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[Spoiler] Wayne reading Sci-fi book


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So, I'm re-reading BoM after the gravedigging wayne and marasi are back at the hotel and wayne is reading


"Wayne put his feet up on the table in their hotel suite, a new book open in front of him.  he'd picked it up earlier, when poking through the city.

   "you oughtta read this thing, mara," he called to Marasi, who paced back and forth behind his couch.  "Strangest thing you ever heard.  These blokes, they build this ship, right? Only it's meant to go up.  uses a big explosion or some such to send it to the stars.  These other blokes steal it, right, and there's seven of them, all convicts.  they go lookin' for plunder, but end up on this star what has no--"" page 242


my point of bringing this up is I don't know if its  alluding or foreshadowing to the ship/blimp they will find and the southerners looking for the bands and the stars bit is just fiction? Or if its a clue as to how trell or autonomy, there's so many theories flying around, got to scadrial maybe?


What do you all think?

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So, I'm re-reading BoM after the gravedigging wayne and marasi are back at the hotel and wayne is reading


"Wayne put his feet up on the table in their hotel suite, a new book open in front of him.  he'd picked it up earlier, when poking through the city.

   "you oughtta read this thing, mara," he called to Marasi, who paced back and forth behind his couch.  "Strangest thing you ever heard.  These blokes, they build this ship, right? Only it's meant to go up.  uses a big explosion or some such to send it to the stars.  These other blokes steal it, right, and there's seven of them, all convicts.  they go lookin' for plunder, but end up on this star what has no--"" page 242


my point of bringing this up is I don't know if its  alluding or foreshadowing to the ship/blimp they will find and the southerners looking for the bands and the stars bit is just fiction? Or if its a clue as to how trell or autonomy, there's so many theories flying around, got to scadrial maybe?


What do you all think?

It could be. I didn't see it as having any real hidden meaning. Possibly doing what Jules Verne did for us with 20k Leagues. Just planting the idea of something new that others, in the future, will make a reality.
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Wayne was reading another book (about bunnies) that was pretty clearly a reference to Watership Down.


Maybe this is a reference to Blake's Seven?



You're right, it does sound similar to the plot of Blake's Seven. Well the seven people stealing a space ship part does lol. I've never read it, but it sounds like a fun book.

I'm still learning toward sci-fi in world playing the same part it does in our world, which is injecting the seed of innovation and invention.

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Wayne was reading another book (about bunnies) that was pretty clearly a reference to Watership Down.


Maybe this is a reference to Blake's Seven?



blake's seven sounds cool 



It could be. I didn't see it as having any real hidden meaning. Possibly doing what Jules Verne did for us with 20k Leagues. Just planting the idea of something new that others, in the future, will make a reality.

could be


I'm starting to wonder if Wayne's Twinborn "effect" is a weird reality-warp that causes books from our universe to drop into his pocket.


What can I say?  Time bubbles are strange.



talking about reality warp...i don't know if its been mentioned but does wax have the same powers as marasi but through a different process? when he increases his weight does he warp time-space that time speeds up for people away from him, and for those close to him time slows down? 

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I'm pretty certain that the upper limit to how much weight you can store/tap means that he couldn't possibly cause time dilation effects.


And since we don't get any better idea of what Wayne's 'plus effect' is in this book (at least notihng jumped out at me) the idea that he can unconsciously teleport books from our world into his works for me. :D But really, I think it's just a reminder that Scadrial loves a good story as much as we do and is a reminder that at some point in time, they'll figure out how to make those stories a reality.

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I'm pretty certain that the upper limit to how much weight you can store/tap means that he couldn't possibly cause time dilation effects.


And since we don't get any better idea of what Wayne's 'plus effect' is in this book (at least notihng jumped out at me) the idea that he can unconsciously teleport books from our world into his works for me. :D But really, I think it's just a reminder that Scadrial loves a good story as much as we do and is a reminder that at some point in time, they'll figure out how to make those stories a reality.


As High Priestess of the Church of Wayne, it is my solemn duty to seek out ridiculous ideas about what things Wayne can do.  ^_^

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talking about reality warp...i don't know if its been mentioned but does wax have the same powers as marasi but through a different process? when he increases his weight does he warp time-space that time speeds up for people away from him, and for those close to him time slows down? 


I mean, technically you warp time-space, and so does everything that has a mass; the time dilation effects would be insignificant at those weights though.  I'm not going to do the calculations, but I'm guessing that even if you stored 99% of your weight for your entire life, that still wouldn't be enough to create any noticeable time dilation effects...also if you did manage to increase your weight that much, you would probably break the planet you are standing on, and/or mess with its orbit around the sun, and everything around you would come crashing towards you and probably kill you.


Also you forgot that Wax would have the same powers as Wayne when Wax makes himself lighter...PHYSICS!  B)

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talking about reality warp...i don't know if its been mentioned but does wax have the same powers as marasi but through a different process? when he increases his weight does he warp time-space that time speeds up for people away from him, and for those close to him time slows down? 

Maybe I missed something offensive here, but the downvote button is not an "I disagree" button, so I put this post back to neutral.


In regards to the quoted comment, I recall Brandon mentioning something specific about the Higg's field? I don't have my references with me, but it was something like that. Either way, gravity is already trippy enough in regards to spacetime, it's hard to say much about it.


Back on topic, it sounds to me like he's just reading a normal science-fiction book, and I do agree that the parallels to Blake's Seven are compelling. Occam's Razor leaves me thinking it's just a reference, but I guess when it comes to Brandon you can't ever be too careful.

Edited by Observer
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Eventually if this keeps up Wayne's going to mention reading this crazy book about a world where people can give life to inanimate objects and come back from the dead as investiture vampires. Sanderception.


as long its not the sparkly kind

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Wayne was reading another book (about bunnies) that was pretty clearly a reference to Watership Down.


Maybe this is a reference to Blake's Seven?




It could be, except that's not a book. It's a TV series and Blake's 7 were actually five human convicts, Zen, who was the Liberator's onboard computer and Orac - a grumpy, super-snarky, super computer (who, as it was the 70s, was actually a perspex box with fairy lights in it! :D ).


blake's seven sounds cool 



It really, really is. It was my introduction to sci-fi television and is still one of the best examples of the genre in my opinion. I have all five seasons on old style VHS  :ph34r:. It was one of the fist sci-fi to be properly dystopian and, like the old Doctor Whos of the same era, it transcends the really basic special effects and truly awful costumes because of top quality plots and scripts. and the ending ..... I don't thing anything else I've ever seen has ended quite like it ...

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