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Hey all! Just an FYI, I have a 30 page paper (my last of law school) to write this week, and my Dad is in the hospital so I'm not going to have a lot of time for the Reckoners RP. I might still post here or there because writing helps me destress, but I probably won't keep up with the Question threads. PM me if something is urgent, but I can't promise I'll get back to you right away.

Thanks in advance for your understanding!

Hopefully your dad gets better soon, and GL on your paper. Not urgent, which is why I'm not PMing, but when you get back do you want to work on Rainmaker meeting up with ThunderSpear?



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Does this Character Work??


Name: Ansgar “Vali” Lindquist


Age: 28


Appearance: Pale skinned, Male, Blond hair, Blue eyes, Fairly tall around 6 feet, he wears black tactical gear that covers his entire body, and occasionally a japanese noh mask to disguise himself. He carries a colt M1911 and 2 K-bar knives sheathed on his thighs.


Personality: Mostly level-headed thanks to being educated and working for the CIA, but at times his temper can get the best of him. He prefers working alone because people cannot be trusted however using his background in psychology he often manipulates people he comes across. He is willing to do almost anything to survive. Has no remorse for killing. Most things don’t bother him,, being laid back is his key to survival. However he does hate Government and tends to appose authority. He avoids Epics as much as possible because even with his background, killing an Epic is highly improbable.


Skills: Extremely athletic due to his background in hockey, which also helps in hand to hand combat. Good with a gun and knives as well as trained in most types of combat thanks to his CIA days. He is educated so people rarely take advantage of him.


History: At the age of 18 Ansgar came to Seattle to play hockey in America. After his first year in the minors his lack of ability was clear. So he used the money he made to attend Washington State University. After attaining a degree in criminal psychology, he joined the CIA. Ansgar became a field agent and was sent off to many countries to carry out “peaceful negotiations” which was code for assassination. During his time as a field operative his codename was Vali because he was raised in born and raised in Sweden. Ansgar now goes by Vali to everyone but close friends. Shortly before the outbreak of epics Ansgar left the CIA and started a private investigation firm in Seattle. When the first wave of Epic attacks began and Seattle was ravaged, Ansgar gathered up his weapons and gear he had from his CIA days and headed to The Dalles in Oregon. He had heard that The Dalles were a safe haven for regular people like himself, that had not become Epics.

Edited by DeathClutch19
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I have a few questions about Ansgar. 


First, he hates government, but worked for the CIA?


If he wasn't good at hockey, how did that help him with hand to hand combat? I also don't really see how hockey skills would translate to hand to hand. 


He's also a bit young to have, within 5 years, joined a minor league hockey team, quit, joined the CIA, quit, and then also start a private firm.

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I have a few questions about Ansgar.

First, he hates government, but worked for the CIA?

If he wasn't good at hockey, how did that help him with hand to hand combat? I also don't really see how hockey skills would translate to hand to hand.

He's also a bit young to have, within 5 years, joined a minor league hockey team, quit, joined the CIA, quit, and then also start a private firm.

The CIA made him hate the Government, duh..

Clearly someone doesn't watch hockey, they fight all the time also I didn't say he wasn't good, he just wasn't good enough to do pro.

Finally, I've done the math 28 is the youngest he could be :P

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There's no need to react with snark like "duh" and "clearly someone...". Those of us who ask questions are just trying to help. :)

With that being said, welcome! It's nice to see someone starting off with a human character. :D I do have some questions and concerns, though.

I'm not sure about him just "hearing about the Dalles". The City Guard wouldn't want information like that just floating around (which is actually a plot point for my character :P) and it seems even more implausible because he's from out-of-state, with no special contacts.

I can't really make a big comment on the hand-to-hand hockey thing since I don't have background in the sport, but I'm not sure how much skill from unarmed brawling in the rink would translate to fighting with his two knives.

Could you please elaborate on how you calculated his age?

Also, what are your plans for the character? Like, what are his goals in the Dalles?


Sorry Maill and I are good friends so it was more of a joking thing, if it was anyone else then the snark would have been removed


Yes, that information would not want to be leaked but being a former government spy, Ansgar has connections to gain vital information, even with the country in disarray. 


The Hockey thing is more for fist fighting and being able to take a hit, he became proficient with knives during his time with the CIA


The age thing was simple, 18 + 1 year of hockey + 4 years of college + 4 years of CIA + 1 year off of the CIA doing his own stuff = 28 years old.


Finally, I'd say his goal in The Dalles for short term would just be to lay low and find a safe place to stay. His long term goal would be to take down the Dicatorship to gain power and try to find a way back to Sweden.

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Sorry Maill and I are good friends so it was more of a joking thing, if it was anyone else then the snark would have been removed


Yes, that information would not want to be leaked but being a former government spy, Ansgar has connections to gain vital information, even with the country in disarray. 


The Hockey thing is more for fist fighting and being able to take a hit, he became proficient with knives during his time with the CIA


The age thing was simple, 18 + 1 year of hockey + 4 years of college + 4 years of CIA + 1 year off of the CIA doing his own stuff = 28 years old.


Finally, I'd say his goal in The Dalles for short term would just be to lay low and find a safe place to stay. His long term goal would be to take down the Dicatorship to gain power and try to find a way back to Sweden.



The Dalles City Guard was part of the National Guard network, but it has been out of contact with any other remaining government facilities for many years now. The likelihood that even a former spy would know their division didn't meet the same destructive fate as all the others is fairly slim.



Wanting to take down the dictatorship could be a really cool plot, but I'm unsure how this would enable him to "gain power." It certainly wouldn't make his likelihood of getting back to Sweden any better, since as it is the entire City Guard would be hard-pressed to transport someone to Albuquerque unharmed, let alone to another continent.

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A vanilla trying to take down the government? interesting.



Like I said, it's a really cool idea and the groundwork for someone to try has already been very well laid. I'm just a little confused about what this character wishes to accomplish by doing so.

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I'm still on the idea that he should be at least 32-35, along with Kobold's concerns about power.

Well he's 28 :P there's not really a reason why he couldn't be.


His concern for power? You guys are looking at this from an outside point of view, but to the character the best bet for him to get back to Sweden is to gain some sort of importance and use that importance to try and get the people to take him somewhere. Therefore if he over throws the government and becomes the new leader he can use his citizens to try and get back. I realize that this is not rational but that is how the character would react when put in this situation. Regardless if it is actually possible to get back or not.

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Well he's 28 :P there's not really a reason why he couldn't be.


His concern for power? You guys are looking at this from an outside point of view, but to the character the best bet for him to get back to Sweden is to gain some sort of importance and use that importance to try and get the people to take him somewhere. Therefore if he over throws the government and becomes the new leader he can use his citizens to try and get back. I realize that this is not rational but that is how the character would react when put in this situation. Regardless if it is actually possible to get back or not.



Well as long as you realize as the writer this puts the character on the same plane of irrationality as the guy who wants to turn everyone in the world into his zombie slaves when his limit is twenty people, it should be fine. :P

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Well he's 28 :P there's not really a reason why he couldn't be.


His concern for power? You guys are looking at this from an outside point of view, but to the character the best bet for him to get back to Sweden is to gain some sort of importance and use that importance to try and get the people to take him somewhere. Therefore if he over throws the government and becomes the new leader he can use his citizens to try and get back. I realize that this is not rational but that is how the character would react when put in this situation. Regardless if it is actually possible to get back or not.

Except that I doubt the CIA sends new recruits on assassination missions. I'd bet that takes at least 4 years of regular work before you get that far. At that point, I'd think he'd need 4 years of that kind of training to be anywhere near the skill level you have him at. 


One thing to note is that the Dalles is quite a small town with a population of 15,000 right now. That might have gone a bit up due to people flocking there, but it's not a large city at all. Why an ex-CIA agent would go to a small town in northern Oregon to get back to Sweden doesn't make much sense to me.

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Except that I doubt the CIA sends new recruits on assassination missions. I'd bet that takes at least 4 years of regular work before you get that far. At that point, I'd think he'd need 4 years of that kind of training to be anywhere near the skill level you have him at.

One thing to note is that the Dalles is quite a small town with a population of 15,000 right now. That might have gone a bit up due to people flocking there, but it's not a large city at all. Why an ex-CIA agent would go to a small town in northern Oregon to get back to Sweden doesn't make much sense to me.

With the CIA it's about potential not how long you've been there

On the other note, because it's not overrun with Epics that's why, also the smaller the city the less people you need to sway to your side in order to over throw the govt.

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With the CIA it's about potential not how long you've been there

On the other note, because it's not overrun with Epics that's why, also the smaller the city the less people you need to sway to your side in order to over throw the govt.



I don't know a lot about the CIA, but I'm not sure that's how it works. :mellow: Is there a compelling reason for this character to be 28? He's your character and all, but I don't see what making him an older character would hurt.

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I would just prefer him to be 28, I've had enough experience with govt. Agencies my dad works for the NSA and my cousins work with other agencies, I can assure you that this situation is totally plausible, it may not be a normal occurrence but it'd be plausible.

Edited by DeathClutch19
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Does four extra years hurt? I mean, hockey was his combat experience before joining, so I don't know what agency sends out a new recruit from a minor league hockey team to assassinate people. He might have potential, but that doesn't mean he can skip training.

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