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Koloss [Secret History Spoilers]


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In Secret History dead Koloss appeared as Humans in Scadsmar (my pet name for Scadrial's Cognitive realm). Now that Sazed has changed the nature of Koloss, do dead Koloss appear as Koloss, or humans?

(Probably still humans would be my guess).

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In Secret History dead Koloss appeared as Humans in Scadsmar (my pet name for Scadrial's Cognitive realm). Now that Sazed has changed the nature of Koloss, do dead Koloss appear as Koloss, or humans?

(Probably still humans would be my guess).


I smell an addition to the "Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon" coming...

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In Secret History dead Koloss appeared as Humans in Scadsmar (my pet name for Scadrial's Cognitive realm). Now that Sazed has changed the nature of Koloss, do dead Koloss appear as Koloss, or humans?

(Probably still humans would be my guess).


Probably humans if they're hemalurgically spiked for any reason, and Koloss-blooded if they're not.


I always thought of Scadrial's Cognitive Realm as the Plane of Mists myself. Scadsmar is waaay too similar to Shadesmar to be recognisable is different IMO.

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Probably humans if they're hemalurgically spiked for any reason, and Koloss-blooded if they're not.

I always thought of Scadrial's Cognitive Realm as the Plane of Mists myself. Scadsmar is waaay too similar to Shadesmar to be recognisable is different IMO.

Yeah, Scadsmar was "inspired" by Shadesmar, and it's only a pet name.
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They'd show up as Koloss-blooded, since they're a true breeding species now, and they'll probably still show up as Koloss-blooded if they accepted the spikes as I believe the 'spikes' are just a cultural thing, and have no actual hemalurgic charge. (haven't read Alloy of Law in a while, might be wrong) but even if they did have a hemalurgic charge, I believe a Koloss would still show up in the realm, as now they're not actually created from humans, rather, they're basically just taking a spike, like Vin's earring. When inquisitors die, they (probably) don't show up as 16+ people in the Cognitive realm, just what they looked like before they became an inquisitor. 

Edited by Onceler
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They'd show up as Koloss-blooded, since they're a true breeding species now, and they'll probably still show up as Koloss-blooded if they accepted the spikes as I believe the 'spikes' are just a cultural thing, and have no actual hemalurgic charge. (haven't read Alloy of Law in a while, might be wrong) but even if they did have a hemalurgic charge, I believe a Koloss would still show up in the realm, as now they're not actually created from humans, rather, they're basically just taking a spike, like Vin's earring. When inquisitors die, they (probably) don't show up as 16+ people in the Cognitive realm, just what they looked like before they became an inquisitor. 


The spikes still have a hemalurgic charge, (otherwise the kigs in question couldn't graduate to full koloss in the first place) but they don't require multiple deaths to create anymore.  And when they die they'd just show up in the Cognitive Realm like before they took the spikes.  

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