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Favorite Sanderson Book!

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I couldn't find a previous thread discussing our favorite books, so I made this one. I'd like to see everyone else's preference!

My favorite presently is Words of Radiance, mainly because of Shallan's character development and the farther manifestation of Adolin's and Kaladin's badchullity. HoA is a close second for me-I really love the Spook chapters in particular.

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Warbreaker. I feel it is one of Brandon's best pieces. It used to seem under-appreciated, back when I joined, though I think that perception has changed since.

Why do I like it? It feels like both an interesting riff on classic sword and sorcery as a genre, and on Mistborn. Vivenna, and her arc, is one of my favorites in the cosmere. I liked Nightblood, and Vasher. And I think Warbreaker is Brandon's funniest novel. There is so much absurdity -'Do you want to destroy evil', and Siri's plan, most obviously- but also so much horror; literal horror, psychological horror and existential horror.

In short, Warbreaker is Best Cosmere.

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I'd go with Way of Kings, with Elantris a close second. Way of Kings just has a huge scope compared to most of his other books, and Kaladin is one of my  favourite fantasy characters. It also has a certain compelling power to it, what with Knights Radiant Ideals and most of what Dalinar says.

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I have a tendency to list whichever book I read most recently as my favorite. Currently, that is The Rithmatist. Rithmatics might actually be my favorite magic system, even though we don't know much about it. 

That being said, I probably read WoR most often. So…WoR. 

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On 6/25/2016 at 10:07 PM, thegatorgirl00 said:

I have a tendency to list whichever book I read most recently as my favorite. Currently, that is The Rithmatist. Rithmatics might actually be my favorite magic system, even though we don't know much about it. 

That being said, I probably read WoR most often. So…WoR. 

My answer is this

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I'm stuck between HoA and WoR. Hero of ages because I just lived how it all came together at the end. It really showed Brandon's mastery!  And WoR because it's just so damnation awesome!! 

Maybe if I reread everything now I'm more Cosmere aware my opinion would change, who knows... 

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My favourite Sanderson book always seems to be the last one I read... Funny that. 

But, I always seem to come back to Final Empire and Words of Radiance. But...then there's Warbreaker, and Elantris......and every other Sanderson book

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I changed my mind. My favourites now ecompass the whole of Mistborn era 2


Well, I always love wild west games like Red Dead Redemption, Call of Juarez, Fistful of Frags etc etc

And Wax is sorta like a combination of those games, he's a gunslingin', mystery solvin' badass.

'nough said 

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