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Mistborn final battle + Two steps from hell= Pure awesomeness


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  • 5 weeks later...

Lord Ruler... That really is pure awesomeness. @Doctor12 how are you so good at this.

That last fight is amazing. And the music is worthy of that fight.

One thing to note... I'm not sure how this would work as a trailer because it basically shows the whole ending. But in the actual movie this would be an incredible way to do the ending. It would do the story justice, and that is saying quite a bit for the ending of Hero of Ages.

If there was a well produced movie that used this for the last scene. I would be tempted to wait in line for the very first showing.

Also, I couldn't help but go through the song again and picture the final battle from Words of Radiance, Daliner's speech in the place of Elend's and going on from there... It was also pure awesomeness. I think Hero of Ages might be a slightly better fit, but still.

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Yeah, @Drake Marshallthis was never intended to be a trailer, more like a tribute to that final battle. The song is so epic,  yet the strains of heartbreak are so strong inside. It perfectly captures the poignancy and yet the scale of the battle.

I'm still going to work on a trailer for Hero of ages in a while.

Thanks for the kind words,  haha. 

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On 7/10/2016 at 5:46 AM, Doctor12 said:

Alright guys, here's something I came up with and could not resist sharing with the rest of you Mistborn fans.

You know that final battle in Hero of Ages? That final, heartbreaking battle? I found a song by Two Steps from Hell and decided to put it to the battle. Storms, it fit Perfectly. 


Please guys. try this. Play the song, and read the text below according to the timestamps I put. I promise you won't be disappointed ( I hope)


0:00- 0:30 = Vin, floating in the Mists. The army of Koloss advances, hundreds of thousands. Ruin stands gloating. Inside the pits, Elend is speaking. 

"I ask of you your lives. I ask of you your lives, and your courage. I ask of you your faith, and your honor - your strength and your compassion. For today, I lead you to die. I do not ask you to welcome this event. I will not insult you by asking you to call it well, or just, or even glorious. But I will say this."

As he speaks, we see the people, their faces fearful. We see Sazed waiting. We see the Kandra collecting the atium. 

0:30- !:00 = "Each moment you fight is a gift to those in this cavern. Every second we fight is a second longer that thousands of people may draw breath. Each stroke of the sword, each Koloss felled, each breath earned is a victory. It is a person protected for a moment longer, a life extended, an enemy frustrated!"

As Elend speaks, their faces firm. They hold their weapons tighter. As his voice continues to speak, they assemble by the cave, looking out into the enemy beyond. 

They stood, Elend at the fore, a bright dot on an endless canvas of blue.

Elend's voice rings as they move forward. 

"In the end, they will kill us. But first, they shall fear us!!!"

1:00- 1:40 Through Vin's eyes, Elend bursts with brilliant energy as the entire army charges at the Koloss. They don't die. They don't die, they explode with light just as Elend did, each man creating thousands of atium shadows, and every Koloss sword seems to miss by breaths. The Koloss start dying, and the army punches through them, performing incredible feats. They fight back, three hundred against hundreds of thousands. They flag, but they down more beads of atium. Hundreds of thousands of beads being burned, an army invincible.

1:40- 2:08 Through Elends eyes, the world is white and blue, atium shadows and Koloss. He flags, and downs another bead. His beads are low. He turns, to see one of his soldiers go down in a spray of blood. As he whirls, he understands. The atium is going. They have fought magnificently, but there is no more atium. Another soldier screams, his heart aches. He turns to see more and more of his soldiers going down screaming, and he sees Marsh the Inquisitor. He understands. This is the end. He looks up, and sees the Mists charging, he sees like an enormous angel of pure white,  Vin. Hair streaming backwards, mist flaring like wings across the sky.

2:08- 2:40 The atium shadows return. His body jerks as his reserves increase by a hundredfold. Again he rises, and he charges towards Marsh. From Vin's eyes, the army continues to charge, as with Preservation's power she fuels them, giving them strength, power. Ruin is apoplectic, screaming. Because they are winning.

2:40 - 3:12 Below, Marsh finally grabs Elend, asks him about the Atium.

"We've won, Marsh."

Human goes in to the PIt, to see that the Atium is all gone.

Ruin stand stock still.

" Ruin's body is gone. That is why we win. "

Ruin screams.

Elend smiles.

At the highest point of the chorus, Marsh's axe takes off Elend's head. 

3:12 - 3:44 Vin floats, in pure shock. She sees Elend's body crumple slowly. It finally comes to a rest. She reaches incorporeal fingers to his head, seeing the peace now on it. Elend was that. she knew that. and there was nothing she could do. She finds that she is at peace, because she has let him go long ago. Ruin is laughing, thrashing. 

How do you like that? I killed him! I ruined everything you love! I took him away from you!

She stands, gathering all of Preservation's power. Realizing finally Preservation's plan. 

She speaks quietly. "You just made one final mistake. You shouldn't have killed Elend. You see. He was the only reason I had left to live."

Ruin pales. 

3:44- 4:25 A titanic clash. Black clashes with White. Ruin screams. Vin shuts her eyes. Their essences clash, and Preservation and Ruin is no more. Her body falls from the sky, as does Ruins. The Koloss stop, disoriented. The battle is won. The Koloss flee, and blinking, the people emerge.

4:25- 4:51 Sazed emerges, and he sees the Shards. Realizing what he must do, he takes the Shards, and recreates the world. The sun retreats. Constellations whirl into the sky. Green grass catch like wildfire across the earth, massive behemoths of trees sprout. Ashmounts sink into the ground. The ash vanishes. The Mists disappear. Flowers worm their way across the earth. Colors flame across the land. 

4:51 to end. The people emerge. They gasp at the whole new world. They rejoice. The sit down in shock. Spook wakes, fully healed. The rest of teh crew, Ham and the others, they lived. Spook looks around, and he sees the circle of flowers. 

At the centre of the flowers he found two people. VIn lay in her mistcloak, shirt and trousers, Elend lay in his white uniform, complete with cape. They held hands as they lay amidst the flowers. And they were both dead.

He looks up, sees the yellow sun in the blue sky, he sees teh green grass and the beautiful flowers. His hand grasps Beldre's. And together they walk into this new world.

Fade to black

There is no victory without sacrifice. 


WOW chill bumps a large lump in my throat tingling in my stomach just below my sternum WOW. LOVE DESPAIR ACCEPTANCE. Did I say WOW!!!

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