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I sometimes act out a characters expression or action to get in their mindset.

My sister just asked why I was jumping around with a crazy grin on my face. I'm not entirely sure how to explain it.

You put on your most intent face and say "The internet is serious business"


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I sometimes act out a characters expression or action to get in their mindset.

My sister just asked why I was jumping around with a crazy grin on my face. I'm not entirely sure how to explain it.

Just say that you are dedicated to your craft.

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Just wait a second. I know that everyone needs to have limits on Epic powers and stuff, but we all know that Epic powers are generally very unspecific, partially because many of them bend (or shatter!) the laws of physics. We all know that Newton can go at extremely fast speeds, but we don't know exactly how fast. Also, it is shown in Firefight that David has time to compliment her before she can kill him, even though she is so fast that she breaks walls when she runs into them.



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Just wait a second. I know that everyone needs to have limits on Epic powers and stuff, but we all know that Epic powers are generally very unspecific, partially because many of them bend (or shatter!) the laws of physics. We all know that Newton can go at extremely fast speeds, but we don't know exactly how fast. Also, it is shown in Firefight that David has time to compliment her before she can kill him, even though she is so fast that she breaks walls when she runs into them.





Even if you have super speed, you might not have the mental dexterity to finely control yourself at your top velocities. For some Epics time might seem to slow down around them like it does when the Flash or Quicksilver use their powers, but for others it might be more like a truck driver suddenly accelerating to hundreds of miles an hour with no time to react.

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Even if you have super speed, you might not have the mental dexterity to finely control yourself at your top velocities. For some Epics time might seem to slow down around them like it does when the Flash or Quicksilver use their powers, but for others it might be more like a truck driver suddenly accelerating to hundreds of miles an hour with no time to react.

Which is why Voidus has about 20 variations on a basic speed Epic profile. :P

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Just wait a second. I know that everyone needs to have limits on Epic powers and stuff, but we all know that Epic powers are generally very unspecific, partially because many of them bend (or shatter!) the laws of physics. We all know that Newton can go at extremely fast speeds, but we don't know exactly how fast. Also, it is shown in Firefight that David has time to compliment her before she can kill him, even though she is so fast that she breaks walls when she runs into them.



Someone take this seriously?

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Epic powers are strange...except that they aren't, really. Your typical, everyday superhero powerset is strange, and it's kinda flimsily handwaved with pseudoscience.

Like, the Flash. He can run so fast he can walk through walls? Because speed and vibrations. Uh...okay?

Really, the "weird" part of Epic's comes from the (apparently) limitless variety of powers, rather than the powers themselves. Modern comics tend to stick to fairly common power sets -speed, or strength, or flight, or whatever. The twist with Epic's is in trying to come up with really off-kilter and downright strange powersets.

(In which case I think you guys have exceeded Brandon because, Firefight aside, most of the other Epics have clear comic counterpart power sets. But I can't think of anyone like the Panda)

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Epic powers are strange...except that they aren't, really. Your typical, everyday superhero powerset is strange, and it's kinda flimsily handwaved with pseudoscience.

Like, the Flash. He can run so fast he can walk through walls? Because speed and vibrations. Uh...okay?

Really, the "weird" part of Epic's comes from the (apparently) limitless variety of powers, rather than the powers themselves. Modern comics tend to stick to fairly common power sets -speed, or strength, or flight, or whatever. The twist with Epic's is in trying to come up with really off-kilter and downright strange powersets.

(In which case I think you guys have exceeded Brandon because, Firefight aside, most of the other Epics have clear comic counterpart power sets. But I can't think of anyone like the Panda)

Depends how you look at it. We see plenty of quirky or uncommon powers (at least if we compare the nmber to the number of Epics we get to see total) and tecnically the power of the Panda isn't that strange, a strong fleshwarping power. What's more giving us the weirdness edge is that we have no qualms about putting those powers into the hands of madmans. :mellow:

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Depends how you look at it. We see plenty of quirky or uncommon powers (at least if we compare the nmber to the number of Epics we get to see total) and tecnically the power of the Panda isn't that strange, a strong fleshwarping power. What's more giving us the weirdness edge is that we have no qualms about putting those powers into the hands of madmans. :mellow:


In the hands of Marvel, the Panda might be a villain like Foodstock, warping the appearances of lovely people for his own twisted purposes. Or he might hide in the swamps with an army of mutated humans and lizards, ghastly to behold and even more ghastly to deal with. 


In Oregon, the Panda storms a town with an army of panda bears. :mellow:

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Someone take this seriously?


Your assertion is incorrect. Aside from a handful of very special Epics (like Firefight,) Epic powers in the Reckonerverse are very specific and very "hard," except in cases where the Epic in question defies Calamity's expectations directly or else has him augment their powers, in which case they're sort of mutable. You'll notice that David can compile exacting descriptions of what an Epic can and cannot do, down to the range of Regalia's projection and the cooldown of Obliteration's teleport. Not to mention the fact that for RP purposes we need reasonably specific definitions of what someone can do. We need to know if Nighthound can outrun Timeport, or whether Lightwards or Chimera is in control of the resurrected "children." Stuff like this comes up. It helps us be creative, too, like in the case of Refill and Ziplock (or whatever his name was.)

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So if he tries to leave them, does he still cause the mind crush?


Nope. Not unless they let him. Really, the whole mind-crush thing is something that can't happen under regular circumstances with the changes; what happened with Ari was an anomaly, and a very traumatic one for Eternity. 

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Your assertion is incorrect. Aside from a handful of very special Epics (like Firefight,) Epic powers in the Reckonerverse are very specific and very "hard," except in cases where the Epic in question defies Calamity's expectations directly or else has him augment their powers, in which case they're sort of mutable. You'll notice that David can compile exacting descriptions of what an Epic can and cannot do, down to the range of Regalia's projection and the cooldown of Obliteration's teleport. Not to mention the fact that for RP purposes we need reasonably specific definitions of what someone can do. We need to know if Nighthound can outrun Timeport, or whether Lightwards or Chimera is in control of the resurrected "children." Stuff like this comes up. It helps us be creative, too, like in the case of Refill and Ziplock (or whatever his name was.)

David was WRONG about Regalia's projection.

David had an unspecific time for Obliteration's teleport (1-2 seconds)



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David was WRONG about Regalia's projection.

David had an unspecific time for Obliteration's teleport (1-2 seconds)


Firefight Spoilers:

Calamity specifically altered Regalia's projection and Obliteration's cooldown. What's significant is that they were measurable.

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It was specified that Obliteration's cooldown was changed. Regalia? No absolute proof. There is a good chance that Regalia always had the extended range, but didn't show it to trick Prof.


Okay. Let me just echo Twy and ask what this has to do with anything at all.

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Does a passive ability affect your mind as much as an active power does?


It's never explicitly mentioned, but I think it's assumed that it'd produce a steady burn of corruption, since it's always "on." It probably wouldn't be as strong as the corruption produced by using an active power, but I don't think it'd be unnoticeable. 

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