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Forum for unpublished books


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I've been thinking that there should be a forum for Brandon's unpublished books, so that the people who have gotten a hold of them can discuss them. There would be no guarantee that they would stay the same, because Brandon can still edit them, but we should have a specified place to post theories about certain books so that we don't spoil them for everyone else when we discuss them in other forums. Can one of the staff or administrators for the 'Shard make a forum under Cosmere Books called Unpublished Books, for books like White sand and the Aether of Night, and another one with the same title under Non-Cosmere Books, for books that don't fit into the Cosmere or Short Stories. Add a few sub-forums and it would work just fine. It's just a suggestion, but I think that it would be a great thing to add and I'm sure that there are other sharders that would agree. However, this does not mean that we should post copies of the books on the Shard or send them to other people, because Brandon has specifically said that he does not want people to give out the books that he shared with us in good faith. Nobody would want to break his trust.

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There is a PM for the unpublished books, but to discuss them openly would not be good because people who haven't read them may assume they are canon when they are not. Here are the rules about unpublished books:


Unpublished Works

Brandon has several unpublished works that some people have read. However, for a variety of reasons, we require that you not talk about them. Unpublished works aren’t canon, so discussing them spread false information. But more importantly, they aren’t publicly available to everyone. You could spoil a key plot point to someone who haven’t read it. Simply put, it isn’t really good for the community when some people has information that others don’t. It’s a recipe for conflict.

At some point there may be special, hidden forums where members can discuss unpublished works, but at this time we do not have such a feature ready, so administrators will edit posts that talk about these unpublished works.

For your reference, unpublished works include:

  • Dragonsteel
  • Liar of Partinel
  • White Sand
  • Aether of Night

However, there’s one caveat: if, say, sample chapters for an unpublished were posted, as is the case for Liar of Partinel, then everyone is able to read them, so that means we can discuss it. Still, best keep that stuff in the General Theories forum. A list of publicly available sample chapters can be found here.

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There will be forums for White Sand and Aether of Night, but they will be passworded and only accessible to people with the manuscript. Info from such books will not be allowed in other forums. These are coming very soon, especially White Sand.

There is no plan to make a Dragonsteel forum as that book is NOT distributed by Team Sanderson.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It is a real shame we can't get a Liar of Partinel forum, in the Unpublished works forum.

That is one I really want to discuss.

The released information on Liar of Partinel is publically available and you may discuss that in Cosmere Theories, as has happened before.

If you are one of the extremely rare people who has the whole manuscript--and very, very few people are--I am afraid you would have no one to talk to.

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If you are one of the extremely rare people who has the whole manuscript--and very, very few people are--I am afraid you would have no one to talk to.


Wouldn't that just be Peter and the rest of Brandon's beta group that's read it? Was it available at any other time?

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