reading, gaming, science, drawing and crafting, day dreaming, and running around like a 2 year old with my daughter (until I collapse with oldpersonexaustion). My favorite past time with books is to theorycraft, I typically do this in my head where my natrual introvertedness likes to cozy up. However when I get really excitable I love to spew forth my thought and also hear others takes on the same source material (even if their idea is crazy to me I still like to see the other perspective). My husband was coersed into reading so that I could gush at him and he not only gave one worded replies, they were mostly 2 letter words! Anyway I finally stumbled upon this site! Woo. That being said, I've read the books, I have not read any of the extra content or theory floating around the web, I hate spoilers as it takes the fun out. Also I like puzzling out things from their natrual state. That being said I probably won't be able to control my self and will eventually break down and read every Brandon quote I can find (likely as I get more anxious waiting on a nearing release hah). Ps- I have issues with language, I comb over my posts at least 3 times but I will miss things, grammar is a mystery to me, I've taught my phone to spell as badly as me, doh, (and I abuse these bracket thingies). Also I probably spend 5x the time on any given post than you would naturally have assumed so please be kind if I happen to miss errors or explain my thoughts poorly. =) Zoa
  14. Just finished WOR for the second time and it's swirling around my head.

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