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Rebellium (humor)


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After many years of research, we have finally discovered a new metal called “Rebellium.” It was used by one of the insurgent groups, called The New Hope, which sought to destroy The Lord Ruler early in his reign. The symbol is a this crescent with a nail pinned through its center, the head split twice.

The powers it granted were strange indeed. Reports indicate that mistings able to burn it (called Jeh-di) have suggestive mind control powers, not just in emotional control but the ability to implant thoughts. They were also able to Push and Pull all sorts of objects, not just metallic ones. They simply referred to this odd metallic art as “The Force.” Stories also tell of swords made of light wielded by these Jeh-di to great effect. These “lightblades” were able to cut through any object, living or dead, though there was said to be some resistance when cutting through living objects.

There was a bloody conflict wherein the Final Empire struck back. This was one time that The Lord Ruler used the Kandra openly in battle. At first The New Hope were unaware of the Kandra and couldn’t understand what this phantom menace was. Once the truth was revealed, they started referring to it as The Kandra War.

Some members of The New Hope survived and prospered. One prominent member’s grandson started house Lukiel. Another made a great deal of profit creating roads and canals for faster travel in the Kessel region far to the South.

There are partial records of prophecies that the Jeh-di will return and that “The Force” will awaken once more. There is a reference as well to someone or something called “The Sith” getting revenge.

Clearly further study is needed to discover how much of this information is purely the fancy of hundreds of years of retelling and how much was true.


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"Rebellium" - I have heard myths whispered in the depths about this rare metal and the Jeh-Di who wield its power. Perhaps these sabers of light come from others worlds such as the shard blades mentioned in the old tales. I believe clones made from breaths with no true life are starting some type of war. We all must keep our ears to the ground and a keen life sense if we want to survive the upcoming trials. May the Force Be With You!  

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