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Illustrated SA Scenes & Characters


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On 20/06/2016 at 11:17 PM, Rasarr said:

Wow! I have little more to say than oh gosh, this is awesome. Love your rendition of Veil (and Veil/Kaladin, Shallan/Adolin would be pretty funny indeed). Unfortunately, I can't see anything past Urithiru Knights closeup, but the rest is great!

Also, I think I'd make myself an Urithiru Knights T-shirt. May I?

Try refreshing and waiting for the whole page to load.  This thread is pretty image heavy, and can take a bit if you have slow internet or you're on 3G.

Make a shirt!  If you do it, you should post a photo here and send one to Brandon!


I've uploaded a higher resolution copy of the "Urithiru Knights" logo HERE, because the thread automatically resizes large pictures to fit the frame of the forum.  I originally drew it really messily since it was just meant to be a one-off for AU_Kaladin, as you can see when you zoom in.  So if you are seriously going to go ahead and make the shirt and need a perfectly smooth version, I can do a cleaner version when I have time on the weekend.  It depends on how big you're printing it.



On 21/06/2016 at 0:46 AM, FeatherWriter said:

Don't mind me, I'm just going to sit over here in awe.

@sheep I know you said that you're a "shipper who should be exiled to tumblr" which leads me to ask... do you already have a tumblr? And if so, can I apologize for the fact that I am not already following you and sticking all of your fanart on Adonalsium? BECAUSE IT'S SO GOOD. I NEED ALL OF IT ON ADO.

I love your Veil in particular. It was one of those moments where the illustration wasn't what I had pictured in my head but my brain went "oh no, wait, that's better." And as a terrible Mraize/Veil shipper I'm just going to use that interpretation from now on in my head thanks.


I have a tumblr here but it's not completely up to date.

I like Veil, and was a bit disappointed by the canon illustration in WoR, since it just looked like a faceless cowboy.  :lol:   Brandon prefers no faces in the artwork so everyone can make up their mind based on their imagination.  So I got the itchy fingers and roughly sketched what I saw in my head.  I wanted to draw Veil as someone who wasn't as old and hardened as Tyn, but not as soft and cute as Shallan's outward appearance.  It took a couple of tries.


Prototype Veil 1:





Costume Design Prototype:




Nothing fancy.  I like to do a lot of pencil sketching when trying to get my thoughts and impressions of a character ordered and cohesive.  Then I switch to digital because it's easier to work with and edit when colouring and painting.  I often go through a few iterations from a scanned paper sketch and it's pretty cool to pick out and see where the finished picture resembles the original, but way, way improved.


Navani original sketch:





Shadolin original sketch:



This was inspired by the Shardplate sketch page in WoR where there was a little Adolin face and *sigh* written next to it. :wub:  He had his Shardplate helm up with his sweaty helmet hair hanging down over his forehead, and for some reason that detail stuck to me.  Probably because it's cute. :P


WoR canon sketch: 




My finished version:




As you can see, I take artistic license and tend to draw Adolin as more cute than the hot "Young Elvis Presley" version that it looks like Ben "Inkthinker" McSweeney seems to favour, I still try to get the details, like the Shardplate, correct.  Adolin's helmet has little cat ears, lol.


Because you asked, here's some pure Adolin fanservice.  ;)



This should have been the ending to WoR, instead of Adolin wandering off and ganking Sadeas in the dark.

I figured since Adolin's hair is black and blond, and his beard grows in black and blond, his eyebrows would be the same weird colour.  It looks weird as heck when drawn, though.



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On 22.06.2016 at 2:35 PM, sheep said:

Try refreshing and waiting for the whole page to load.  This thread is pretty image heavy, and can take a bit if you have slow internet or you're on 3G.

Make a shirt!  If you do it, you should post a photo here and send one to Brandon!

I've refreshed and... storms, I love your rendition of Carrot! I could absolutely see a buddy cop movie with those two, and it would be hilarious

As for the shirt, I really don't mind messiness of it. Looks really nice once printed, though I'm not sure if this quality photograph will convey this.


I haven't photo'd myself in it because I'm a terrible model, it turns out. I'm not sure whether to send it to Brandon, or how, for that matter... I don't have a Twitter...

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On 6/23/2016 at 8:05 AM, Rasarr said:

I've refreshed and... storms, I love your rendition of Carrot! I could absolutely see a buddy cop movie with those two, and it would be hilarious

As for the shirt, I really don't mind messiness of it. Looks really nice once printed, though I'm not sure if this quality photograph will convey this.


I haven't photo'd myself in it because I'm a terrible model, it turns out. I'm not sure whether to send it to Brandon, or how, for that matter... I don't have a Twitter...

Brandon has a Facebook, so if you have one too, you could send it that way.

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On 24/06/2016 at 0:05 AM, Rasarr said:

I've refreshed and... storms, I love your rendition of Carrot! I could absolutely see a buddy cop movie with those two, and it would be hilarious

As for the shirt, I really don't mind messiness of it. Looks really nice once printed, though I'm not sure if this quality photograph will convey this.


I haven't photo'd myself in it because I'm a terrible model, it turns out. I'm not sure whether to send it to Brandon, or how, for that matter... I don't have a Twitter...





Have you worn it in public yet?  What are you going to say if someone asks what sport the Urithiru Knights play?  When I made the design I had no idea what sport league it was supposed to represent, and I don’t think there are any named organised sports in SA.  Unless you count duelling or hunting, but they just seem like recreational activities.


Carrot is one of my favourites, even if most people dislike him because he is perfect to the level of Gary Stu-ness.  I think most fantasy written for adults lacks unambiguous good characters because dark and edgy makes for drama, so reading Carrot is somewhat refreshing.  He and Kaladin are both good, honourable people, but their take on morality is approached from opposite directions and seeing it clash is the reason why buddy cop movies exist.  And they’re both around the same age and close to 2m tall, and Carrot’s inherited non-magical sword is pretty much a Shardblade, so they would make an awesome chull-kicking team




Some random art pieces:




“Perhaps if you found pleasant associations,” Gavilar said, “you would enjoy the feasts.” His eyes swung toward Amaram, whom he’d long fancied as a potential match for her.

Prologue, “To Question”, Words of Radiance








AMARAM:  Hey babe, u wanna dance?

JASNAH:  Get away from me creep!



The ship that will never be a ship because it will be even more of a trainwreck than Elhokar and Aesudan.  The reason being that both Amaram and Jasnah are actually competent.  I imagine that if they were on the same side (the good side), Urithiru and the Oathgate would have been found years ago.’



Lashed the Ceiling 2.0



The first time I got bored painting it before I was finished, and when I looked back at it, I got annoyed how the borders weren’t even.  So I went back and repainted bits, and made the facial features more consistent with an earlier painted picture of Adolin I did a while back (it’s in my Gallery somewhere).  I go back to old pictures on a regular basis, because I can look at them with fresh eyes – it can be dull to work and re-work on a small section for an hour, and all the colours blur together. 


I am also aware that Shardblades cannot be Lashed because they’re invested, but let’s just handwave that with some good old artistic license. 




Multiverse Crossover

Alethkar School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

It seems like a rule of the fan community that for any franchise or series, as time goes on, the probability of having a Harry Potter or My Little Pony crossover approaches 1.


Minimalist version




Painted version



Which one is better?

Yes, Kaladin plays Quidditch.  Probably keeper, if he can use Reverse Lashings.  Shallan is good at Charms but struggles at Transfiguration.  Renarin thinks Divination is stupid.  Adolin’s Patronus is a whitespine.


For assigning the houses, I went by one main trait rather than all of them, since I find the Sorting Hat personality test can be difficult when a person is in between houses.  I wanted to represent all four houses, instead of lumping everyone into Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, which some people might think to be more fitting.

Gryffindor – Heroic.  Kaladin, no question.

Hufflepuff – Loyal.  Adolin was a born Hufflepuff.  His hair comes in the house colours!  The other characteristics are hard-working and kind, which fit him very well.

Ravenclaw – Intelligent.  Renarin.  He likes fabrials.  He’s not afraid of Wit.  There’s really not enough known about him.

Slytherin – Resourceful.  I know most people would instantly sort Shallan into Ravenclaw because she’s a scholar, but house sorting comes from the Hat knowing what traits a person perceives to be valuable, and what they aspire to, rather than what they have (because come on, these are 11 year old kids), and there’s also an element of choice.   I think when Shallan’s first plan of action was to steal Jasnah’s Soulcaster instead of, you know, approaching her and asking her how to fix her busted one, and stealing Kaladin’s boots, those decisions were pretty Slytherin.  Shallan is the most Slytherin character relative to anyone else, and I wanted one of each.  Her Radiant order is the exact opposite of Kaladin’s, so I thought it was appropriate.


How would you sort SA characters into houses?




Obligatory silly stuff:


Hours later—after spending some time at jewelry shops looking for something for Shallan—Adolin and his guards reached his father’s complex. By then, Adolin’s feet were starting to ache and the camp had grown dark.

Chapter 50, “Uncut Gems”, Words of Radiance



A Gift for Shallan




Adolin’s gift was never mentioned by name, and Shallan never got anything, so maybe it was off-screen. 

Adolin doesn’t know what to get for a girl who isn’t like the other girls, so baskets of melons won’t do.  But Shallan likes animals, and one of Adolin’s endearing personality traits is that he is mentally direct.  It’s the kind of thing that makes Kaladin facepalm and shake his head, which makes Adolin get nervous, thinking there’s something wrong, and maybe he should have put a bow around it before giving it to Shallan.  But Shallan loves it anyway. :wub:


I copied the design of the whitespine from the WoR sketchbook pages, and tried to get the size proportions right for a whitespine lying on the ground.  When standing up, the whitepine’s back (not counting the spines) should be around chest level to an adult man. 

Canon sketch from Ben "Inkthinker" McSweeney.






The square face showed sharpened mandibles—like teeth, only somehow more vicious—and a pair of long, toothlike tusks that pointed down from the upper jaw. The stark spikes running from the head along the sinuous back, along with powerful legs, were clues as to what this beast was.

“Whitespine,” Shallan breathed, stepping closer to the cage.

Chapter 55, “The Rules of the Game”, Words of Radiance


After drawing it, whitespines, structure-wise, are like some unearthly mix of a velociraptor, a shark and a kangaroo.  With six legs.

I'm not sure how whitespines look from the front because the reference pictures are in profile, but my version looks like the ugliest dragon in the multiverse had a baby with a pug dog and then had its face squished on a wall or something.


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@sheep, I haven't worn it in public yet, but I did show it to my family and they loved it. Where I live, the "sports team style" isn't as recognizable as such (our sport teams have logos stylized more like old-timey heraldic coats-of-arms), so I'll probably won't get asked about Urithiru Knights team, but if somebody does ask, I'll probably say "knighting". 

Fun fact: after an explanation of what the picture represents, the first question was "So you've stolen someone's design?" It's good to feel trusted... ;)

Also, I love the new batch of art! Your whitespine design is awesome, both in flesh and as a patronus, and it's cool how Kaladin is holding the broom like he'd be holding a spear. And yeah, a whitespine is definitely something Kaladin would get Shallan as a gift. :D

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10 hours ago, sheep said:

Multiverse Crossover

Alethkar School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

It seems like a rule of the fan community that for any franchise or series, as time goes on, the probability of having a Harry Potter or My Little Pony crossover approaches 1.

Yes, Kaladin plays Quidditch.  Probably keeper, if he can use Reverse Lashings.  Shallan is good at Charms but struggles at Transfiguration.  Renarin thinks Divination is stupid.  Adolin’s Patronus is a whitespine.

For assigning the houses, I went by one main trait rather than all of them, since I find the Sorting Hat personality test can be difficult when a person is in between houses.  I wanted to represent all four houses, instead of lumping everyone into Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, which some people might think to be more fitting.

Gryffindor – Heroic.  Kaladin, no question.

Hufflepuff – Loyal.  Adolin was a born Hufflepuff.  His hair comes in the house colours!  The other characteristics are hard-working and kind, which fit him very well.

Ravenclaw – Intelligent.  Renarin.  He likes fabrials.  He’s not afraid of Wit.  There’s really not enough known about him.

Slytherin – Resourceful.  I know most people would instantly sort Shallan into Ravenclaw because she’s a scholar, but house sorting comes from the Hat knowing what traits a person perceives to be valuable, and what they aspire to, rather than what they have (because come on, these are 11 year old kids), and there’s also an element of choice.   I think when Shallan’s first plan of action was to steal Jasnah’s Soulcaster instead of, you know, approaching her and asking her how to fix her busted one, and stealing Kaladin’s boots, those decisions were pretty Slytherin.  Shallan is the most Slytherin character relative to anyone else, and I wanted one of each.  Her Radiant order is the exact opposite of Kaladin’s, so I thought it was appropriate.


How would you sort SA characters into houses?

There has been a few threads on this very subject. I believe the consensus was as you suggested: Kaladin goes into Griffindor, Renarin goes into Ravenclaw and many argue Shallan would indeed go into Slytherin. Adolin in Hufflepuff is an easy one, but most people would put him into Griffindor. I have even seen people sort him into Slytherin which made me wonder if we were reading the same book :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: Adolin is the Cedric Digory of his generation -_-

I agree Kaladin has to be the Keeper, the most important player, the one who wins the game.

10 hours ago, sheep said:

Adolin’s gift was never mentioned by name, and Shallan never got anything, so maybe it was off-screen. 

Adolin doesn’t know what to get for a girl who isn’t like the other girls, so baskets of melons won’t do.  But Shallan likes animals, and one of Adolin’s endearing personality traits is that he is mentally direct.  It’s the kind of thing that makes Kaladin facepalm and shake his head, which makes Adolin get nervous, thinking there’s something wrong, and maybe he should have put a bow around it before giving it to Shallan.  But Shallan loves it anyway. :wub:

Adolin is notoriously bad for anything pertaining relationships. While I think the Whitespine is humorous I believe he is more likely to pick up something very boring such as perfume. If Adolin was a wondrous gift giver, then surely a few girls would haves stuck with him.

Great picture, but putting Adolin and Whitespine into the same sentence gives all sort of crazy ideas :ph34r: I keep thinking someone has to have an encounter with a Whitespine...

This being said, Shallan would surely appreciate a pet Whitespine, she would name it Fluffy or something :ph34r:


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Wait, Kaladin as Keeper? And I don't see that as the most important position (equal to the Seeker maybe, but not solely most important). Kaladin "The winds are mine" Stormblessed should be the Seeker I'd think.


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1 minute ago, Jondesu said:

Wait, Kaladin as Keeper? And I don't see that as the most important position (equal to the Seeker maybe, but not solely most important). Kaladin "The winds are mine" Stormblessed should be the Seeker I'd think.



I meant Seeker :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Sorry folks for getting my Harry Potter all wrong :huh:

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1 minute ago, maxal said:


I meant Seeker :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Sorry folks for getting my Harry Potter all wrong :huh:

Lol, no worries, that makes more sense. Not sure who I'd put as Keeper, but I'd stick Adolin in a Beater position maybe (though he might be too honorable now).

Edit: Wasn't really your fault anyways, @sheep did say keeper, so I guess I'm really disagreeing with him. I get the lashings would help, but probably even more to drag in the Snitch.


Edited by Jondesu
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Just now, Jondesu said:

Lol, no worries, that makes more sense. Not sure who I'd put as Keeper, but I'd stick Adolin in a Beater position maybe (though he might be too honorable now).


Adolin as a Beater? Nah. Adolin is elegant, quick, agile. He is about speed, precision and strategy: he isn't some beefy guy with a stick intend on hitting others. 

Adolin would be a Chaser -_-

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1 minute ago, maxal said:

Adolin as a Beater? Nah. Adolin is elegant, quick, agile. He is about speed, precision and strategy: he isn't some beefy guy with a stick intend on hitting others. 

Adolin would be a Chaser -_-

I was thinking of his fight alongside Jakamav against the Parshendi, then of course the big duel, but I think you're right.


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Just now, Jondesu said:

I was thinking of his fight alongside Jakamav against the Parshendi, then of course the big duel, but I think you're right.


In the fighting scene with Jakamav, Adolin is displaying agility. He is rock climbing a cliff and using his Shardblade as a tool, pulling himself up in equilibrium on top of it. In the 4 on 1 duel, he is displaying speed, agility and talent, not brawn. 

The one time where Adolin did beat up someone was Salinor, but I have my theory about this duel. "Normal" Adolin doesn't beat up people, he elegantly fools them into thinking they perhaps have a shot a him. He loves fair fights and he hates dishonorable ones: he'd never hit someone without a weapon, so no Beater.

Quick, agile, nimble Chasers out there to speed pass others in a display of talent seems more appropriate for Adolin.


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22 hours ago, Rasarr said:

@sheep, I haven't worn it in public yet, but I did show it to my family and they loved it. Where I live, the "sports team style" isn't as recognizable as such (our sport teams have logos stylized more like old-timey heraldic coats-of-arms), so I'll probably won't get asked about Urithiru Knights team, but if somebody does ask, I'll probably say "knighting". 

Fun fact: after an explanation of what the picture represents, the first question was "So you've stolen someone's design?" It's good to feel trusted... ;)

Also, I love the new batch of art! Your whitespine design is awesome, both in flesh and as a patronus, and it's cool how Kaladin is holding the broom like he'd be holding a spear. And yeah, a whitespine is definitely something Kaladin would get Shallan as a gift. :D

Well, if you ever go to a Sanderson signing, you know what to wear.  B)

In my country, old sports clubs have the old-fashioned logos, and newer clubs, or very small regional and amateur teams, use modern stylised logos, most of which are designs stolen from somewhere else (Google Images probably) with the club name pasted on.  I've always admired the sleek graphic designs of modern sports logos, which is why I came up with the Urithiru Knights design after a lot of scribbling and messing about.  If I manage to figure out how to fit a chasmfiend into a sports logo, I'll make an alternate design for the Kholinar Chasmfiends, Adolin's hometeam. :ph34r: 

I hope more people steal my design.  I want more people to wear Knights t-shirts in public.  That way I can convert people into Cosmere fans. B)




13 hours ago, maxal said:

There has been a few threads on this very subject. I believe the consensus was as you suggested: Kaladin goes into Griffindor, Renarin goes into Ravenclaw and many argue Shallan would indeed go into Slytherin. Adolin in Hufflepuff is an easy one, but most people would put him into Griffindor. I have even seen people sort him into Slytherin which made me wonder if we were reading the same book :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: Adolin is the Cedric Digory of his generation -_-

I agree Kaladin has to be the Keeper, the most important player, the one who wins the game.

I initially thought Shallan should go into Ravenclaw, but I looked at the HP wiki and it said that Ravenclaws were noted for their intelligence and wit.  And I've always thought that Shallan is neither as witty or as clever as she thinks she is, but she can be manipulative in her own way, while at the same time ignoring advice from Jasnah and Tyn.  She's not malicious, but she is still deceptive.  Not all Slytherins are born evil, which is something that Harry's PoV has trouble recognising.


13 hours ago, maxal said:

Adolin is notoriously bad for anything pertaining relationships. While I think the Whitespine is humorous I believe he is more likely to pick up something very boring such as perfume. If Adolin was a wondrous gift giver, then surely a few girls would haves stuck with him.

Great picture, but putting Adolin and Whitespine into the same sentence gives all sort of crazy ideas :ph34r: I keep thinking someone has to have an encounter with a Whitespine...

Good thing that Adolin, as of WoR, has Kaladin for helpful advice about girls.  If he asked Kaladin for what present to give to Shallan, Kaladin would remind him of things that Shallan liked in the past, like the trip to the menagerie, as a hint that he should get her coloured pencils or art supplies.  But Adolin thinks of the whitespine.  Shallan would call it something cute, like Prickles. :ph34r: 

I wonder what happened to the whitespine in the zoo when everyone went to Urithiru.  Did the owner abandon it?  Maybe it is wandering around the empty warcamp or something. 




13 hours ago, Jondesu said:

Wait, Kaladin as Keeper? And I don't see that as the most important position (equal to the Seeker maybe, but not solely most important). Kaladin "The winds are mine" Stormblessed should be the Seeker I'd think.



I was thinking of the time Kaladin sucked all the Parshendi arrows to the bridge and his shield in his slave days in WoK.  Since he is Kaladin "I protect things" Stormblessed, I thought he would make an excellent Keeper.

But I will admit I am biased in this.  I do not like the Seeker or the Snitch in Quidditch, because I feel like it is the most useless position in the whole team.  The only purpose of the Seeker is to end the game, and if you replaced him/her with a clock or an hourglass, you would lose nothing from the game.  In fact, it would probably be a good thing, because you wouldn't have games that go on for days at a time because of rain and snow where no one can see a thing.  And in terms of game design, for a team sport like Quidditch, having someone that doesn't participate with the rest of the team because he is just flying around looking for the Snitch isn't very team-like.    It is one of those things that I never thought about as a kid reading HP for the first time, but just seems really silly as an adult, because I would hate it if I bought tickets to a game and it ended in 10 minutes because one Seeker owned a souped up Firebolt 2001 and the other didn't.

Because Kaladin's Order's trait is Leadership, I picked Keeper because it allows him to be more involved with fellow team members, practicing and in-game, like how he lifts bridges in his days off with Bridge Four.  If he was a Seeker, he wouldn't have to learn formations or tactical plays with the rest of the team.

I'm sure he would be a fantastic Seeker if he wanted to be, but I personally thought he'd choose Keeper, even if it is not as flashy a position.




13 hours ago, maxal said:

In the fighting scene with Jakamav, Adolin is displaying agility. He is rock climbing a cliff and using his Shardblade as a tool, pulling himself up in equilibrium on top of it. In the 4 on 1 duel, he is displaying speed, agility and talent, not brawn. 

The one time where Adolin did beat up someone was Salinor, but I have my theory about this duel. "Normal" Adolin doesn't beat up people, he elegantly fools them into thinking they perhaps have a shot a him. He loves fair fights and he hates dishonorable ones: he'd never hit someone without a weapon, so no Beater.

Quick, agile, nimble Chasers out there to speed pass others in a display of talent seems more appropriate for Adolin.

Adolin as Chaser, I like the sound of that.

I thought Adolin would participate in Lockhart's Duelling Club, but he can play Quidditch too.  :ph34r:





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10 hours ago, sheep said:

Well, if you ever go to a Sanderson signing, you know what to wear.  B)

In my country, old sports clubs have the old-fashioned logos, and newer clubs, or very small regional and amateur teams, use modern stylised logos, most of which are designs stolen from somewhere else (Google Images probably) with the club name pasted on.  I've always admired the sleek graphic designs of modern sports logos, which is why I came up with the Urithiru Knights design after a lot of scribbling and messing about.  If I manage to figure out how to fit a chasmfiend into a sports logo, I'll make an alternate design for the Kholinar Chasmfiends, Adolin's hometeam. :ph34r: 

I hope more people steal my design.  I want more people to wear Knights t-shirts in public.  That way I can convert people into Cosmere fans. B)

How about Kholinar Whitepines instead? Since Adolin is the Whitespine uncaged, then it would better fit than a chasmfiend, no? I would make me look fearsome on a brand new rugby shirt: I keep being told I need to wear either white or black, but I keep showing up in pink :ph34r:

10 hours ago, sheep said:

I initially thought Shallan should go into Ravenclaw, but I looked at the HP wiki and it said that Ravenclaws were noted for their intelligence and wit.  And I've always thought that Shallan is neither as witty or as clever as she thinks she is, but she can be manipulative in her own way, while at the same time ignoring advice from Jasnah and Tyn.  She's not malicious, but she is still deceptive.  Not all Slytherins are born evil, which is something that Harry's PoV has trouble recognising.

I also agree Shallan's most defining quality isn't intelligence and I also agree sorting everyone coming across as "smart" into Ravenclaw is a mistake for the same reason Hermione was not Ravenclaw. Shallan isn't as clever as she thinks she is which was actually confirmed by the author himself. What she does have, though, is an uncanny ability to achieve her ends. She will use all means at her disposal to reach her goals which is basically what being a Slytherin is all about. You have to be sly, to be cunning, to be smart and to be daring enough to use up every advantages at your disposal or so is how I view the house. Unfortunately, ambition often rimes with evil which is probably why the house had such bad press. I certainly think Shallan would fit into this house.

10 hours ago, sheep said:

Good thing that Adolin, as of WoR, has Kaladin for helpful advice about girls.  If he asked Kaladin for what present to give to Shallan, Kaladin would remind him of things that Shallan liked in the past, like the trip to the menagerie, as a hint that he should get her coloured pencils or art supplies.  But Adolin thinks of the whitespine.  Shallan would call it something cute, like Prickles. :ph34r: 

I wonder what happened to the whitespine in the zoo when everyone went to Urithiru.  Did the owner abandon it?  Maybe it is wandering around the empty warcamp or something. 

The fact Kaladin as inadvertently morphed into Adolin's relationship adviser is both laughable and quite sad at the same time. This being said, Kaladin still manages to give Adolin the only worthy advice anyone has ever had to offer him when it comes to women... Adolin would totally not understand Kaladin's subtle hint about colored pencils... He would totally think he meant the Whitespine...

Prickles? What happened to Fluffy?

They uncaged it and now it roaming free, looking for vengeance :ph34r: 

10 hours ago, sheep said:

I was thinking of the time Kaladin sucked all the Parshendi arrows to the bridge and his shield in his slave days in WoK.  Since he is Kaladin "I protect things" Stormblessed, I thought he would make an excellent Keeper.

But I will admit I am biased in this.  I do not like the Seeker or the Snitch in Quidditch, because I feel like it is the most useless position in the whole team.  The only purpose of the Seeker is to end the game, and if you replaced him/her with a clock or an hourglass, you would lose nothing from the game.  In fact, it would probably be a good thing, because you wouldn't have games that go on for days at a time because of rain and snow where no one can see a thing.  And in terms of game design, for a team sport like Quidditch, having someone that doesn't participate with the rest of the team because he is just flying around looking for the Snitch isn't very team-like.    It is one of those things that I never thought about as a kid reading HP for the first time, but just seems really silly as an adult, because I would hate it if I bought tickets to a game and it ended in 10 minutes because one Seeker owned a souped up Firebolt 2001 and the other didn't.

Because Kaladin's Order's trait is Leadership, I picked Keeper because it allows him to be more involved with fellow team members, practicing and in-game, like how he lifts bridges in his days off with Bridge Four.  If he was a Seeker, he wouldn't have to learn formations or tactical plays with the rest of the team.

I'm sure he would be a fantastic Seeker if he wanted to be, but I personally thought he'd choose Keeper, even if it is not as flashy a position.

Initially, I thought you had said Seeker which I agreed with. I however do not agree with Keeper. Kaladin would never settle for a low prestige position: he is always up front, shining. He isn't a team player: he plays in the team, but he does his own thing, all by himself which is why catching the snitch fits perfectly well. He is the hero who saves the day, just by his actions, so he would totally prefer being the hero player who wins the game, every single time. Also, despite being the Seeker, Harry was captain of his team, so Kaladin could still lead, call the shots while having the liberty to act outside the standard structure.

11 hours ago, sheep said:

Adolin as Chaser, I like the sound of that.

I thought Adolin would participate in Lockhart's Duelling Club, but he can play Quidditch too.  :ph34r:

Lockhart's dueling club was a walking farce... If it were serious, then I would agree, but Hogwarts is all about Quidditch, so Adolin definitely plays. He is a Chaser, no doubt.

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I am totally going to make a knight s t shirt.

Sheep, your art is so good, it makes a lot of other people's art look like a 2 year old's. You'r great. And, you'really amazing at coming up with funny things.

Any tips for a somewhat beginner artist?

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11 hours ago, maxal said:

How about Kholinar Whitepines instead? Since Adolin is the Whitespine uncaged, then it would better fit than a chasmfiend, no? I would make me look fearsome on a brand new rugby shirt: I keep being told I need to wear either white or black, but I keep showing up in pink :ph34r:

I chose chasmfiends because of the alliteration in “Kholinar Chasmfiends”.  It sounds cool!

And Kholinar is not just Adolin’s hometown, but also the hometown of Dalinar and Elhokar, who would think that chasmfiends are way stronger and more fearsome than whitespines.  You can put a whitespine in a cage, but no one has actually put a chasmfiend in one. 

…But I made it anyway.  If you get a shirt made of it, take a picture and post it in the thread. :)



11 hours ago, maxal said:

The fact Kaladin as inadvertently morphed into Adolin's relationship adviser is both laughable and quite sad at the same time. This being said, Kaladin still manages to give Adolin the only worthy advice anyone has ever had to offer him when it comes to women... Adolin would totally not understand Kaladin's subtle hint about colored pencils... He would totally think he meant the Whitespine...

Prickles? What happened to Fluffy?

They uncaged it and now it roaming free, looking for vengeance :ph34r: 


I’m pretty sure Kaladin has been in more serious relationships than Adolin. :ph34r: And being a darkeyes, he doesn’t have the prudish reservation that Adolin’s lighteyed peers have.  Jakamav has probably had girlfriends in the past, but it’s not like he would ever discuss the details.  Kaladin, with his surgeon training, is guaranteed to be familiar with the human anatomy and can probably answer any questions that a young man would be afraid to ask his dad. :ph34r:

Wit wanted to name it Fluffy, but there are no bunny rabbits or baby chicks in Alethkar so Shallan and Kaladin scratched their heads because they didn’t know what fluff was.  Animals with fur?  What kind of weird alien world would have such a thing!  If the poor lost whitespine is wandering around the warcamps, I would feel sad if it ate Lopen’s freshly regrown glowing arm.:(



11 hours ago, maxal said:

Initially, I thought you had said Seeker which I agreed with. I however do not agree with Keeper. Kaladin would never settle for a low prestige position: he is always up front, shining. He isn't a team player: he plays in the team, but he does his own thing, all by himself which is why catching the snitch fits perfectly well. He is the hero who saves the day, just by his actions, so he would totally prefer being the hero player who wins the game, every single time. Also, despite being the Seeker, Harry was captain of his team, so Kaladin could still lead, call the shots while having the liberty to act outside the standard structure.

A lone wolf participating in team sports.  Oh, Kaladin.:rolleyes:

I don’t have a problem with Kaladin being Seeker or Keeper or Chaser or anything, it is just that the Seeker position is one of those fun worldbuilding ideas that Rowling used to make wizard sports seem more quirky than organised muggle sports, but it is more of a complication than a benefit to the game’s design.  Because a snitch adds the element of a completely randomised game time – from a couple of minutes to days for one game.  And the sensible muggle side of me cringes at how disorganised it can get.  Prepare a cooler full of beer?  Don’t even get to finish one by the time the game is over.  That’s the story of my life. -_-

If Adolin is a Hufflepuff Chaser, Relis Ruthar is probably Slytherin Captain, and he and Elit are Beaters.  With Jakamav as Slytherin Chaser.  Would anyone get mad at Shallan for wearing a Hufflepuff scarf in the Slytherin stands?  It’s disappointing how the Harry Potter series is so Gryffindor-centric that you never get see what kinds of interactions happen within the other houses.  Slytherin House is presented as the Death Eater recruitment pool, and that’s pretty much it.



10 hours ago, CarolaDavar said:

I am totally going to make a knight s t shirt.

Sheep, your art is so good, it makes a lot of other people's art look like a 2 year old's. You'r great. And, you'really amazing at coming up with funny things.

Any tips for a somewhat beginner artist?


A lot of other people’s art makes mine look like a 14 year old’s.

The first step to getting good at art is to accept that it’s okay to think you suck.  Because EVERYONE thinks they suck.  When you think you suck, it means you know you can get better.  You know you have room to improve.  And the path to unsucking is through grinding, meaning you have to observe, practice, and experiment.  When you “git gud”, as they call it in gaming forums, you are training your mind to more accurately translate a mental image to a visual medium.  Part of that process is seeing what tools you have available to you, whether it’s pencil and paper, or oil paint, or digital paint, and using them over and over until you are completely familiar with them, then going past that point, and experimenting with new techniques, mixed media, or unique subjects and composition.

I’ve spoken about this before, I think.

For every nice finished piece you see on the internet, you have to remember that the artist who drew it was a noob once, and may or may not think they’re still a noob.

Heck, even the stuff I draw looks like chull dung the first time around.  It is only because I have practiced so much, and developed habits of being self-critical that I can recognise where things can be improved, neatened, and redrawn to the point where it looks okay.  And then a year later, I will see more places where improvements can be made that I hadn’t noticed earlier.  That’s how you know you got better.

A Process Pic



One of the key skills is learning to be critical of yourself. 

When you think you suck, it means the only way to go is up. 

This is why artists have a reputation for being angsty, tormented souls. :lol:







If anyone else has (or is going to have) these turned into t-shirts, post a picture in this thread!  No need to ask for permission to use this art.  I just want to see people wearing Cosmere-related things in public.


Urithiru Knights - redrawn



Neatened the outlines, made it symmetrical, and changed the font of "Urithiru".  Overall design is the same

CLICK HERE to download full resolution.



Kholinar Chasmfiends


Dalinar and Elhokar's hometeam.  The shape of the chasmfiend over the shield is supposed to echo the silhouette of the crown and tower in the Kholin family glyphpair.  This has a lot going on compared to an IRL Earth sports team logo, but chasmfiends are pretty detailed and I didn't know how to condense it stylistically while still making it a recognisable chasmfiend.

CLICK HERE to download full resolution.



Kholinar Whitespines


An alternate team for Adolin, which @maxal prefers over the Chasmfiends.

The image was copied from the whitespine picture drawn by Ben McSweeney in WoR.  Whitespines are crazy cool, but insane to draw.  Hopefully I did this original justice with this stylised sports logo rendition.

CLICK HERE to download full resolution.



Hearthstone Whitespines


An alternate version for those Kaladin fans out there.

Somehow, I don't think Kaladin would want to cheer the team from his hometown.

CLICK HERE to download full resolution.



Character Design - Team Jerseys





Team logos - Process pic



I originally sketched a full chasmfiend crawling over the logo, but it was too much going on at once.  Too busy.  So I cut it down and only used the top half for the logo.

I wanted a diamond shape for the whitespine, so that is how I sketched it. I originally planned the logo to be a rhombus shape, but eventually settled on a shield so there would be room to fit in the town name text on the top. 



Again, if you make a shirt from these designs, the only payment I want is to see your photos posted in this thread!  It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. :wub:

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Yay! These are amazing (I know what to make a certain friend of mine for her birthday (she's a Sanderfan))

Thanks for the tip! To help me feEl like I am getting better, I make it so I look at my old art at least once a week. It really helps. Every artist feels they suck. I remember that. I call that "Artist syndrome" which is pretty much saying, you can't be a good artist without having at least one time where you felt terrible about your "lack of skill"

You're great! Keep doing what you're doing! ;)

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With your permission to use your art, I instantly thought of your modern AU drawing with Kaladin and his skateboard with Syl on it. My brother's really good at designing skateboards. He's even trying to start his own company with it. Maybe I could commission the piece :ph34r:

Edited by Physicist of the Cosmere
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11 hours ago, sheep said:

I chose chasmfiends because of the alliteration in “Kholinar Chasmfiends”.  It sounds cool!

And Kholinar is not just Adolin’s hometown, but also the hometown of Dalinar and Elhokar, who would think that chasmfiends are way stronger and more fearsome than whitespines.  You can put a whitespine in a cage, but no one has actually put a chasmfiend in one. 

…But I made it anyway.  If you get a shirt made of it, take a picture and post it in the thread. :)

Ah it looks amazing. Now I have to find where I can have a sports shirt made up with it. Whitespines are deadly: they may be smaller than chasmfiend, but they may be more cunning.

11 hours ago, sheep said:

I’m pretty sure Kaladin has been in more serious relationships than Adolin. :ph34r: And being a darkeyes, he doesn’t have the prudish reservation that Adolin’s lighteyed peers have.  Jakamav has probably had girlfriends in the past, but it’s not like he would ever discuss the details.  Kaladin, with his surgeon training, is guaranteed to be familiar with the human anatomy and can probably answer any questions that a young man would be afraid to ask his dad. :ph34r:

Wit wanted to name it Fluffy, but there are no bunny rabbits or baby chicks in Alethkar so Shallan and Kaladin scratched their heads because they didn’t know what fluff was.  Animals with fur?  What kind of weird alien world would have such a thing!  If the poor lost whitespine is wandering around the warcamps, I would feel sad if it ate Lopen’s freshly regrown glowing arm.:(

I think it has been heavily hinted Kaladin has had experiences with women or a woman, mysterious Tarah. Still, it is somehow hilarious the one person Adolin finds to ask counsel about women happens to be grumpy, never smiling and darkeyed Kaladin. I mean, if you were standing in a crowd and you needed to advice on relationships, would Kaladin really be your first pick? Though, I have to kudos Kaladin here... The one reason, I think, Adolin opens-up to him was authenticity. Kaladin never hid his negative feelings towards Adolin, he never tried to use him for political advantages which made him appear nonthreatening, still it yielded for humorous scenes. I mean seriously any scenes involving Adolin asking Kaladin about, huh, intimacy would create intense laughter if it ever happens.

Oh right... nothing truly Fluffy in Alethkar that is true... Spiky?

11 hours ago, sheep said:

A lone wolf participating in team sports.  Oh, Kaladin.:rolleyes:

I don’t have a problem with Kaladin being Seeker or Keeper or Chaser or anything, it is just that the Seeker position is one of those fun worldbuilding ideas that Rowling used to make wizard sports seem more quirky than organised muggle sports, but it is more of a complication than a benefit to the game’s design.  Because a snitch adds the element of a completely randomised game time – from a couple of minutes to days for one game.  And the sensible muggle side of me cringes at how disorganised it can get.  Prepare a cooler full of beer?  Don’t even get to finish one by the time the game is over.  That’s the story of my life. -_-

If Adolin is a Hufflepuff Chaser, Relis Ruthar is probably Slytherin Captain, and he and Elit are Beaters.  With Jakamav as Slytherin Chaser.  Would anyone get mad at Shallan for wearing a Hufflepuff scarf in the Slytherin stands?  It’s disappointing how the Harry Potter series is so Gryffindor-centric that you never get see what kinds of interactions happen within the other houses.  Slytherin House is presented as the Death Eater recruitment pool, and that’s pretty much it.

Yes. Kaladin is the lone wolf playing team sport which is basically how he approaches fighting. Whenever he is onto the battlefield, he does his own thing such as when he rescued Dalinar's army: he went ahead, fighting alone. He had a team goal, but a lone wolf approach which is why, I think, Seeker would suit him best. 

This being said, I agree the Seeker is a rather pointless position when it comes to sports... Your victory relies on the ability of one player to catch a tiny object which can or cannot manifest itself. All the while, the other players are... playing the game, but their efforts are worth nothing once the snitch is catch, so perfect for Kaladin. It summarizes pretty much the ending climaxes of WoR: Adolin did all the work, but Kaladin did the one flashy heroic deed which labels him as the savior and the victor.

Adolin is thus the Chaser who scores the goal, who plays hard, who gives it all he can, but in the end, victory does not depend on him. 

I fear though if you make a team made of Relis and Elit Ruthar as Beaters... 

I agree about Harry Potter being too Griffindor centrist, portraying them as the heroic house, the one which saves the day, completely over-shadowing the other houses. Ah the perfect house for Kaladin!

12 hours ago, sheep said:

An alternate team for Adolin, which @maxal prefers over the Chasmfiends.

The image was copied from the whitespine picture drawn by Ben McSweeney in WoR.  Whitespines are crazy cool, but insane to draw.  Hopefully I did this original justice with this stylised sports logo rendition.

The Whitespine looks more fierce :P


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On 01/07/2016 at 0:32 AM, CarolaDavar said:

Yay! These are amazing (I know what to make a certain friend of mine for her birthday (she's a Sanderfan))

Thanks for the tip! To help me feEl like I am getting better, I make it so I look at my old art at least once a week. It really helps. Every artist feels they suck. I remember that. I call that "Artist syndrome" which is pretty much saying, you can't be a good artist without having at least one time where you felt terrible about your "lack of skill"

You're great! Keep doing what you're doing! ;)


Just remember to step back once in a while and do other things if you feel sucky for too long.  If art is your hobby, and you aren’t enjoying it, it’s a hint that you should take a break.  Otherwise it would spoil art and drawing for you for months or years, so that every time you pick up a pen you associate it with frustration (it happened to me when I had an art teacher who yelled a lot and was not veru far from goosestepping). It’s good to strive toward improvement, but I know that sometimes it doesn’t feel very good when you are referencing other artists and feel like chull dung.  My solution is to not take myself too seriously, because at the end of the day, it’s all just scribbles on a page.  I think that’s where all my silly art comes from.  Some people make their hobbies SERIOUS BUSINESS but I am not one of them.


The reason why I post process pics in this thread is to show every cool looking piece starts out rough and messy.  It makes attempting larger scale pictures seems less scary.  When you see the steps in the process, you think “I can do all those steps, why can’t I draw something cool too?”



On 01/07/2016 at 0:46 AM, Mestiv said:

@sheep You're super talented and very productive! The team logos are great ^^ Maybe you can strike a deal with Brandon's official store to sell shirts with your design? I think they may be popular ^_^


I would prefer that the designs be posted and shared so that people can go to their local print shop and get t-shirts or other merch made on their own.  For me, and many people who do not live in the US, it is annoying to have to pay for international shipping and wait an extra few weeks for stuff to be delivered from Brandon’s merch warehouse.  I don’t want any monetary compensation for my art, I just want people to wear Cosmere themed clothes proudly in public, so that one day I might see someone on the street with a design I drew.  Then I will spend the rest of the day smiling because who wouldn’t, it’s awesome!



On 01/07/2016 at 2:23 AM, Physicist of the Cosmere said:

With your permission to use your art, I instantly thought of your modern AU drawing with Kaladin and his skateboard with Syl on it. My brother's really good at designing skateboards. He's even trying to start his own company with it. Maybe I could commission the piece :ph34r:


I’d love to see an IRL version of Kaladin’s Sylphrena skateboard!!!  Even if it just an “inspired by” piece, it would still be amazing.

The detail in the “AU casual clothing character design” sketch wasn’t very good, and half of it was covered up by Kaladin’s arm and hand, so here are my old concept sketches for the skateboard deck design.  It’s very rough and would probably have to be adjusted because I think the axles for the wheels would cover up her face.  But it’s still a closer view of what it was supposed to look like. 



And the “Blackbane variant” is for the edgy folks who paint their nails black, hate sunshine, and ironically enjoys poetry slams.




21 hours ago, maxal said:

I think it has been heavily hinted Kaladin has had experiences with women or a woman, mysterious Tarah. Still, it is somehow hilarious the one person Adolin finds to ask counsel about women happens to be grumpy, never smiling and darkeyed Kaladin. I mean, if you were standing in a crowd and you needed to advice on relationships, would Kaladin really be your first pick? Though, I have to kudos Kaladin here... The one reason, I think, Adolin opens-up to him was authenticity. Kaladin never hid his negative feelings towards Adolin, he never tried to use him for political advantages which made him appear nonthreatening, still it yielded for humorous scenes. I mean seriously any scenes involving Adolin asking Kaladin about, huh, intimacy would create intense laughter if it ever happens.

Oh right... nothing truly Fluffy in Alethkar that is true... Spiky?

Discussing subjects of intimacy would be as awkward for Kaladin as it would be for Adolin.  Kaladin would be aware that every bit of help he gives means that Adolin gets closer to the girl he’s crushing on.  And he probably feels guilty that during the time he and Shallan wandered around in the chasms, he has probably spent more time with her than Adolin, who only got 2 dates which got interrupted by a highstorm and Amaram.  In fact, the night he spent cuddling Shallan in that hole is as close to a girl than he has been since Tarah, which is more than Adolin has had in his entire life. :D

Prickles?  Spiky?  Spiny?  Any of those names would make Kaladin roll his eyes.  He doesn’t like nicknames, since he told his parents to stop calling him “Kal” when he was a kid.



21 hours ago, maxal said:

This being said, I agree the Seeker is a rather pointless position when it comes to sports... Your victory relies on the ability of one player to catch a tiny object which can or cannot manifest itself. All the while, the other players are... playing the game, but their efforts are worth nothing once the snitch is catch, so perfect for Kaladin. It summarizes pretty much the ending climaxes of WoR: Adolin did all the work, but Kaladin did the one flashy heroic deed which labels him as the savior and the victor.

Adolin is thus the Chaser who scores the goal, who plays hard, who gives it all he can, but in the end, victory does not depend on him. 

I fear though if you make a team made of Relis and Elit Ruthar as Beaters... 

I agree about Harry Potter being too Griffindor centrist, portraying them as the heroic house, the one which saves the day, completely over-shadowing the other houses. Ah the perfect house for Kaladin!


The scoring for Quidditch is just one of those things about HP that shows how much it runs off amusement and quirkiness rather than logic for the first 3-4 books.  And don’t get me started on Time-Turners.:rolleyes:  I guess it says a lot that we are posting on this forum rather than one for any other series. 

Relis and Elit Ruthar would make good Beaters!  They would practice beating in the Quidditch pitch, and in the school hallways, and probably in the bathroom too, when there aren’t any prefects watching.  They are smug and rich and like showing off, which makes them perfect Slytherins.  And they are the type of the rival who would make Adolin’s eyes bulge if they flirted with Shallan.  I know you hate Wit for encouraging Kaladin to flirt with Shallan in WoR, but if it actually happened, I would laugh way more than if intimate advice was discussed.:P


9 hours ago, maxal said:

My daugther prefers the chasmfiend logo :huh: Quick question, is it possible to have the Whitespine one in flashy pink? :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:


Here is a pink version, in magenta pink.  Unless you prefer salmon pink or lavender pink or some other shade.   

Why pink?  Whitespines are supposed to be white, or else they would be called pinkspines.


Kholinar Whitespines - Pink Edition



CLICK HERE to download full resolution.

I think it would be easier to have it printed on a t-shirt.  There are more t-shirt printing services than custom sports jersey makers, which can be pretty expensive.  And t-shirt places often have women's sizes, which fit better in my experience than women's sports clothing. 




Some art now...


One more team logo.

It’s enough to have a sports league now.




Kharbranth Heralds



CLICK HERE to download full resolution.

It’s Jezrien or Jezerezeh, the daddy Windrunner with the Honorblade that Szeth used to own.  I copied the chapter header picture from the books, and the crown is as accurate as I could get it.  Since it doesn’t show what he’s wearing, I drew robes, because one of Dalinar’s flashbacks showed him talking to Nodadon, who was described as wearing robes.  Rosharan kings have to wear robes.


Process pic:



I drew it in the shape of a bell because Kharbranth is the City of Bells.  I hope someone noticed.



And because Sylphrena was mentioned earlier, one last piece of Kaladin and Syl art.

It’s an older one that I left plain because I thought the minimalist look was better for a desktop background, which was why I originally drew it.  That and the fact that I rarely draw Syl outside of her pocket sized mini form. 

This was inspired by something in WoR that made me feel sad.


“You want too much of me,” he snapped at her as he reached the other side of the chasm. “I’m not some glorious knight of ancient days. I’m a broken man. Do you hear me, Syl? I’m broken.”

She zipped up to him and whispered, “That’s what they all were, silly.”

Chapter 68, “Bridges”, Words of Radiance






I draw big Syl with floating Rapunzel hair to mimic her “ribbon of light” appearance when she’s in her windspren-like form.  It must be very weird for people to see Kaladin talking to the air like that.

Super big desktop background version HERE.

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Yay! These are all great (again.) I'll tell you that i'very drawn for nine hours today and am still loving it, so. . . After it's finished, I'll probably post some of my art on the Guild of Arts  (it is actually surprisingly good. I watched an interesting art tutorial, and so I tried to practice that, and now i'm on my second drawin. (I've been drawing it more about six hours, and it's only half finished.)

Anyway. Thanks for the tip. I'll try to keep that in mind (i've notice a few times that my art was terrible because my mood about drawing was bad. That's hy it's nice to keep being happy about how good I am)

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