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Seon vs Skazed vs Spren

Paladin Brewer

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Has there been any discussion on the difference and similarities between the three? Obviously the Seons and Skazed are fairly similar.  I really don't have much to add but I was curious, and figured I'd start a topic if there isn't one so smarter people could comment and I could steal your knowledge :D

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Scaze seem to warp the light and have a ring of symbols in a X shape, picture a little black hole. Seons emit light and have a aon in there center. Spren are more in the phiscel relm than seons/scaze and can take meany difrant forms from small brown bubbles to vast giant spren.

Edited by Svordish Scientist
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They are all splinters, just from different shards. Not all spen are more in the physical realm however, A lot of the more intelligent spren stay inside the cognitive realm, and even have cities there.

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They are all splinters, just from different shards. Not all spen are more in the physical realm however, A lot of the more intelligent spren stay inside the cognitive realm, and even have cities there.

Technically Seons aren't splinters, their aons are.

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Yes, but we don't know if the same thing happens with Spren, something like "A Surge/pair of Surges at their core is a Splinter"

Actually I think we have WoB that they themselves are splinters.

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I wonder... What if Seons are bonded to their 'owners' similarly to the nahel bond, and when their bondmate is taken by the Shaod, it has an effect similar to the breaking of a KR's vows? I'm going to try brainstorming some similarities between the causes.

ETA: So, the only thing I can think of is that the breaking of vows contradicts the inherent investiture of honor within the spren, which results in their 'death'. Is there anything similar where the process of the Shaod contradicts devotion, perhaps? I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but it might be missing something

Edited by Bugsy6912
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I wonder... What if Seons are bonded to their 'owners' similarly to the nahel bond, and when their bondmate is taken by the Shaod, it has an effect similar to the breaking of a KR's vows? I'm going to try brainstorming some similarities between the causes.

It says in the end of Elantris that Ien is different following the restoration of Elantris, so it could be that the Seon goes through their own "Shaod" and their unfinished Shaod caused the Seon madness.

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Actually I think we have WoB that they themselves are splinters.


Don't we also have WoB that Seons and Skaze are Splinters? I would expect that if you're getting similarly nitpicky, you'd talk about the force or emotion that drives the Spren being a Splinter.

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