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Navy Seon

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The only thing I can think of is that there is a WoB that Hoid was pleasantly surprised when he first saw the Ryshadium, which has been interpretted by many as a clue that they are a fairly unique creature and more than just an exceptionally intelligent breed of horse, but the WoB could also just mean that Hoid was surprised to see Ryshadium on Roshar. I guess we'll have to RAFO.

Edited by King's Twit
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I do believe that there are either theories or WoBs that a Ryshadium is one of the things many KR got as they...well, for lack of a better term, leveled up. So a Spren bonding to a Horse isn't that unlikely. Who knows, maybe the first Ryshadium were Spren who...wait for it...became horses!

A bit silly, I know, but think of it like this: As a KR speaks more oaths, their spren can have more impact on the physical world (the Lift Interlude). So. Shardblade = the ability to kill Voidbringers and Thunderclasts. Shardplate = The ability to SURVIVE killing Voidbringers and Thunderclasts. Ryshadium would just = the ability for KR to GET to Voidbringers and Thunderclasts. Not every order had a travel Surge--would an Edgedancer really want to perpetually burn Stormlight in order to get to a location, or take the time (and Stormlight) to use an Oathgate if they could instead just use a supernaturally fast and bonded horse? It seems like it would make sense. 

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What if it is a Horse that developed a bond with a spren?  


I like this theory, When Adolin's Ryshadium died in Radiance though we didn't see any spren, of course this was in the heat of battle and he was overcome by rage so he might not have seen them. But Ryshadium definitely have something special going on. 

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I'd like to point out Brandon once said the Rhysadium weren't exclusive the the Radiants... My understanding is while they were mostly bonded to Radiants, they could choose to bond a non-Radiant, hence the fact Rhysadium have been bonding riders even if Radiants have gone out of existence.


I have no idea what a Rhysadium, but it is obvious rider and horse share a bond. Sureblood is able to sense Adolin's emotions and react as a counter-factor by trying to cheer him up when he is bummed and so on. Adolin also says Gallant's mane feel off to him and he is not comfortable riding him. When Sureblood dies, Adolin feels the backslash of a bond being severed. It is a lesser bond than a Nahel bond, but it is one.


It this makes sense a spren would be involved unless Rhysadium are sprens themselves... but I don't think Rhysadiums magically appears when a knight progresses far enough... You likely have more chance of bonding one if your are a Radiant, but I suspect everyone has to go through the same process: to bond a Rhysadium you must first want one which is why I don't think Kaladin will ever bond one.

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Alternative to the horses being something specifically related to the Knights: the cradle of mankind is supposed to be the same planet that the shardholders and Hoid are originally from, right? Hoid's source of surprise could just be that Ryshadium are more directly related to horses from Yolen (in terms of size, appearance, temperament, intelligence, etc.) rather than anything that evolved on Roshar. 

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Welcome to the forums hoidydoidy! 


Why do you think that the Ryshadium are related to the horses from Yolen? It's possible, but I don't think it's likely. Since Roshar only has .7 earth gravity, the Ryshadium look a lot like Roshar animals, I think. They grow more due to the lack of gravity.

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Wouldn't lower gravity actually weaken muscles and bones normally?

Shinovar is really the only place with anything remotely comparable to horses as well, with the Earthlike environment (something it shares With nearly every other world). "Roshar animals" are pretty much primarily crustaceans with the odd skyeel or two.

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I always thought that animals like Chasmfiends and Rockbuds, which are very large, were only possible with such low gravity. You're probably right about the horses though, they don't seem very Rosharian. Why Yolen though? Are there even horses on Yolen?

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I always thought that animals like Chasmfiends and Rockbuds, which are very large, were only possible with such low gravity. You're probably right about the horses though, they don't seem very Rosharian. Why Yolen though? Are there even horses on Yolen?

Yeah...there are.  I don't recall anything about them being unusually large or smart though.

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I think this is the closest thing we have to knowledge on them.


Interview: Mar 8th, 2014 JamHeretic ()
Why are Ryshadium cooler than regular horses? I suspect a spren bond.
Brandon Sanderson ()
There is Investiture involved.


Investiture would explain why they are large and strong, even with the weaker gravity. It could be they are splinters of Honor similar to the spren.

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Or they could be using Stormlight in a different way.


Remember just because Radiants use Spren to access their powers doesn't necessarily mean that's the only way you can do things on Roshar.

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