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Help me with a Health & Fitness Survey?


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In a few words, I am working on a (research for a) startup, and because other people are unreliable and the only way to get something done is to do it yourself I would like 7-8 minutes of your time and ask you to fill a survey for me. It would help me a lot if I could get a bunch of people to do this (and will also save me quite a bit of money, but that's a long story).


I can give you more details if you want them, but I don't want to bore you with them right now. I will say that it's all anonymous, if you care about that.


So here's the link, if anyone would like to help out: http://goo.gl/forms/WpSqJbc1nV

Edited by Argent
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I answered your survey... Since I don't use mobile applications, I hope I didn't jinxed it, but I do train, so maybe it'll help.


A part of what I am trying to find out is what people use, so it will definitely help :)


Thanks to everyone so far!

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One quick question before I do it...


What's a workout? Is that when you try to lift the complete works of Brandon Sanderson?


Seriously however, I voted on the things I thought would genuinely inspire me to become physically healthy if I decided to download the app.


As for what I use currently - laziness and procrastination. I am the ultimate expert in putting things I don't want to do off to another day.

Edited by The Young Bard
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Ok, survey filled, that'll be enough exercises for today :P


Should've put that down as an option somewhere, eh? :D Perhaps in conjunction with "Carrying Sanderson books from the bookstore," which can easily be written off as a high intensity endurance training. 

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A part of what I am trying to find out is what people use, so it will definitely help :)


Thanks to everyone so far!


What is the survey for? You're trying to sell training programs? You could add placeholders into the survey for people to explain what they like about the tools they used and why. Might be interesting. 

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The original plan was to create a replacement for personal trainers (along with a number of other products), but since that's a little too big, I am trying to find out which aspects of personal training, and in what forms, people want most. 

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The original plan was to create a replacement for personal trainers (along with a number of other products), but since that's a little too big, I am trying to find out which aspects of personal training, and in what forms, people want most. 


Have you decided which group you were targeting? Because when it comes to training, various individuals within distinct groups will give you different answers. In other words, young men, women, beginners, initiated, baby-boomers and those who practically are semi-pros won't give you the same answers. Is the product designed to help the users produce a determined result? A lot of people are training for races nowadays: 5km, 10km, half a marathon, marathon, iron man, spartan race and such. In fact, going to an event is a motivator for a lot of people. Oh look, I just book my place for the half-marathon: now I truly have to go out and run. Very common.


Also if you want a product which is heavily personalized you have to get something which can be easily adapted to each individual training pace and for which intensity can be adjusted. Most state of the art products usually guarantee you premium results if you follow their strict routine combined with their meal. It is unbelievably cumbersome: most people don't have the time to train every day and most people aren't interested in cooking a white egg omelet on a Tuesday morning and a home-made granola on Wednesday... Most people are just going to eat the same thing day after day for breakfast because seriously who has the time to wash pans on a week-day morning?


Also, many made-in programs just assume the intensity level of their program fits them all. Those made for women tend to be overly easy (such as including walking within the session, initiates aren't going to walk in their training, they are going to run faster or slower, but they aren't going to walk: walking is for beginners) and those targeting men tend to focus on weight-lifting while forgetting the heart is a muscle too. 


Overall, the best training is the one which is semi-random, schedule flexible and intensity flexible. 


So how many people answered your survey?

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Completed survey!


In case it helps, explaining some of my already lengthy answers in paragraphs below.


I'd like to work out more.  I'd like to eat healthier.  I am lazy.  I need help to do these things, or else I won't on my own.  I like having a tool that tells me what to do when (such as, when to eat, what I should be eating for that meal, what exercise to do, how long, when I should be doing it, exercises that I can be doing throughout the day, etc.), that is also customizable.  Early on I'll want as much detail as possible (eat 3 eggs, 2 pieces of whole wheat toast, and 8 oz of orange juice for breakfast; do 5 minutes crunches; etc.), but I'll want the ability to tune the detail up or down at will.  I have little idea of what is actually healthy vs. what is a current health fad that will later be proven false, aside from "eat more vegetables", and that's mostly because I don't eat near enough vegetables.


Give me reminders.  SO, maybe there'll be something that pops up saying, "Do five minutes of crunches!" and I have the options of "Doing right now!" or "Remind me in an hour" or "Not today".  And then have the reminders persist.  Sometimes at work I have free time to do a bit of workout, and sometimes I don't.  Sometimes at home I have no time at all, and others I do.  So let me adjust it without having to break something.  It's annoying when I want to adjust my alarm clock for just one day on my phone, and my laziness will strike at any hardship or difficulty to just stop.


Give me hard data!  Lots of it!  And give me a few ways to view it.  Pie charts, graphs, and Excel tables are all equally wonderful things that I love for very different reasons.  Your app would presumably be keeping track of a lot of variables, and I'd want to have access to literally all of it.  Hell, I can never remember what I weigh from one day to the next, and I weigh myself when I go rock climbing at the indoor gym 3 times a week, so even that little bit would help me to see that something is happening even if I can't see it.


Being able to customize the type of workout you're wanting ("I want to lose weight!" "I want to have huuuuge arms!" "I want to run fast!" "I want a six-pack!") would be tremendous.


What I want isn't going to be easy or cheap, because my expectations are high and anything less seems like a waste, especially if you're wanting me to pay money for it.  

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So how many people answered your survey?


I am, more or less, accounting for all these things. Unfortunately, my time is a little limited (and my partners in this seem a little too focused on the long run), so in the early stage I need to focus on something very generic, and work from there. A big selling point of the business is the data gathering and analysis aspect of it, which - once we have a good number of people using our products - should allow is to drastically increase customization and personalization. Ideally, years from now, we'd like to cover people from all ages, genders, body types, fitness levels, and goals, but we need a few stepping stones on the way there. So yes, I am considering everything I can think of, but I can't realistically target everyone in the beginning. So we'll probably go for the safe "males in their prime" demographic first, then expand to females, and then move to other age groups; the catering to varying intensities should kind of come for free on the way. 


As for how many people, not as many as I would've liked... I personally am staying away from results for another week or so, since I don't want early trends in the data to influence me, but we are still under a hundred, and that gives me the sads.





All this is pretty much what I and my team are hoping to accomplish. As I explained above, we can't do everything at once, so our early goals are to just have something that is accurate, not wrong, and verified - if limited - and continuously build up from there. Being able to customize the living hell out of your workout routine is a very important aspect of what we are doing, and so is the ability to cater to virtually everyone, but it won't come quick (though we hope to make it come cheap - we are not in this to make millions, though that'd be nice, we are in this to make being healthy and fit as easy and painless as possible). What you are saying is more or less what we are aiming for. How long it will take us to get there, and how successful we will be... only time can tell.

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(though we hope to make it come cheap - we are not in this to make millions, though that'd be nice, we are in this to make being healthy and fit as easy and painless as possible). What you are saying is more or less what we are aiming for. How long it will take us to get there, and how successful we will be... only time can tell.

i appreciate this more than most might imagine.  i spent most of a saturday doing nothing but trying to figure out a fitness and meal plan for myself.  and i ended up with, 'stuff it.  this is complicated, hard, and contradictory even within the same website.  i'll just try to eat more veggies and run more.'  it has not worked well for me, although i do eat eat veggies with some meals and i run at least once a week, so it's still an improvement.


maybe my google-fu was bad that day, but i literally spent hours and came away as clueless as i went into it.  i was able to teach myself the basics of physics in the same amount of time (because the teacher kept wanting me to draw pictures and i wanted math and numbers).  


i'll share the link with some friends, and see if i can help you get some more numbers (no promises).

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Have posted the link to the literally single-digit followers I have that hang off of my every word.  One of them is my mom.  So, you'll probably have at least one more survey completed, since I also did the survey thing she was posting about.


Considering tweeting the link directly to Kevin Bacon and then using the power of reverse degrees of Bacon to further disseminate it to the wild.  Think it's worth doing, or not really?  Also, it's 2am and I just got off of a scheduled 30 minute work call that lasted 4 hours, so my brain is basically mush--please excuse any insanity or stupidity that rises above what I usually spew forth :)

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