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Makes you remember how messed up some of all this stuff is. :unsure:



I'm still pretty sure all the pugs, ponies, and glitter are meant to help us cope with just how ridiculously dark this RP is. :mellow:

Edited by Kobold King
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I'm not looking forward to the day that I have to write about Adelmo's pulverized spirit when he realizes what has befallen the only thing that he still truly values. :(



That's why (spoiler alert) I really want Vondra to go down fighting. Not keen on writing the broken exile Vondra. :unsure:

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What's the snag?

Partly, characterisation. I was already thinking of Sentry as an overbearing parent at best, downright facistic at worst.

So she's a 180 flip from Lyla. Where Lyla's narration is meant to be Chaotic, Sentry, I think, needs to be more...controlled. Deliberate and precise, which are all words no one would ever use to describe my writing style. So she's harder to get in the mindset of.

Also, I'm not sure what to post. Whether to have her go looking for Vandal personally or retreat and try to consolidate her own position.

Partly, guess what I'm wondering what I need her to do to advance the story.

EDIT And...now I'm wondering how Arsenal and Sentry would view each other.

Edited by Quiver
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Did... Did Edge just tell us that Shiny and Regalia like to skinny dip together? :o



If I recall correctly he was actually talking about an OC Epic named Skinnydipper, but thank you for that lovely mental image and new recurring nightmare. :wacko::P

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Hey all.


I need a (quick) brain-break from essay writing, so I thought I would pop in to say hello, and jot down a few things that have been bubbling around in my mind lately.  Rainmaker and Euphoria have been getting impatient for some writing time it seems.  I don't have time to write much right now, and might not be able to do it for quite a while, but I thought I would shoot some of the ideas out there so you folks can have some time to mull them over and let me know what you think.  


1.  First of all, I think I have a pretty good outline for Euphoria's plot-line for the next three days or so.  I'd like to discuss it with some of the Corvallis players, so I'll put further details in spoiler tags for people who are just reading Corvallis and don't want things spoiled.  This particular plot line could (but does not have to) involve Kenshin, Iconoclast, Jumpdrive, the Vanilla Rebellion, and maybe even other Vanillas like Summer, so I would suggest that Edge, 18th, Blackhoof, Twi, Mail-mi, and Mestiv check out the spoiler tag.  Keep in mind all of you that you can say 'no' if you would prefer for your character not to be involved in this plot-line.  Blaze, Winter, and Voidus could also jump in if they have any ideas for how the other Queens could be incorporated, but don't have to if they'd rather be surprised.  


 So basically, after some stuff happens today, my thought was that Insight would give Euphoria an ultimatum.  I've been struggling with Euphoria's plot-line for a while, for although she is central to the problems going on in Corvallis right now, her just being tied up and kidnapped isn't doing much to progress the story, and isn't very interesting to write about.  So, I started thinking about Insight's motivations in kidnapping Euphoria, and I realized, he isn't that interested in destroying Corvallis (though he wouldn't be disappointed if it was destroyed).  What he is interested in is destroying Euphoria, but more than that, he wants to see her suffer.  She factors into the root of his fear (though she herself is not the root), so now that he has confirmed that he fears her because she altered his memories, he wishes to show Euphoria and himself that she is powerless and nothing to be afraid of.  And so, the ultimatum.  


His challenge is this.  At the close of today's plot, Insight is going to give Euphoria three days to re-establish order within Corvallis.  His conditions are as follows (1) She cannot use her powers, (2) She cannot reveal her identity to anyone, and (3) She cannot allow anyone who knows her identity to see her (even accidents count as a violation).  If she fails in the challenge, or violates any of the rules, Insight gets to torture her to death.  If she succeeds, he claims he would let her live (whether this is true remains to be seen).  The idea is that Insight wants to give Euphoria hope, and then see her fail, hopefully destroying her spirit before he takes her life.  


So here's where the other characters could potentially come in.  Supervising Euphoria and making sure she doesn't break any rules is going to be a pretty full time job for Insight, even with his ability to manipulate his experience with time while intangible.  That means he's gonna need help.  


Kenshin - I was thinking Insight's reason for recruiting Kenshin would be so that he can keep tabs of Buttercup (and potentially some of the other Queens) while he is supervising Euphoria.  While he was planning all this he was spending his days flying around the city spying on all of them, but in order to keep Euphoria leashed he needs to be where she is, which means being away from Buttercup and Rainmaker.  Edge, let me know what you think and if you have any ideas for how this plot would go.  


Iconoclast - My idea for Iconoclast is that, before Insight gives Euphoria the ultimatum, he provides Iconoclast a similar challenge.  In my head, Insight would pitch the challenge like so: "You want to destroy Corvallis and all it stands for, but you never will be able to do this unless you destroy Euphoria - otherwise she can just remake another utopia wherever she ends up."  Insight would also probably try to sell Iconoclast on how desirable it would be to kill Euphoria, and all she sympolizes, personally, rather than let someone else do the job.  Again, whether Insight would actually let Iconoclast kill Euphoria himself is up in the air, but based on my reading of Iconoclast's character (feel free to disagree), the offer would be tempting.  The challenge Iconoclast must complete in order to get his reward is this:  Insight informs Iconoclast that he is releasing Euphoria into the general populace, and gives Iconoclast three days to track her down and kill her himself, noting that every day that passes gives Euphoria the opportunity to slip away, or for someone else to get the glory of killing her.  Blackhoof, let me know if this is something that will fit with your plans for Iconoclast, or if it is something you are interested in.  


Vanillas (Rebellion and Summer) - Corvallis has a lot going on right now, and since Euphoria's plot line is supposed to be kind of central, I liked the idea of using her to stitch things together.  Unable to use her powers for fear of dying, and because she can't let any of the important epics who would recognize her on sight, it makes sense that Euphoria would start her quest to bring order to the city with the Vanillas.  I thought it would be cool if she met up with Summer at some point, perhaps acquiring Shelter disguised as a servant in Argon's residence.  I also thought it would be interesting if she found out about the Vanilla rebellion, and somehow tried to use it to assist her in her quest.  Twi, Mail-Mi, and Mestiv, you can all let me know if this plot-line sounds appealing, and if you and your characters would be interested in participating, and to what extent.  


Jumpdrive- With Euphoria out and about, Insight is going to want to do something to prevent Jumpdrive from spotting her, which will probably lead to some sort of confrontation between the two.  Can Jumpdrive's firewall keep out incorporeals?  I don't have many ideas for how this could go, and am open to plotting/suggestions when I return.  


2.  I think Rainmaker's next move will be to go deal with Thunderspear, do her evening address of the populace and new immigrants, and then meet with the Queens (in that order).  While I'm gone, it would be great if the players controlling the other Queens could start moving them into a position where they could be available for said meeting in time.  I'm really excited for this new plot-line, and would like to get the present day moving and wrapped up.  Let me know if you have plotlines that require my characters to resolve, and I will make them a priority when I return.  In the mean time, keep moving things along.  For the time being, assume Rainmaker is busy being pampered or (later) seeing to some administrative work or tasks, while Skinsaver is handling the bulk of running the city.  Euphoria is kidnapped and Insight is...  :ph34r: .


3.  I'm not sure if I've floated this out before, but Kobold, Voidus, and other Portland People, I was wondering what Backtrack's schedule is like for the next while, and how well known his powerset is within Oregon (would Jumpdrive know of it or be able to dig it up from a source?).  Basically, I realized that his ability to see the past would be one of the few effective means of locating Euphoria and Insight, and since he's thread-hopped once already, I thought it might be fun if he took a detour to Corvallis and the request of an agent of Rainmaker.  I didn't have a time frame in mind with this, so that's flexible, and we can explain by saying that Rainmaker didn't become aware of him until we are ready, but for now I thought I'd check if Backtrack (and MV?) would be able to detour to Corvallis, and if the players would be interested in this sort of plot line?  Feel free to say 'no', but definitely let me know what you think.  


Anyways, I've probably been online longer than I should be, but hopefully this will help get some of my characters to stop nattering at me, and I can focus on finishing my essay.  If you want to respond to this while I'm gone, just be sure to include my name (in red if you can) in the post so I can track them down the next time I visit and I have time to read/respond.


I haven't really been following the question thread, so if someone has questions that need to be answered, PM me and I will do my best to address them in a timely manner.  Thanks for reading!  It feels good to do some writing, even if its just the brain-storming kind.  


PS: Is it Taylor's turn to post in the Dalles?  I can't promise I'll be able to get anything up for a while, but if the muse hits it would be nice to know where to focus my attention.  If I don't make it to post, feel free to proceed and assume that, for the time being, Taylor is going along with what Deathwish is doing.  I hope that helps.  


Sorry again for not being very available, and thanks to y'all for understanding.  

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Did... Did Edge just tell us that Shiny and Regalia like to skinny dip together? :o

No, I just established that Shiny knows an Epic that constantly walks around in a bikini. :ph34r:



Sounds good to me, although you'd think that people would know Euphoria's face, given how important she is.

Edited by Edgedancer
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My biggest concern with your plan is that Euphoria is a Queen, so doesn't everyone in the city know what she looks like? It's not like we've bothered to keep any of the Queens' faces a secret. Even though she uses gifted proxies to deliver her "drug", the common people should still be able to recognize her, no? Other than that giant hurdle, it sounds fine.


Edit: Ninja'd

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I don't think it's such a big deal. Give her a haircut and some dye and I don't think anyone would recognize her, especially when no one would be expecting her among Vanillas. She can always claim that she's just very similar to Euphoria.

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3.  I'm not sure if I've floated this out before, but Kobold, Voidus, and other Portland People, I was wondering what Backtrack's schedule is like for the next while, and how well known his powerset is within Oregon (would Jumpdrive know of it or be able to dig it up from a source?).  Basically, I realized that his ability to see the past would be one of the few effective means of locating Euphoria and Insight, and since he's thread-hopped once already, I thought it might be fun if he took a detour to Corvallis and the request of an agent of Rainmaker.  I didn't have a time frame in mind with this, so that's flexible, and we can explain by saying that Rainmaker didn't become aware of him until we are ready, but for now I thought I'd check if Backtrack (and MV?) would be able to detour to Corvallis, and if the players would be interested in this sort of plot line?  Feel free to say 'no', but definitely let me know what you think.  



I'm really behind on Corvallis events--but then, so would Backtrack. He'll be heading to The Dalles soon according to our plans, but I think it'd be really fun to cart him over to Corvallis for a plot line!

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As far as I have planned it, no, it wouldn't block incorporeals until the moment they became corporeal. However, he couldn't affect Jumpdrive in this state. You could drop someone in on him, or objects that destroy/block systems though. I could also retcon Jumpdrive's PI into also blocking noncorporeals (since there aren't any others, really). However, at the moment, for defenses against living objects, it merely absorbs their momentum, which would still give Insight a lot of room to play with.


Phoenix is still in story stasis if needed.


Unrelated note: A friend and I were talking about the RP, and we figured out a way for Jumpdrive to fly. Take two remote control helicopters, put poison dart frogs on top of them without messing up the copter's flyability, and have him step off a building toward it. His PI should negate his momentum relative to the frog without disintegrating anything (since it is alive), and he can move the copters around beneath him and step on them like floating stairs. There's a huge potential for failure and falling, but I find the image of JUmpdrive flying around like this hilarious.

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As far as I have planned it, no, it wouldn't block incorporeals until the moment they became corporeal. However, he couldn't affect Jumpdrive in this state. You could drop someone in on him, or objects that destroy/block systems though. I could also retcon Jumpdrive's PI into also blocking noncorporeals (since there aren't any others, really). However, at the moment, for defenses against living objects, it merely absorbs their momentum, which would still give Insight a lot of room to play with.


Phoenix is still in story stasis if needed.


Unrelated note: A friend and I were talking about the RP, and we figured out a way for Jumpdrive to fly. Take two remote control helicopters, put poison dart frogs on top of them without messing up the copter's flyability, and have him step off a building toward it. His PI should negate his momentum relative to the frog without disintegrating anything (since it is alive), and he can move the copters around beneath him and step on them like floating stairs. There's a huge potential for failure and falling, but I find the image of JUmpdrive flying around like this hilarious.

Even assuming you could put the frog on there without killing it and ignoring how Jumpdrive should be unable to walk, given that he'd just kind of be floating in the air above the frogs and so have no friction or anything to push himself off from, wouldn't it be much safer to just have him fly the helicopter?

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...she probably should, actually. How ubiquituous are mobiles beyond Necago, though?

Nothing made it seem that they especially rare. Now, cities where every citizen gets one are not the norm but actually important Epics with a leadership position? Seems safe to assume they'd have one.

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...she probably should, actually. How ubiquituous are mobiles beyond Necago, though?

I don't know, but I hope Abaddon's latest post will help with your snag.


How long has Sentry been with the guard?


I set up Abaddon to be a repeat Salem visitor. Sentry should probably know him... unless she was added within the past month. That's where I'm setting the deadline.


Also, Abaddon's personality: does anyone mind if I break the Epic stereotype to an extent? I had this in mind:

He's generally pretty nice for an Epic, albeit a staunch rule-follower (he hates it when people break rules), but occasionally he goes into a rampage with his powers, which usually ends up with about 50 vanillas and usually an Epic dead. He can generally tell when this happens, and tells everyone to GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THERE. He doesn't remember it happening. The more he uses his powers normally, the more likely this is going to happen.


I plan to have him rampage very very soon on the way to the bar.

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I don't know, but I hope Abaddon's latest post will help with your snag.


How long has Sentry been with the guard?


I set up Abaddon to be a repeat Salem visitor. Sentry should probably know him... unless she was added within the past month. That's where I'm setting the deadline.


Also, Abaddon's personality: does anyone mind if I break the Epic stereotype to an extent? I had this in mind:

He's generally pretty nice for an Epic, albeit a staunch rule-follower (he hates it when people break rules), but occasionally he goes into a rampage with his powers, which usually ends up with about 50 vanillas and usually an Epic dead. He can generally tell when this happens, and tells everyone to GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THERE. He doesn't remember it happening. The more he uses his powers normally, the more likely this is going to happen.


I plan to have him rampage very very soon on the way to the bar.


Uh... yeah. If he rampages in Salem, he's going to die.

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