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Preservation's return and other questions

Shards of Silver

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I've been re-reading Hero of Ages and I realized I never quite understood the return of Preservation's power. Apparently, every 1024 years preservation's power returns to the Well. Where did the power go? I know the LR used it to remake the world, plants, humans, etc. but does it simply deplete when used and then takes time to refill? Why would Preservation ever allow a situation where someone can access his power?

Also, Preservation's mind has effectively imprisoned Ruin's mind at the Well. If one (i.e. Vin) takes the power at the Well (Preservation's mind?) and releases it, then Ruin is free. However, shouldn't Ruin also be free if one (i.e. the Lord Ruler) takes the power for oneself, thereby removing the power that is supposedly imprisoning Ruin?

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Not exactly, Ruin's prison isn't exactly a prison.. In the end Ruin isn't really imprisoned in the well. But Preservation "programmed" his Power to automatically stop whatetever Ruin's try to do.

When someone take the Well, he manage the Preservation's power (a little bit who with the time condensates in the Well) and if He gives this power to Ruin (release the power) the "prison" take it as a comand to stop his work

PS: Post wrote at the sime time of SafestPear's one

Edited by Yata
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It seems likely that when either atium is burned or the power at the well is used, it becomes diffused throughout the world so finely, even the shards themselves cannot easily extract it.  It just naturally gathers again at the attuned perpendicularity, like dew naturally condensing out of gas, but takes time to do so.

The nature of the prison is kind of complicated, and it comes from the subtle fact that Ruin and Preservation both oppose each other, and yet are part of the same power.  In my opinion, although they constantly fight with each other, their underlying nature is to do so in a way which pushes the universe towards something which has a specific purpose (they are, after all, significant parts of god).  This makes understanding how they interact kind of hard.

Specifically, the power at the well "knew" that Ruin needed to be free for the balance to work properly.  However, it still deferred to the mind that controlled it.  When the mind that took the power specifically used it, it "knew" that it wasn't yet time to free Ruin, but rather to shore up the world and preserve things.  When the power was "given" to Ruin, the power said "Ah, it's time to let go.  Good!" and Ruin was effectively free.

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1 hour ago, Shards of Silver said:

That makes more sense now! But I'm still left wondering one thing: if the power at the Well slowly accumulates there over the course of the 1024 years, couldn't the Lord Ruler use some of it earlier (i.e. at year 500), before it has all accumulated? 

Probably the power of the well is just enough to give to someone some seconds of Ascension. If you use less you can't bypass mortality and actively use the power as highter being.

In the same way as Vin fueled by Preservation's power while he was in mortal form, become a Godlike Mistborn but yet she was limitated to mortals' magic.

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What Yata said. Using the Well when it's full only grants probably a minute's use (we don't know long exactly, but it isn't very. Think of it like burning a metal; e.g. atium has a fast burn rate, but on a global scale,). Rashek had no idea how much power he wielded so he wasted most of it moving the planet in the first few moments, so...theoretically he could have done but it wouldn't have been enough to correct what he done the first time roun

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